How accurate are these calorie calculators ?


Active Member
When I calculate how many calories I need to fuel my body (different formulas), the number ranges from 2300-2600 calories.
If I want to lose weight, I should cut down that number by 500. right ?! come I have a very very hard time losing weight on 1200-1400 calories. I should be able to lose quickly on 1200 calories ! I am afraid to raise calories. Yesterday I ate 1600 calories and I felt guilty.

What gives ? I don't know what is right for me... how accurate are these formulas ? should I count on them ?

(I am 31, 5'8, 180 lbs, workout 4 days cardio + weights 45 -60 min sessions...desperate to lose 25 lbs).

Thanks !


I too had trouble increasing calorie count from 1400-1500 upto 1800 to 1900. But I did, and guess what,I am starting to bust my plateau! Not only by using Cathe's video's (and I plan to purchase more!) but also using this forum as support and information has helped me more than I could ever imagine!

I am 41 and workout 6 days cardio, 2 days upper body weightwork and 1 day lower. I have noticed a dramatic change in my body within 2 weeks. I was doing over 5 hours cardio and little weight work and looking like I gained 10 lbs. I gained five? How did I do that when I was counting 1500 calories a day? Well, I have learned that my body got accustomed to my eating 1500 calories and the same workout I had been doing for the past 6 months or more. My metabolism slowed probably going into starvation mode and I was losing muscle. Yes It was hard adding the calories at first. The wonderful informative people in this forum made me see that it would be difficult but it will change me for the better.

I know now I must EAT and I must change my workout rotations at least 4 to 8 weeks. Lighten up cardio as well. I also found this formula in one of the conferences here. I hope this helps you as well.

Step 1: Calculation your RMR
RMR = 447.593 + (3.098*ht) + (9.247*wt) - (4.33*age)

key = Kilocalories per day
ht = in centimeters ( inches multiplied by 2.54)
wt = in kilograms( lbs. divided by 2.2)
age = in years


Melanie weighs 135lbs. and is 5'4" and 23 years old.

Melanie's RMR = 1420 calories

RMR kilocalories per day:
Ht = 162.6 cm (64" * 2.54cm)
wt = 61.4 kg (135lbs./2.2kg)
age = 23
RMR = 447.593 + (3.098*162.6) + (9.247 *61.4) - (4.33*23)=
447.493 + 503.7 + 567.8 - 99.6
RMR = 1420 * How active you are
-couch potatoe 1.4 (which you are not!)
-low to moderate exercise 1.6
-high intensity 1.8
-extremely high 1.9

Melanie is 1.6 so 1420 *1.6 = 2272

To lose 5lbs., you have to deduct 500 calories everyday.

When you first raised your calorie intake, did you go through a period of weight gain before losing weight again?
Hi Anat,

Someone here recommended this amazing book "Eat Smart Play Hard". I'm sorry that I don't remember who it was but I thank her! This book will tell you everything thing you need to know. It's by Liz Applegate. If you're still in Israel and can't get the book, email me and I'll tell you about it. E-mail me anyway, please - I want to talk to you about "ha'aretz". Thanks. [email protected]
I'm 5'8, weigh way too much and used this calorie counter and ended up with like almost having to eat 2900/day, that's with taking 500 off!!! Is that insanity or am I just crazy? hehe :) So do I trust the calorie counter thingy, or should I stick with eating good food when hungry, low fat, high fiber, high veggie content diet with I'm assuming is less than 2900 calories per day. Most of my meals are around 400 calories each and eat 4 times per day with a snack here or there. Could it actually be possible that I am not eating enough and that's why I'm not losing weight? This is all so confusing. hehe :-shy
Hi everyone,
I too have trouble figuring how much we need.I know that workout as a lot to do with losing weight and staying in shape but i am starting to realize that the diet is more important.(in losing weight)the two go hand in hand.
I read the little sample that she gave you and did my calorie intake but just the other day I read in muscle and fitness hers that you should multiple your weight by 11 and that is how many calories per pound you need.this calculation showed me that I need 1356 calories a day to lose weight.I don't know which is right or wrong.I am going to trust my gut and it will tell me when I need to eat.It is just up to me to decide what I am going to eat.And that will make the dufference.
Good Luck.,
Yes I did but only for 2 weeks. You need more food if you are an active person. Your body will atrophy and go into starvation mode. 1400 calories worked for me initially - probably for about a month. After that, I gained weight on the scale and found myself wanting more food. My body was trying to tell me to feed it -- of course with the right food. Not only did I drop the weight, but my body looks leaner.

Did anyone else go through the same thing?
Thank you all so much !!!

It's comforting to know that I am not the only one that struggles with this issue...


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