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  1. N

    How accurate are these calorie calculators ?

    I'm 5'8, weigh way too much and used this calorie counter and ended up with like almost having to eat 2900/day, that's with taking 500 off!!! Is that insanity or am I just crazy? hehe :-) So do I trust the calorie counter thingy, or should I stick with eating good food when hungry, low fat, high...
  2. N

    What Are Your Quirks?

    >11. I can't just bite into >a Twix. I have to >nibble the chocolate and cramel >off the cookie first. >Aerika J. Haha, I love this quirk! I do this too but in the reverse. I nibble away all the cookie and then all I have left is some chocolate and caramel and am in heaven. If I could go...
  3. N

    Worst sound while working out?

    Don't worry Donna, I too have meat that flaps about and makes that wretched sound. Didn't want you to think you were all alone out here with no meaty friends around. :-) Doing the Tae-Bo speed bag work is something that makes meat music for me!
  4. N

    Funny Cathe Moment

    Hahaha, that's great! She is mean to me sometimes and I don't know why, I do nothing but adore her and she makes me do more crazy eights. :( Step N Motion is just a cover for what SNM really stands for. I also get a laugh out of her "is that a sheep??" comment, leave it to Cathe to make me...
  5. N

    Got Crosstrain XPress Today!!!

    Tee! I too am glad to see that I am not alone as well. It's actually quite normal I think. ;-) Kimba: How are you liking the new tapes? Err, DVD's I mean.
  6. N

    Got Crosstrain XPress Today!!!

    *drooooooool* LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-02 AT 03:45AM (Est)[p]i got so excited i posted twice. :D
  7. N

    Got Crosstrain XPress Today!!!

    *drooooooool* CTX is the ONLY reason I want a dvd player. I have a feeling I will be buying these dvd's before I even get a dvd player, but I don't really want to torture myself like that! Having them sitting there begging to be used but no way on earth to use them! I will have to just sit here...
  8. N

    what, did everybody................

    I really don't think you should generalize for the vf forum. It's full of great people with kind hearts, just as this forum is. And if you doubt our love for Cathe you just have to look here: and you'll see that we have nothing but the highest regard for...
  9. N

    Paging Vegetarians Re: Body Fat, Pls.

    Vegan Bodybuilding! Well it's just one of my regular internet stops throughout the day and I thought you might find this interesting beanqueen. It's an article about a vegan bodybuilder. He sure is built! Hrmm, vegan and built. Sounds like my dream man. :-jumpy Anyways here is the link if you...
  10. N

    Paging Vegetarians Re: Body Fat, Pls.

    I agree! I have been fed fish accidentally so many times because people just assume vegetarians eat fish cuz of all the people running around saying "i'm a vegetarian, BUT I eat fish." Don't say you're a vegetarian, just say "the only meat I eat is fish." Save the rest of us from being secretly...