Starting Dr. Fuhrman -- Need salad dressing recommendations!


Hi folks! I need a little Educated Crowd help. I have been reading the Dr. Fuhrman "Eat to Live" book and all the old threads about it, and I'm excited about transitioning myself (and, by default since I'm the cook and shopper) my DH and DS to this eating style. One thing I know I'm really going to need to have on hand is a few great salad dressings. I made a note that Carole likes Spectrum Natural Zesty Italian. Do any of y'all who have been following this approach have another good salad dressing recommendation for me?

Many thanks! :) :)

P.S. I'd love to hear feedback from those of you who have been following this plan (even the 90/10 version, which is realistically what I think our family will mostly do) -- how're ya feeling, how's the weight loss, what do you think the benefits have been, and any downsides?? Kathy S.
RE: Starting Dr. Fuhrman -- Need salad dressing recomme...

Hi Kathy,

I just started this last week. So far so good, but yesterday I fell off the wagon a bit. I think a good salad dressing is KEY so I'll let you know if I find a great one. I'd also love to hear others' experience with this way of eating. I have ten pounds of baby weight to lose (more by Dr. F's standards). At four months post partum, I am tired of not being able to fit into my old clothes. I don't expect weight loss to be as fast as some of those anecdotes in his book because my diet was already vegetarian and not half bad to begin with. We'll see...


ETA this link to a similar question I recently posed:
RE: Starting Dr. Fuhrman -- Need salad dressing recomme...

Don't know anything about Dr. Fuhrman but I do make my own salad dressing. I never use bottled anymore. I got this recipe from a nutritionist. One tablespoon of olive oil, 2 teaspooons of Balsamic Vinegar, 2 teaspoons of dijon mustard and pizza spice (I buy Whole Foods brand but McCormack's makes it too). Shake well.

You can use other types of mustard to change the flavor.

RE: Starting Dr. Fuhrman -- Need salad dressing recomme...

Thanks everybody! Y'all have already given me some good ideas!

Monica, thanks for the link. I've been AWOL this past week and have been skipping around the Forums trying to catch up on reading -- somehow I missed your thread but it is just about the same thing!

I've been battling the same 10 pounds for four years (since the onset of perimenopause) and they seem to creep back onto me every time I think I'm winning the war. At this point I think I've read about every eating plan out there. Many of them I've tried, and while they will get rid of a few pounds temporarily, they aren't a way of eating that I (or my family) can stick to. Of all the programs I've read about, this one rang the biggest bells with me. It includes the foods I most love to eat, cook with and gravitate towards anyhow. So I'll give it a whirl, and the goal will be to keep it "stricter" for me and to supplement for my DH and DS with chicken and fish (which I'll let myself have now and then, too.)

I appreciate the advice! :) Kathy S.

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