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    Read this: Connie
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    Rumor has it (I read way too much People magazine!) that Garner didn't want to work with ex-boyfriend Vartan anymore after marrying Ben Affleck. So she asked to have him written off. Is this true? I don't know but I have read it (I am ashamed to say!). I used to love this show but I'm not...
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    OT - Threshold (tv show)

    Hi everyone The one thing my parents asked me to do for them while they are on vacation was to tape this show, which of course, I forgot to do. Does anyone have it on tape? I would be more than willing to reimburse postage, buy your tape, whatever! If anyone can bail me out of the...
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    Help for Low Protein Diet Info Please

    There are lots of books on You could also check your local library, they will...
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    cathe- premixes

    I really love the premixes on the DVDs. It really allows me to choose a workout that fits the time I have available to workout. That really means a lot when you have kids! Please reconsider and include premixes. I know that there have been other fitness DVDs that don't have premixes, and I...
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    FYI: Vegan Glucosamine!

    I am so thrilled with the marshmallow news! I have checked for them over the years with no luck. Now I am so happy! And 2 sources too. Thanks! Connie
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    Any Illinois (Chicago) Cathe fans?

    Elgin Hi! I live in Elgin, IL just outside of Chicago. We've been here a little over 2 years. We moved from just south of Green Bay, WI. We love it here. Connie
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    New studio?

    LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-02 AT 08:07PM (Est)[p]Hi! I was just wondering if the new videos are going to be filmed at Cathe's new place (which is going to have its own filming studio, isn't it?). Connie
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    Anyone relocate mid-pregnancy?

    Not mid-pregnancy but with a 4 month old! Hi! We moved to another state when my daughter was 4 months old. It all came up very unexpectedly and quickly. My husband lived with some other people and commuted 1 1/2 hours to his new job for 3 weeks while I stayed back at our old home. We had...
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    Previewing Body Max: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jodi: I use 4" too. I find it easier it allows me to really put in power moves without doing a number on my knees. And I do get in a really good workout. Don't feel bad at all! Connie (4 inches and proud!)
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    What's your baby's "pet" name?

    Hazel - too funny that you call Lauren Beaner. Since my daugther Maddie was about a month old she has been known as "The Bean." Sometimes The Beaner. My husband is a teacher and even his students know that we call her The Bean. Sometimes we call her Madster but usually The Bean! Connie
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    FOOD SHOCKERS by Kristen Carpenter

    Natural Ovens items are great! Of course, I am a bit biased - I used to work there when we lived in Manitowoc. Now we live in Illinois but I can still find them on thrift down here! Even my 15 month old daughter likes their stuff.
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    Do I need the CTX series? Please help me decide!

    I agree with the comments regarding learning the moves. If you have done some or most of Cathe's workouts prior to the CTX series, you will probably be ok. I have two left feet but have done most of Cathe's other tapes and I had no problem with the moves. I used the CTX series to get back in...
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    What's YOUR "Day Job"?

    This is fun! I an a librarian at a community college just outside of Chicago.
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    Another question about breastfeeding

    Hi Emily. I had the same problem with my breasts when my daughter started sleeping through the night. This is what I did: I fed Maddie on one side and pumped the other. This way when she was done both breasts were empty. Much relief! I had a one sided Medela pump. At first it kind of hurt...
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    Sleeping Baby?

    Hi. Congratulations on your little one! Mine turns one tomorrow! I wouldn't worry about the baby sleeping on you at all. My daughter would only nap while on either me or my husband for the first couple of months and then she learned to sleep on her own (or in her swing). Now she won't sleep...
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    New baby and working out?

    Hi Emily! I had my daughter almost a year ago (last April) and I just started working out again after the first of the year. Before she was born I was a workout nut! But after she was born, I enjoyed having her nap on me, watching her sleep, etc. That just seemed more important! Also, her...
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    Hi Everyone!!

    Hi! Elgin, Illinois (just outside of Chicago). Just moved here last fall, so my heart is still back "home" just south of Green Bay, Wisconsin (Go Badgers!!!)