Do I need the CTX series? Please help me decide!

I am trying to figure out whether to get this series or to get some other Cathe videos and take advantage of the volume discount. (If I don't get the CTX, I'd probably get the Pure STrength series plus Cardio Kicks and either STep Heat or Wedding Tape.) I was thinking of CTX since it sounds like a really time efficient series. I have three kids, the youngest being 6 months so I don't have huge amounts of time. My goals are to lose body fat (don't care about the number on the scale but would like to wear a few sizes smaller clothing!) and firm up. I'd say that I'm probably an upper intermediate/low advanced level. Thanks so much for any honest advice that you can give me.
Are you an experienced stepper? What workouts have you been doing? The CTX series is a tough intro to Cathe's stepping even if you are an experienced exerciser & fit. Cathe doesn't break down the moves in the CTX series so it makes it tougher to catch on. But you do get a lot of bang for your buck.

I don't have a huge Cathe library, but I've found her tapes are easy to split up into more time efficient workouts. Your anwer will help people guide you. And welcome!
Hi! I agree in part with the other response (that it is easy to break up cathe's other workouts), but I wanted to give another point of view.
CTX is VERY high impact, but it CAN be modified to bring down the intensity until you are ready for it. I do almost all of the moves low impact and without a step. The weight work is time efficient, and if you don't have a barbell you CAN just use dumbells. The choreography repeats itself in each of the videos, making it easier to catch onto the more you do.
However, the videos have also been described as a maintenance series. I think it would be maintenance for a very advanced exerciser, but certainly challenging enough for anyone else to help them lose body fat and firm up.
I love the Pure Strength series and Cardio Kicks. The Wedding Video has been in my rotation recently because I needed light weights and higher reps, but to really challenge yourself I'd go for PS or MIS.
Oh, I'm just confusing the issue. I love all Cathe tapes...
I believe that the CTX is considered one item. The cost of CTX is $79.95 according to the on-line catalog at

Don't let the cost scare you away, though. This is an excellent workout series. I had great results using these 6 tapes as a rotation. I lost some inches and was able to get back in shape. But, these tapes are HIGH impact. So, you may want to keep this in mind. The good news is that the tempo is slower than PowerMax on. Also, one can easily work up to the level of impact and endurance.

Hope this helps.
CTX is one of my all time favorite Cathe workouts. They are very time efficient, not at all boring and the production quality is superior to anything Cathe has done in the past. They are definite part of my workout schedule each and every week.

However, these are NOT intermediate -- I would rate them mid to high advanced.

Also, as others have pointed out,Cathe does not break down the choreography at all. Most of the Choreography is found on other videos where Cathe does break down new moves.

The music is wonderful and the workouts are so time efficient. I am not a fan of the "Lean Legs" workout because heavy weight training alone bores me. But this is a personal opinion only. I just feel as if I need cardio in the vast majority of my workouts. But I also feel I need weights. That's why Cathe's CTX appeal to me so very much -- they are the best of both worlds.

And yes, you will see results with these workouts.

The easiest cardiovascular video is "Kickbox" -- but then the bicep and plank workout will get you in the end! I think the hardest in the series is the 10/10/10, but it is a shorter workout than "Kickbox"

I do all the step portions on an 8" step and they really get my heart rate up there!

I could go on and on about the virtues of CTX. Just beware if you are new to Cathe's style. Start slowly and work up both in step heigth and weight poundage.
I agree with the comments regarding learning the moves. If you have done some or most of Cathe's workouts prior to the CTX series, you will probably be ok. I have two left feet but have done most of Cathe's other tapes and I had no problem with the moves. I used the CTX series to get back in shape after having my daughter. I stayed on the rotation from January till last month. I really enjoyed it and it really worked. Just my two cents. Good luck!
Hi Parothdsue,
I agree with everything that has been said.

And I would like to add one more thing to think about. The CTX series is very flexible. It is very easy to combine various parts of the different workouts. You can mix and match and get a whole different series. For example, many people have combined two body parts to create a push-pull rotation. That is, you can do the kickbox/bicep tape and then add the tricep work from 10-10-10 on to it on the same day. So you really could create a rotation that would work each body part 2 x per week. I have also read where people will do two of the cardio sections back to back to get a workout that is an hour long and pure cardio.

Just something to think about (and confuse the issue more)


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