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    Did you check your junk mail?
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    A better way to view the clips

    No. But I usually don't have any problems viewing clips. What version do I need? Thanks Tracy
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    A better way to view the clips

    I too have DSL and only get music. It plays a good while with a white screen until the end when I get the copyright message. Tracy
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    Starting Dr. Fuhrman -- Need salad dressing recommendations!

    RE: Starting Dr. Fuhrman -- Need salad dressing recomme... Don't know anything about Dr. Fuhrman but I do make my own salad dressing. I never use bottled anymore. I got this recipe from a nutritionist. One tablespoon of olive oil, 2 teaspooons of Balsamic Vinegar, 2 teaspoons of dijon...
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    Getting Bigger and Desparate

    SACMW I don't have FitTV but I work out to Cathe's DVDs all the time. I noticed when I started working my core using an 8lb medicine ball that my waist started getting bulky. Not exactly the look I was going for. I stopped using weight (but kept up the core work) and I am really happy with...
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    Your First Big Rock Concert?

    Peter Frampton at the Boston Garden. I think it was 1978 or 1979. Oh boy did I love him. Do you remember his hair? "Do You Feel Like I Do"? What a dork. Tracy
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    Cathe ,no announcement yet , darn

    I know what you mean. I have so much to do but find myself wasting all my time checking this site about every 5 minutes. Its like I am obsessed. I have been playing games with myself saying "you will not check that site again" and a minute later I am on the site and I don't know how I got...
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    Gotta ask about cellulite

    Every now and again I see articles about how jumping rope helps cellulite. I don't have too much cellulite but I did recently take up jumping rope. It's too soon to tell if it works or not but it is an awesome workout. Imafitnessfreak--Who is Tom Venuto? And why does he have you drinking...
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    Bathing suit depression.....

    Joanna--I'm sorry you feel so lousy. But I want to say that if you really don't like the way you look in that bathing suit return it. You have accomplished so much and deserve to look better than that. I love Kelly's suggestion of trying a cute bathing suit top with board shorts. Also try...
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    Oxygen Mag: worth it?

    Snazzy--Just checked out your pictures. You look fantastic. Bunbun--It depends. I think its worth it. I love some of the articles and some I don't. They do have tons of ads for diet products but who really cares! I think that they are pretty balanced with the information they present...
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    Where is everyone buying their Bikini's?

    It all depends. Last year I found some great cheap bathing suits at H&M. They sell the tops and bottoms separate and they are $9.99 each. You can't beat that. I also got two really nice ones at Nellies (they are a small bathing suit only shop at the mall in Hyannis-Cape Cod Mass.) They...
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    Isopure...what's your favorite flavor?

    After reading about it on this forum I bought the Isopure variety pack. It has four of each of the following orange cream, dutch chocolate, creamy vanilla, chocolate peanut butter swirl and strawberries and cream. So far I have tried the orange and the chocolate peanut butter and I really...
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    Powerstrike Kicks Only

    I don't have #3. I have heard that it is not as intense as #1&#2 so I never did buy it. I absolutely love #1. I get the worst DOMS in my butt from that video every time I do it. #2 is ok but I don't feel it like #1. Tracy
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    The Notebook

    I can't believe it. I have taken this book on three vacations Cape Cod, Miami and Turks & Caicos and still haven't read it. It has been in my work bag commuting with me day after day. But I still haven't picked it up. Today is the day. It is supposed to start snowing any time now so it...
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    Powerstrike Kicks Only

    No. Sorry I never heard of it. I got my Powerstrike workouts at but I just checked out that website and only saw the Powerstrike Milleniums (1,2 & 3). I love the Powerstrike workouts. I would be interested in finding out where you heard of this. Do you have any more info...
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    Salad dressing recipes

    Got this one from a nutritionist. This is all I use on my salads. Yeah it has fat in it but according the nutritionist it is good fat and the fat free dressings are full of junk. 1 tablespoon of olive oil 2 teaspoons of balsalmic vinegar 2 teaspoons of dijon mustard Few shakes of...
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    "Bra dough" and push-ups....another question

    RE: Hi Tracy--Not sure if there is a right or wrong answer for this but if it were me I would take longer rests and continue on my toes. (By the way, I haven't tried this workout yet so it may be easier said than done;-) . Tracy
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    "Bra dough" and push-ups....another question

    RE: I agree with A-Jock. They are so much more effective if you do them on your toes. Good Luck! Now get busy. Tracy
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    Please advise me on this yucky fat area....

    I agree with Debbie. I haven't given it too much thought but now that she mentioned the push ups I think this is what may have helped me with that area too. The fat seemed to have melted off that area the same time I was doing a P90X rotation. That rotation had a ton of push ups so she may be...
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    Oxygen magazine special abs issue

    Got mine at Borders. I've seen them in other stores too. Keep looking. Tracy