FOOD SHOCKERS by Kristen Carpenter


I am posting this for Cinza, who has a haunted computer & can't post from home! She found this on AOL.

1. One 15-oz. bag of potato chips = 1 cup of oil

2. One 12-oz. can of Coke = 10 teaspoons of sugar

3. One medium movie popcorn w/"butter topping" = 8 potatoes

4. One McDonalds Big Mac w/large fries = 1 cup crisco

5. One pint of Haagen Dazs vanilla ice cream = 2/3 stick butter

6. One 12-oz. cafe mocha = 1 Taco Bell soft taco

7. One bagel w/cream cheese = 2-1/2 slices pepperoni pizza

[marquee]:-wow :-wow :-wow[/marquee]
RE: ok Honeybuch,

Don't got one!!! You just gotta read those nutritional labels!!!!!! Ya read the labels and then make some (hopefully)smart choices.

I just got a dandy recipe for an apple pecan torte made with refrigerated pie crust, apples, and German Chocolate cake frosting. Some little girl dreamed this up for a kid Pillsbury Bake Off!
I wish I were there to see you with your jaw on your gut!!!!
RE: "WOW" potato chips

Do you get the "WOW" Lays potato chips or "WOW" Doritos in your area of the country? They are fat free because they are made with Olean. I eat them when I just have to have potato chips. The "grab-sized" bag that you get at a convenience store has about 300 calories and I stretch that out to make 2 or 3 servings. They taste just like the real thing to me. Of course, I eat "fake" everything!!!!!!!
Dear MadnNatsmom: Don't despair about bagels. They are almost always low fat, so if you put low fat cream cheese (neufchatel) or sugar free jam or low fat hummus you'll be okay, unless you are avoiding carbs. Hummus would make a whole grain bagel a complete protein--a very good idea. Just read those labels like Honeybunch says,

The problem, at least for me, is FINDING the whole grain bagels in the first place. I've looked everywhere around here, & have only found them in one place, & they only have them sporadically. sigh
As for WOW chips, yes I tried them. Yuck is all I can say! I do like the new Lays "Light" chips...they taste almost exactly the same to me as the regulars, have 1/3 less fat & therefore are not so greasy. My hb prefers them over the real thing, for that reason. But I still only have them once in awhile as a special treat. sigh
Ruth ;-)
Thanks Ann, I feel a little better. What is hummus and where can I get some?

Honeybunch - my gut kind of protrudes, so my jaw didn't have too far to fall. :D
Ruth, has whole grain bagels with 6 grams of fiber. They have all kinds of really good breads also. They are expensive, but to me worth it. It's so hard to find a "wheat bread" with more than 1 or 2 grams of fiber.

They don't have any preservatives so I keep mine in the freezer and pull out small amounts as I need them. Lucky for me they are located in Wisconsin so I can get them at the local stores. But their web site allows you to order them also.

Dawn W
Natural ovens

Is this Natural Ovens of Mannitowok (sp?) from Wisconsin? I LOVE their breads. They all contain flax, so a good source of omega fatty acids, and the breads also have a good fiber profile. I'm lucky enough to have a health food store in town that sells their bread (strange as it may seem in this puny little town in the middle of corn and soybean fields).
FIY, if you are on birth control, the olestra in those WOW chips
supposedly blocks the absorption of your pill. Not sure if this is true or not, but I'm not taking a chance!
Also, I find whole grain bagels in Kroger and Tom Thumb!
I can't believe I am just seeing your reply, I must have missed it before...thank you SO MUCH for the info, I am going right to their site when I finish here.
I've been looking for this kind of source for awhile, I really appreciate the heads up!
Ruth :)
Natural Ovens items are great! Of course, I am a bit biased - I used to work there when we lived in Manitowoc. Now we live in Illinois but I can still find them on thrift down here! Even my 15 month old daughter likes their stuff.
RE: hummus

Thanks for the tips, Ruth!
MadnNatsMom, Hummus is delicious chick pea (garbanzo bean) spread, that can be bought (at least in my area) in most natural food stores, or in a "Mediterranean" section of your larger food stores. OR, you can make it yourself by draining and rinsing a can of chick peas,put it in a food processor with a few cloves garlic (to taste), juice from 1 lemon, and a couple tablespoonsful of tahini (sesame butter). You can add a small jar (drained) of roasted red peppers for added color and taste. Enjoy!
RE: hummus

I've also made a lower fat hummus by omitting the tahini--add a bit of the drained water from the can of garbanzos if needed.
RE: hummus

Oh great! Are you telling me that hummus is not low in fat naturally? I always thought it was and I love it. There's a restaurant near my office and I buy it and just eat it with whole wheat pita. This is not good -
Hummus and fat

Usually there is enough added fat (in the form of olive oil) to make hummus over 50% of calories from fat. The good news is, garbanzo beans themselves are low fat, and the no=added-fat version I make (I've also made it with garbanzo sprouts) tastes just as good to me.

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