Any Boxer mommies out there???


I know we have a lot of Mommies to 4 legged children out there.....I am a mommy to 3 Labs myself. We have been thinking of adding to our doggie family to include a boxer puppy who needs a new home. I have only owned Labs(which I love), and while I have done a bit of reading about boxers, I was hoping to get a personal first hand account from someone about life with a boxer. Our dogs all get along well....our oldest is female(13), male(6) and youngest is 3, another male. The puppy is also male. They are all good sized(about 70 pounds)so boxer size is not an issue, I just want to know what they are like to live with....thanks everyone!

Boxer-mom here! I currently have a 2 year Boxer named Rascal - he's in my avatar. He's the second one I ever had, and at this point, I can't imagine living without one.

Boxers are what I like to call exuberant dogs, especially when they're young. They're active and love to play. They also mature slower than other breeds, so it's common for a 2 or 3 yo Boxer to still be rather puppy-like their activity level, desire to play and in some behaviors.

Here are some pros:
IMO, they're a lot of fun to live with. They are generally people-dogs and love to be with their humans. We've socialized Rascal so that we can take him almost everywhere with with us. You've probably seen in some of your research that they are reputed to be good with kids and can be great family pets. Both of my Boxers are/were very affectionate. Both have been good alert dogs, but not excessive barkers in general. They are also very intelligent and really respond beautifully to the right kind of training, which IMO, is reward based (clicker, treats), not "crank & yank".

Some considerations:
Without proper training, exercise and socialization, Boxers can be hard to live with. That's why there are so many in rescue. They're a breed with so much potential, but can be terribly misunderstood in the hands of an ignorant/unprepared owner. They can become very destructive, and develop other behavior problems if they get bored or don't get enough attention. They are a quintessential pack animal and will not be happy if constantly separated from their pack/family. They do require daily exercise, which you're probably used to with 3 Labs. Actually, I think a Boxer puppy and your 3 YO Lab could tire each other pretty well. LOL!

You're obviously an experienced dog owner, is there any kind of specific info that you're looking for? I think they're great and can yak all day about them. :)
Oh Gayle, thank you! That is pretty much the info I got from my reading, but it is so nice to hear from someone I "know". My 3 year old Corbin(my avatar) is still a puppy(don't think he will ever grow up....heehee), so that aspect doesn't bother me in least. Although, I didn't take Corbin to puppy class, he is realatively well behaved, and I have always been a positive trainer(treats all the way!!) I just have to decide if we really "need" to add a new member to our family. It is a tough decision, I don't know if I am ready to have a baby again. The puppy, while a purebred is a white boxer, and I have read about the controversy surrounding these dogs.....that could be why this friend of mine is having trouble selling this litter. None of the dogs are deaf and they are all adorable. The 2 females are already taken, and they have 3 males(all really cute). Thanks for all you to decide.
Hi Donna,

I wouldn't let the fact that he's a white Boxer bear much influence. Since he isn't deaf, he's just a typical Boxer. I do hear ya' on dealing with a baby again. Lots of fun, but lots of work.
Ditto everything Gayle said.

We got a Boxer from a rescue in 2003 - sight unseen - and he is the absolute best dog that we have ever had. My children are 8,5 and 1 and he is right there with them in everything they do. My 1 yo can take food from his mouth and he doesn't even flinch!

They are definitely people dogs, almost to the extreme, so be prepared. Also, mine suffers with horrible separation anxiety but that may be due to "issues" that were before his time with us.

He is going on 5 and still has that playful puppy attitude - he shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon!

Good luck! They really are a wonderful breed!
>They are definitely people dogs, almost to the extreme, so be
>prepared. Also, mine suffers with horrible separation anxiety
>but that may be due to "issues" that were before his time with

I have a 5 year old, too. She is definitely the baby in the house--our only dog & our child is 21. Roxi suffers from terrible separation anxiety. We got her when she was 8 weeks old so there shouldn't have been any "issues" with her before that time & certainly nothing she should remember today. If we don't put her in her crate she HOWLS until we come home. It's the most heart-wrenching sound I've heard outside of my human babies cries.

Roxi loves to cuddle & will even beg to be picked up. She loves to be held like a human baby.

On the downside, she's got a lot of allergies. This time of year is brutal. She needs to be put on steroids through the summer so that she doesn't gnaw her feet. We've tried everything the vet has suggested because steroids are so bad but we have to do the 'roid route.

Best of luck with your new baby (if you decide to adopt him).
off topic .. <<<she's got a lot of allergies>>>

My babies have HORRIBLE allergies .. have you had her thyroid tested ?? .. we tried everything with ours .. finally after much research found that an out of whack thyroid could be the culprit .. the vet did not think so but did the test anyway .. and whalla .. that was it .. now we take thyroid medicine and the males skin is 100% .. the female still has flare ups this time of year .. but by far a lot better ..

.. just a thought!
Thanks so all the input boxer mommies!! One of the things I love about my lab, Corbin, is that he is such a people person dog....follows me EVERYWHERE, sleeps next to me, has to have some part of his labbiness right next to me. He is the most loving dog ever, and I think the peopleness of boxers attracts me to this breed as well. Do boxers like the water?? We love swimming in the pool with our doggies... I will keep you all posted, I have given myself til the end of the week to decide.

<<Do boxers like the water??>>

Hmmm...Rascal likes to frolic in the water, but I can't get him out far enough to swim, voluntarily anyway. We have a pond that's not so easy to get in and out of. A pool might be more enticing. :)
Donna - I don't have boxers, but I've been lucky enough to know an incredible search Boxer named Deja Blue. She loved water, but because she did not have the thick undercoat that Labs (or my Aussie) does, she only liked to swim when the water was warmer.

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