Search results

  1. M

    Restaurants in Pittsburgh

    We lived in Pittsburgh for 8 years. Our fave restaurant *hands down* is Road to Karakesh, an African-inspired restaurant. It's totally off the beaten path. The front of the restaurant has floor seating where you sit on pillows. It has a Moroccan theme inside. Everything on the menu is...
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    DH has an interview in Pittsburgh - need advice!

    We lived in Pittsburgh for 8 years and LOVED it.!!!!! We still miss it tremendously! (We moved away few years ago.) We lived in Shadyside the first four years and then in Swissvale the last 4 years. Shadyside is a trendy neighborhood complete with it's own shopping district on Walnut St...
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    Any HCs like Bootcamp?

    Hello all! Just wondering which Hardcore workout, if any, is the most like Bootcamp. I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy (8 months) and I'm already thinking of what I'd like to do when I resume exercising. Pre-pregnancy, I was doing mostly Bootcamp, KPC, ME, and HSTA. Thanks all...
  4. M

    what's your favorite christmas cd??

    Hello all! A few of may faves... Pottery Barn holiday CD December by George Winston (piano music) Charlie Brown Christmas Squirrel Nut Zippers Christmas CD Can't wait to start playing them! -Melanie
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    Moms to Be Check-in Week of 10/25

    Hello all! I'm new to the check-in. I'm 12-1/2 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. I've had a great 1st trimester until yesterday when morning illness came with a vengeance. Ugh. I hate feeling sick. I haven't exercised regularly for the past couple of weeks...busy schedules, DD and DS got...
  6. M

    ab/core work during pregnancy

    Can anyone suggest some ab/core exercises I could do while pregnant? I've been doing the abs mostly from ME, Bootcamp, and KPC but am realizing that (1) my lower back hurts when I'm laying on may back doing some of these and (2) I'm 12 weeks and nearing the point where I shouldn't be on my back...
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    intervals and pregnancy

    I'm still nursing fulltime, about 4-6x/day. (Zachary eats plenty of solids, of course.) Z's favorite feeding time is an early morning one, some time between 3-5am. I feel like I need to take another home test again, just for confirmation. Maybe somehow I misread the first test, even though...
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    intervals and pregnancy

    Hi Melanie! Yes, I'm still nursing and I hadn't gotten my P yet. Needless to say, this was totally unexpected and quite a shocker. :D I'm planning on weaning Zachary when he turns 1y. At least I'll have about 5-6 months break before nursing again. -Melanie
  9. M

    intervals and pregnancy

    Hello all! I just found out I'm pregnant, AGAIN, with my 4th child. (This is definitely the last for me.) My DS is 9-1/2 mo. and I've worked so hard to get back into shape. Now that my body is somewhat nicely defined (even my abs), I get pregnant. Oh well. Anyway, my workouts since DS...
  10. M

    breaks between intervals

    Hi Cathe! I like doing the cardio-only premix of Bootcamp and HSTA as an interval workout. Is it bad to sit down between cardio segments rather than staying in motion like doing grapevines or walking back-and-forth? I usually pause for 1 minute before doing the next cardio. I get so winded...
  11. M

    Boot Camp!!!

    Can you use a pillow? Foam puzzle squares could work, too, if you happen to have them.
  12. M

    Amazing Race 5

    Does anyone watch this show? I love it! I've watched all, but season 4. I was so sad to see Mirna & Charla eliminated last week. None of the other teams respected them. I hate to say it, but I think it's because Charla was a little person. How ignorant! They tried to be nice to other...
  13. M

    HSTA UB/LB premix

    For a while now, I've done ME, HSTA (minus the leg presses) and Bootcamp (cardio only) each week (plus FitTV KPC and some other cardio). I decided it was time to mix it up a bit starting this week. So, I did HSTA UB/LB premix (including the leg presses) for my strength and am planning to do...
  14. M

    mens upper body workout

    I'm guessing that the Gym Style Training workouts in Hardcore would be more guy-friendly. I'm hoping, anyway, so that my DH may use Cathe as his "personal trainer". (Also as an excuse for me to buy them!) Until we know more info about GST, I would go heavy with your weights and slow down...
  15. M

    Resolve Walking Lunges ?s

    Hello all! Where does everyone do their walking lunges? Outside on the sidewalk? I think I'd be self-conscious doing them outside for everyone to see me! :7 Too bad my DS is too heavy for the Baby Bjorn. It would have been fun to do these while wearing him. -Melanie
  16. M

    SJP abs

    Thanks everyone for your replies! I thought about posting this question on VF, but I got lazy. I'll have to try the Winsor Slimming one. My abs are pretty strong considering I've had 3 kids. I don't have the post-pregnancy pooch, but I don't have the flattest abs. I'm still breastfeeding...
  17. M

    SJP abs

    I did the abs from SJP (taped from FitTV during the Cardioblast marathon) and I love it! I love the music! I'm pretty sure it's pilates inspired. I've never done pilates, but, now, I'd like to try it. Is there a pilates video that isn't too dry and has great music (in the likes of SJP)? I...
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    Cathe, sub for deadlifts in new series

    Nevermind. Is it the one where you're laying on your belly and raising your arms and legs? I assume it is.
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    Cathe, sub for deadlifts in new series

    What is the superman? Thanks! -Melanie
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    Be afraid, be very afraid . . .

    I have bad news...leg warmers are back...and not with dancewear...with heels! Moccasins have made a comeback, too. DH has been getting Seventeen magazine and I've been catching up with the teen/college culture. (DH is a pediatrician and I think the magazine company wants him to put it in...