Hey all, it has been a LONG time....


It has been forever plus a couple months since I have visited here....but I so need some help from my Cathe pals. I broke my ankle last fall and have been having trouble getting back into the whole workout lifestyle, and in the meantime I have gained almost 10 pounds(insert big sigh here). The good thing is I have reached my "low point" and now feel I am ready to get back! And this time, I am going back to using Cathe....I swear she was the reason I lost all the weight before!! I gave up my using my dvds when we moved to AZ, because I had no workout space, but I tell you what I am going to MAKE room. Anybody have any suggestions where I should start?? Got to go dig out my dvds today. Just wanted to say hello and see if anybody has any advice. Thanks all.

Hello Donna!

I think we all go through this. My advice for you is to create a schedule which you stick to each week. I have found that if I apply schedules to my routines, then I tell myself that working out is an "appointment" which I must attend. I also take breaks every once in awhile so that I don't get burned out quickly. Good luck to you and above all have fun!

BTW: I have broken ankles over the years and know that it sucks! Sorry to hear about your injury. Weak ankles run in my family and I definitely know what it feels like to be taken out by an injury. Get better soon.
Thanks so much Melissa! I had been having trouble staying motivated to eat healthy and workout even before the injury, and then when i broke my ankle last Sept it was just like the final straw, then everything fell apart. The ankle is finally feeling much more normal, and I am so tired of my clothes not fitting and feeling yucky in general, that it is time to get serious again. I am taking some time today to get all my stuff out of storage, and then I am going to work on a schedule....great idea...I have appoinments for everything else! Thanks for the encouragment.

HI Donna, I just wanted to say welcome back-I dont know anything about broken ankles so just take it easy and dont do too much at once. I am glad you are back and look forward to you posting!!

Welcome back Donna! It's nice to see a familiar face back here again (and I wish some others would come back, too, Sparrow and Melody, if you're lurking;) :* ).

I have no advice, but good luck and I'm sure you'll be back in fighting form in no time;)
Igave up my using my dvds when we moved to AZ, because I had no
>workout space, but I tell you what I am going to MAKE room.
>Anybody have any suggestions where I should start??

Welcome back, Donna! You can always come over to my house and work out :)

I know how you feel. For the past few months, I didn't work out, ate like a pig and felt like a train wreck. I got so disgusted with myself and swore that I would change my life around again.

So I started Cathe's March 07 Intermediate Rotation and changed my diet. I am on week 3 of the rotation and I can't believe how much more energy I have and how my outlook on life has changed.

So far, I have lost 10.5 lbs in the past 2 weeks and 5 % of body fat (at least according to my Tanita body fat scale, don't know how accurate it is, but there is a definate downward trend) plus I have come down one dress size.

I LOVE that rotation! I did modify it a little bit, changed a few workouts (i.e C&W to DrillMax, MIS to MM, added IMAX 2 in week 3, my walk/runs are 45 min instead of 35 min and added another 30 to 45 min walk or walk-run with my dogs in the evening on 5 days.

The best advise I can give you, is the one that I gave myself, Just do IT :)

Good luck and keep us posted on your fitness journey.

Welcome back Donna, we missed you as well.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


No problem Donna. Anytime you need a kick in the pants, just give us a shout! :)

So what work out are you doing today? I am going to walk my GSD puppy and my Husky dog. Believe me between ground squirrels, prairie dogs and the deer, my arms will get the most workout! ;)
Hey, thanks again everyone. Carola, if our weather would stay the same all summer just like it was yesterday, I could do my workouts outside! Wasn't it nice?? If I could back on track half as fast as you I would be thrilled! Nice job..... Michele!! So nice of you to remember me...Okay, after my nice healthy lunch I am off to dust off the dvds..I knew I could count on my Cathe friends for motivation. Hey, Lisa...the ankle thing was a bummer. Melissa, I am almost afraid that when I pop a dvd into my laptop Cathe is gonna yell at me for being away so long!! Janie...I LOVE the little workout chick. Take care.

Carola, if our weather would
>stay the same all summer just like it was yesterday, I could
>do my workouts outside! Wasn't it nice??

I KNOW!!! Isn't it gorgeous outside! This is why I love Arizona. I keep reminding my self of that kind of weather when it hits 120 degrees in August :+

You'll be doing great and back in shape in no time, Donna. I only lost the weight so fast because I have a lot to lose }(

Have fun!


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