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  1. D

    Your Favorite (Secret) Guilty Pleasures!

    When I thought about it, I realized I have quite a few! Nail OPI Bath and Body Works products....loving the semi annual sale! Victoria's Secret (working on upgading my underthings) Romance novels(especially those involving kilted warriors.....kilted men make me swoon)...
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    Any Boxer mommies out there???

    Thanks so all the input boxer mommies!! One of the things I love about my lab, Corbin, is that he is such a people person dog....follows me EVERYWHERE, sleeps next to me, has to have some part of his labbiness right next to me. He is the most loving dog ever, and I think the peopleness of...
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    Any Boxer mommies out there???

    Oh Gayle, thank you! That is pretty much the info I got from my reading, but it is so nice to hear from someone I "know". My 3 year old Corbin(my avatar) is still a puppy(don't think he will ever grow up....heehee), so that aspect doesn't bother me in least. Although, I didn't take Corbin to...
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    Any Boxer mommies out there???

    I know we have a lot of Mommies to 4 legged children out there.....I am a mommy to 3 Labs myself. We have been thinking of adding to our doggie family to include a boxer puppy who needs a new home. I have only owned Labs(which I love), and while I have done a bit of reading about boxers, I was...
  5. D

    What do you collect?

    It is nail polish for me....and only the expensive kinds, ya know the 6 dollar a bottle kind. I think in a previous life I was a painter, I just love all the colors in the bottles! I also love Piglets(the Disney kind) and I have a serious love of penguins....haven't got any of those in a while...
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    Eating Clean Tues. May 29/07

    Hey all! Eeeww what a bad girl I was all weekend.....but here it is the start of a new "week", right?? b-McCanns Irish Oatmeal, 1 scrambled whole egg and 2 whites, 1 slcie of low fat swiss l-Lean cuisine pizza(not clean, but I love the portion control), a small mixed green salad, some yummy...
  7. D

    So what's on your ipod?

    I am a multi Ipod user. Two shuffles and a Nano....spoiled thing that I am. I use my new green shuffle for my gym wokouts: some Cardio Coach and a bunch of Iclimbs. My silver shuffle has a mix of MANY things since my music tastes are all over the board: Dave Matthews Phantom of the Opers...
  8. D

    yellow on toe nail [not fungus] what is it?

    I am also cursed with one ugly nail....I have had it for years. Last year I finaly went to the foot doctor who told me it was probaby fungus, he treated it(it did get a bit better), then when I saw him again for my broken ankle in the fall, he told me that the culture had acutally come back...
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    Tom Nicoli - hypnosis for weight loss

    Hey KC5! I have never used this particular hypnotist, his cd prices seem high to me. I don't know if they "work", but I have used a couple different cds that I found on Itunes for relaxation and meditation. One is Kelly Howell, who claims to use brain wave technology to change behaviors, I...
  10. D

    Cereal - What kind do you eat?

    Love all the Kashi cereals too!! Right now I am working on a box of Fiber one honey clusters. Five grams of protein, 13 grams of me weird, but I love it sprinkled on my cottage cheese for a snack. Much tastier than the original Fiber one, which pretty much looks and tastes like...
  11. D

    How warm

    Hey! About 102 or so!! But then, again, I live in Arizona....the mornings are still nice, and now, at 8:00pm, it is a nice 82. Of course, being in the desert, it is nice and dry....but HOT!!!!
  12. D

    What are you reading right now?

    I just picked up The Painted Veil by Somerset Maugham. I saw the movie version at Target the other day, thought it looked good. The last book I read was the new one by Ron McLarty, The Traveler. The book is set in my childhood hometown of East Providence, RI, so it was fun to read(book was...
  13. D

    Soothe your eyes?

    Hey Susan! UGGHH! Itchy eyes...can't stand that, especially if you wear contacts. I am allergic to EVERYTHING, including the doggies that often occupy a good portion of my bed! I do get injections, so my reactions are much less severe these days, but when things start to get itchy I take a...
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    7 Day Eat Clean Challenge!!

    I am in too!! I started getting back on track last Monday, and need to keep the momentum going. Had a super week, with only one piece of chocolate(came with the BEAUTIFUL flowers I got for mother's day), and only one very yummy Starbucks blended stawberry lemonade....gotta do something nice...
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    Have a Happy day Amy!!
  16. D

    iTrain for free

    Just needed to say....THANKS Vilma!! Another itrain lover here.....thank you!! Donna
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    Happy Birthday Michele (mf454)

    OOOhhhhh I am so glad I am back here to wish you a happy one!!! Have a beautiful birthday!! Donna
  18. D

    Hey all, it has been a LONG time....

    Hey, thanks again everyone. Carola, if our weather would stay the same all summer just like it was yesterday, I could do my workouts outside! Wasn't it nice?? If I could back on track half as fast as you I would be thrilled! Nice job..... Michele!! So nice of you to remember me...Okay...
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    Hey all, it has been a LONG time....

    Thanks so much Melissa! I had been having trouble staying motivated to eat healthy and workout even before the injury, and then when i broke my ankle last Sept it was just like the final straw, then everything fell apart. The ankle is finally feeling much more normal, and I am so tired of my...
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    Hey all, it has been a LONG time....

    It has been forever plus a couple months since I have visited here....but I so need some help from my Cathe pals. I broke my ankle last fall and have been having trouble getting back into the whole workout lifestyle, and in the meantime I have gained almost 10 pounds(insert big sigh here). The...