Powerstrike Kicks Only

No. Sorry I never heard of it. I got my Powerstrike workouts at homeworkout.com but I just checked out that website and only saw the Powerstrike Milleniums (1,2 & 3). I love the Powerstrike workouts. I would be interested in finding out where you heard of this.

Do you have any more info?

I just bought Millenium 3 today - thisis my first time trying them. Do you have this one? The other two? How are they - have you ever done Taebo (if so , how do they compare)?

I learned about Powerstrike Kicks Only and Impact through Video Fitness - wish I could find it!

Kicks only is out of print, and hasn't been available for a long time (I missed out on it too!). You might be able to find it at Ebay sometimes, but I kind of doubt anyone would want to part with it if they have it!

Mil 1 and 2 are better than Mil 3 in my honest opinion....I sold 3.........and I don't have "kicks". If you like kicks, 2 has more kicking....
I don't have #3. I have heard that it is not as intense as #1&#2 so I never did buy it.

I absolutely love #1. I get the worst DOMS in my butt from that video every time I do it. #2 is ok but I don't feel it like #1.

The first one I bought was 3 so I guess I'll see what its like. I puicked up 2 yesterday because I've heard more than once there is more kicking in it than in 1. How is the kicking in 1?

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