The Notebook


Ok guys. I just saw this harrowing mess and I AM in tears. Literally balling & can't breath from the stuffy nose. The first 15 to 20 minutes were lame but I must admit, it was heartfelt after that. God, I wished I read the book. They say it's better. I also wish I saw it with DH, sappy, I know. But actually he is more sensitive than I!

OMG, I was SOBBING when I saw this movie. I called my girlfriend halfway through and she thought it was a prank call because I couldn't talk. Then a couple hours later, SHE watched it and called ME sobbing hysterically! I've never cried like that with a movie - EVER - not even Bambi. My 15-yr old thinks she's cold-blooded because she watched it and didn't shed a tear.

Amazing movie, just amazing.

Have you read "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult? That's the only BOOK that's left me bawling like a baby.

I think a good cry is about as therapeutic as a good workout.


I LOVED this movie. My husband and I went and saw it when it came out and it was soooooooooooo good. I was crying at the end and all the way home!
This was one of the best movies I have seen for awhile!!

My hubby and I watched it one afternoon, and we were both bawling our heads off..... I think I cried with the chest hitching, sobbing and nose blowing...and everything...What a wonderful movie!!!

I think that everyone can relate to this movie, esp the older we get. I know that it hit a very personal note with me, as I worry about that happening to me when I get older..LOL

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+

Has anyone ever seen: "Somewhere in Time"
with Christopher Reeve and.... ....her name escapes me..Sorry. This is also a wonderful love story, that I have loved since I was a kid. The music in this movie is just wonderful, incredibly moving and powerful.
Smoogy-- You got to read the other Nicholas Sparks books. I have them all and they are sooooo good! You won't want to put them down.
There is...A Message In A Bottle, The Wedding which is a sequel to The Notebook, Nights In Rodanthe, The Rescue and The Guardian.

Here, grab a tissue!

FitnessGoddess- the movie was not a nearly as good as the book, but the movie was good, it just didn't cover enough of what happened in the book. JMHO

Great, great movie! I also agree that the book was even better! I bought the book when it first came out and passed it around to family/friends/students to read (about 30-35 people) and they all signed it, dated it and put a small message of their thoughts in the inside front and back covers. EVERY person loved the book. (Even my hubby and FIL who never read books.) Unfortunately one of my students lost the book while it was in her possession and it breaks my heart to not have it any longer just because of the dear friends I shared it with who wrote all their commnents. It was one of my most special gifts. I thought about starting over and doing it again but someohow it just doesn't seem the same. BTW, anyone find a book out there with tons of autographs??? READ the book!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I can't believe it. I have taken this book on three vacations Cape Cod, Miami and Turks & Caicos and still haven't read it. It has been in my work bag commuting with me day after day. But I still haven't picked it up.

Today is the day. It is supposed to start snowing any time now so it is a perfect day for the Notebook. Thanks to all of you I will read the book this weekend.

I'm reading the book for the third time after watching the movie last week. I keep my book on my coffee table all the time. Just a reminder to me how lucky I am to have someone that loves ME that much for 21 years.
My DH and I just watched it last night!

OMG! I cried through the whole thing!! I am super sensitive, anyway. But HOLY COW!!! I love it!!!

Now I want to get all the books and read them. Thanks for the suggestion.
I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago...wished I'd watched w/ my DH of 18 years. Bittersweet....loved it.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich

I watched this last night after reading your post. I missed the first half hour or so, but wow did I cry at the end!
When I house sat last week, I saw a preview. I was ready to cry just from that! I'll have to run into town and rent it.

~Reece Out~

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