what, did everybody................



wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? Seems to be a regular occurrence at the vf forum! lol!
All of the sniping at Cathe aside I submit:
1. Cathe is willing to branch out into other fitness areas in order to try to please more of her audience. She should not be shot down in flames for that. She really goes out of her way for her fans, as all of the regulars here know.
2. Who gives a damn if she has a yoga certification ,or not, or what type of yoga certification it is? She's gotten to a level where I think she deserves the benefit of the doubt. Her outstanding reputation alone tells me it's gonna be an awesome tape just like all of her other ones are. She has never failed to produce outstanding tapes and there is no reason to think her yoga tape won't be great.
3. Is the name of the tape that important? They're her projects! She shouldn't have to apologize for putting a name she likes on her product.
4. She never claimed to be a yoga expert.
5. I sense that the vf post was used by some to just take potshots at her and, in one case, this forum.....as if jealousy is involved somehow.
6. If you don't like the concept......don't buy the workout when it comes out.
Lighten up people!
p.s. -- I AM still waiting for you to do a spinning tape using all Aerosmith pre-1977 in the soundtrack Cathe!! lol!! Just kidding! :)
Great points...

It's nice to see how quickly we all are getting reality checks and not letting a few ridiculous comments ruin things... we are a pretty amazing group :)
I'd buy that one too!!!

Hey Trevor!!! I agree whole-heartedly...with all of your comments...especially the suggestion for spinning DVD using Aerosmith in the soundtrack (I'd like all of their songs though...saw them in concert this fall, they touched all of their eras and they ROCKED!) That DVD would be SO MUCH FUN...I'd have to buy it...followed by a quick purchase of a bike (I've "spun" in health clubs, but I'm always game for more home equipment!)
take care
Trevor, I want an Advanced Step tape set to Beatles songs!!!! Don't you think "Got To Get You Into My Life" would make a good step song?! It's too early to think of more, but I'm sure we could come up with 50 minutes worth. http://plaudersmilies.de/coolman.gif
I really don't think you should generalize for the vf forum. It's full of great people with kind hearts, just as this forum is. And if you doubt our love for Cathe you just have to look here:


and you'll see that we have nothing but the highest regard for Cathe herself and her videos. :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-02 AT 06:42AM (Est)[/font][p]I don't believe I generalized for the whole vf site. Nancy Confer and Daphne Magnuson are two of the greatest people I have "met" on this forum.....and I believe they are vf regulars. However, sniping and a little nastiness has crept out of there on certain occasions. It's a little, how should I say.........."edgier" over there than it is here. Not everyone, just a few uptight ladies who I believe should learn to critique and express their opinions a little differently...w/o resorting to attacking people and just "sounding" plain nasty at times.
Just my opinion Nic......not trying to stir anything up. :)

We as a group have earned a scolding. Feel like I've gone to a dinner party & the guests are not only bickering with each other, but insulting the hostess.

I'm pumped up about the new year - playing hard, eating right. Hopefully our fitness community will refocus on the positive.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-02 AT 03:04PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Everyone:

Well I was unable to come to the forum for a week or so and boy was I surprized at all the stuff I was reading here when I got back.

I'm glad to see we have restored our sense of humor and are getting back on a fitness track!

I can't wait for the new Yoga tape! Cathe turned me on to advanced step, then weight training, then kickboxing and now its seems Yoga! I can't thank her enough for helping me travel the long road to better health and fitness and to helping me discover the different types of fitness sideroads there on the way. Keep up the great work Cathe!

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