intervals and pregnancy


Hello all!

I just found out I'm pregnant, AGAIN, with my 4th child. (This is definitely the last for me.) My DS is 9-1/2 mo. and I've worked so hard to get back into shape. Now that my body is somewhat nicely defined (even my abs), I get pregnant. Oh well. Anyway, my workouts since DS was born have mainly been interval-type workouts - Bootcamp (cardio only premix), HSTA (sometimes as is or cardio only), KPC. I can't remember, but do I have to give up interval training while pregnant? Is it worth modifying Bootcamp?



(not sure of the EDD yet)
Congrats!!! I remember your posts---we were pregnant at the same time last time. ;) Baby Justin is just 8 mos...& I'm secretly hoping to get pg again this next year. Wondering if you were nursing?!?

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Melanie!

Yes, I'm still nursing and I hadn't gotten my P yet. Needless to say, this was totally unexpected and quite a shocker. :D I'm planning on weaning Zachary when he turns 1y. At least I'll have about 5-6 months break before nursing again.

Mel, have you been nursing fulltime? Is yoour Zachary feeding during the night too? Just curious, we haven't been taking any precautions...and I haven't gottenmy P yet either...

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Just my personal can keep doing whatever you want to do as long as your body doesn't rebel, as in too tired etc. It usually lets you know. Also if you experience any bleeding...this is an obvious sign to ease up or check with the doc. I increased my cardio when I initially found out I was pregnant hoping to release some toxins so I wouldn't get as very sick anyway. Melanie.....I don't get my period or get pregnant while I'm nursing full time. With my first few kids I nursed for like 26-33 months and never had a period until I cut back on night time feedings and they finally weaned (which was 26-33 months). BUT first period I had....I was pregnant. This does not hold true with other women though. I have many friends who got pregnant while nursing as the other Melanie did. We are currently using the "taking charge of your fertility" book to avoid pregnancy the natural way. I just need a little breather. I would think you may get pregnant pretty quick if Justin stops nursing at night and begins eating more. Hey, that's right...your working and pumping...this may affect things as well.

Congratulations on your pregnancy Melanie!! My little guy is 9 months old too!!
I'm still nursing fulltime, about 4-6x/day. (Zachary eats plenty of solids, of course.) Z's favorite feeding time is an early morning one, some time between 3-5am.

I feel like I need to take another home test again, just for confirmation. Maybe somehow I misread the first test, even though I stared at the very bright line. :D I don't have an OB appt for another few weeks.

I think I'll stick to my fave rotation for a while: Bootcamp cardio & abs, ME, KPC, HSTA. I've already taken the intensity level for cardio down a notch. The bad thing about pregnancy & exercise is that I can use being pregnany as an excuse for taking a day off even though I feel perfectly fine.

I pretty much kept my same routines throughout pregancy...just modified when needed. I was also sure not to become anaerobic.

Congrats on your pregnancy. Please keep us updated. I think you'll like the pregnancy check-in. It's a great spot to share/get ideas!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Melanie,

Congratulations! I just wanted to reiterate the importance of not going anaerobic and getting breathless. Pushing yourself to your anaerobic threshold (which is the goal of Cathe's interval workouts) is not appropriate during pregnancy. This is not to say that you shouldn't do them at a lesser intensity, just that you should not push yourself like you do with those workouts when you are not pregnant. Also, the progesterone elevation in pregnancy is responsible for the "winded feeling" that one may experience while pregnant. This is one reason why it is easier to hyperventilate during this time.

I have a basic guideline when women ask me if it is okay to work out at a certain intensity or impact. Here it is:

If you can do the particular workout in question while able to speak 2-5 word sentences (i.e. the "talk test"), with your pelvic floor engaged and pain free, then you should be okay doing the workout during a normal pregnancy.

Hope this helps! Keep in touch.


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness and

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