What Are Your Quirks?

1. I can't stand fruit and meat together. Hawaiian pizza completely disgusts me.
2. It bothers me to see Cathe et al working out in long pants too. All I can think is "aren't they hot?"
3. If I want french fries, I order them and don't want anyone else to touch them - you're likely to get a fork in the back of your hand if you try and graze off my french fries! ;)

I'm sure there are more.....

This is tooo funny.

Aquajock - I do the unstaple, restaple thing incessantly at work. It drives me mad when the papers are not stacked neatly.

2. I would rather buy everyone I am with their own meal to keep them from nibbling off mine. It completely ruins my meal to have someone reaching in every few bites.

3. I drink my coffee out if a tall travel coffee mug instead of a cup, no matter where I am.

4. I HATE to hear people smack when they eat; to the point that I am envisioning myself stabbing them with my dinner knife. (I know that is soooo bad)

5. I almost completely wash dishes before I load the dishwasher.

6. I have to wait until I have completely finished my meal before I drink anything.

7. When I am watching a dvd movie I will pause the movie to go back to look at the chapters to see how far along I am. I will also do this if I am watching a scary movie to cheat and see who is going to get it next.

8. I am terrified of frogs. Yes, even the little green tree frogs.

9. I am always putting things in alphabetical (or chronological) order; videos, dvd's, cd's, books, magazines, etc.

10. I won't bite the cone on an ice cream cone until it is impossible for me to get to the ice cream by licking.

11. I can't just bite into a Twix. I have to nibble the chocolate and cramel off the cookie first.

Okay, after readings this it all sounds very normal to me.

Aerika J.
Well, after reading all the prior "quirks", I'm feeling a lot less alone in the world! :)
Here are a few of mine off the top of my head:

1. I have to do the "exact" workout I scheduled myself to do, if for some reason I must stray it drives me insane!

2. NO SHOES ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR! (you should be saying this with the same emphasis Joan Crawford said, "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!")we have a large kitchen with white tile floors, and it is a beast to mop! no shoes means I only have to mop once/week!

3. Touch my McDonald's fries at your own risk!

4. I have to brush my teeth before washing my face, never in reverse!

5. I have to have at least 4 (20oz) water bottles filled in the refrigerator at any given time.

6. I will flip right out if I am disturbed for some dumb a** reason during my workout! We have a red, white and blue rule: only knock on that bedroom door during my workout if one of the following conditions exist:
red~ you are bleeding profusely
white~ you are in shock
blue~ you are not breathing
anything less, it can wait for my workout to end!

Boy, after writing this I'll be surprised if I get a Mothers' Day card! I'm kind of a nut to live with!
Ok - I'll fess up....

1. I hate the phrase "The reality is..." I've walked away from great conversations and deals because of it.

2. I'm claustrophic. I wear open toed shoes year round so my toes can "breath" and I panic if my mouth or nose are covered for any reason! Even a cold with a stuffy nose can make me crazy. Imagine how I did with my gas mask in the military!

3. I'm nuts about going to sleep. I have to be completely naked and under the covers with my contacts out even for an afternoon nap. It doesn't have to be dark but it does have to be QUIET. Once I'm asleep I can sleep through anything (including the fire alarm) EXCEPT my children breathing!!! When we travel we always get a suite so I can shut the door between me and them.

4. I wear my hair long enough to put up, especially in court, because I can't keep my fingers out of it and it makes me look insecure to be pulling at my hair all the time.

5. I can't take it when someone says "I need to talk to you later". I obsess to the point it makes me sick. Just tell me already.

6. I count everything. I spend my workouts counting reps or steps and doing math - what's the percentage of this, whats the ratio of that, where will these two measurements intersect....

Thats enough for now. Thanks for a great thread! Katie
Okay I forgot one...

I have to sleep with something over my head. Normally I sleep with my head on the mattress with the pillow over my head and the covers pulled up over the pillow. Or I will sleep with my head on one pillow with another one on top of my head, kind of like a sandwich. I can't sleep with my head on top of the pillow with just open air. The covers are always pulled up over my head.

Aerika J.
So many....I'll only put a few of them here

1. I cannot stand food consumption noises of ANY KIND.

2. Time left on the microwave drives me crazy. If your food has finished cooking before the beep, clear it!!

3. Windshield wipers left halfway up the windshield. Turn them off, THEN turn your car off!

4. Red, White and Blue rule for me too during workouts. If I'm disturbed, I almost feel panicked.

5. I'm scared of opossums.

6. I am completely freaked out by velvet or velour. Its so bad that if someone on TV has it on, I have to turn the channel.

7. I am compulsive about keeping track of my workouts.

8. I have to have some kind of a "noise" to fall asleep. Right now, its a CD of a thunderstorm. If I happen to wake up during the night, I have to get up and turn it back on.
Here are two that come to mind, both dealing with food...go figure!

1. I can't STAND eating noises either. Smacking, crunching, slurping, etc. The sound of someone chewing ice drives me up a wall. But I love to chew ice.;-) Sometimes my DH and I will be watching TV and I'll be chewing ice and I'll ask him if it bothers him and he says "does what bother me?". I'm like I would be losing my mind if he was doing that.

2. I hate it when I ask my DS if he wants some of what I'm about to fix for myself and he says no, then he wants to eat off my plate. AAUUGGHHH!!

Here's one more,
3. When I'm involved in a job or project around the house, I don't like it when my husband says "why don't you do it this way?", like his way is always better.

I'm sure I have more, but can't think of them at the moment.

This is fun, makes my quirks seem more normal.

>11. I can't just bite into
>a Twix. I have to
>nibble the chocolate and cramel
>off the cookie first.
>Aerika J.

Haha, I love this quirk! I do this too but in the reverse. I nibble away all the cookie and then all I have left is some chocolate and caramel and am in heaven. If I could go to McDonald's and ask for a sundae cup full of just the caramel sunday sauce and no ice cream, I WOULD!!!

I am also one of those people who will eat one thing at a time on their plate and never have a bite of each thing. It's finish one thing and move on to the next.

I have to write down everytime I exercise, what weights I used, what step height etc.

I always have to sleep next to the wall with 2 pillows. I hate sleeping at my boyfriends house because his bed is not next to a wall, but I hate sleeping with him beside me when I'm next to a wall cuz then I feel trapped. It's insanity I tell you, I would love for there to be a wall beside me and sleeping with him if it was a king size bed, or if it had an eject button where I could throw him outta bed if I felt trapped by him and the wall. :)

Can't really think of anything else right now, but love reading about everyone elses quirks.
1) This is the absolute worst...I pick my split ends!!! Does anyone else do that? I swear people must think I have a mental problem when I'm sitting in a vehicle waiting for someone and I'm picking away. UGH! I'm actually thinking of getting my hair cut short but long hair is so much easier for me!

2) My boyfriend & I prank call each other. (We just let the phone ring and hang up. They're not obscene calls!) We will never answer the phone before the third ring because of this. I love it. It's a quick way to say "I'm thinking about you" without taking much time out of busy schedules. The phone ringing is a great motivator when I'm working out!

3) My boyfriend thinks my rules for the kitchen towels are quirky. I think they're smart. I use my dark blue towel for drying hands and less than sparkling clean things and my white towels (with a dog pattern) for drying clean dishes.

4) I hate dealing with relying on gas engines for yard work. Therefore, I shovel my snow and use a reel mower (no engine) on my lawn. Neighbors will come out and offer me their equipment and don't understand when I decline.

5) I too love to lay on my stomach to eat dinner. I have the added bonus of my black lab mutt who lays next to me and helps me eat it, keeping it low cal. ;-)

6) I cannot get over how stupidly people drive. I obsess about people who cause traffic problems without even realizing it! This summer (next month thru November) is full of construction for me and I'm dreading it. I'm afraid my 1 hour commute to work will almost double.

7) I hate clutter so before I go to bed, I make sure everything is picked up. Unfortunately, if you open a closet, something is sure to fall on your head because I have yet to organize.

I have many more but that's it from me.

Feeling tired from Body Max last night but
feeling strong from Body Max last night,
What fun! Here are the ones I've thought of so far:

-I too have to completely wash the dishes before I load them into the dishwasher. And if I don't have a dishwasher, I wash them before I wash them.

-I love creamed spinach so much that I have been known to order it for dessert at restaurants.

-I think the only reason for cake to exist is to hold my inch thick chocolate buttercream frosting. And the cake should be refrigerated so the frosting has a dense fudge-like texture.

-I'm afraid to fly. But I'm married to an Air Force guy and stationed overseas so avoidance of airplanes is not an option. Instead, I pack my carry-on bag with life jackets and rope to help hold us up when the plane goes down over the ocean.

-I do body-builder poses in the bathroom mirror before my shower to admire my hard-earned muscles.

-Cathe.com is my home page.

-I can't blow my nose in public because I could rival the loudest foghorn.

-I have to have crossword and variety puzzle books in the bathroom because without them, certain bodily functions just don't (function that is).

-I refuse to get my hair cut because I love it too much when my little girls brush and braid it.

Keep it up folks, I love these! --Karen
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-09-02 AT 01:06PM (Est)[/font][p]I was laughing so hard reading this thread my DH had to read it to see what was so funny!!

Many of mine have been mentioned but I have a few quirks to add...

I HATE soggy bread and pasta. If I get a bite of either I gag.

I am afraid of clowns, monkeys, and snakes. Snakes bother me because they don't have feet. I'm not sure why I have problems with clowns and monkeys. Too many scary movies maybe.

When someone says "to be honest" or "honestly". Why are those needed? Was everything else said a lie?

Fingerprints make me nuts. Especially on my car windows or monitor. Either offense could result in broken fingers.

And these are just a few!
This is a great thread! It's keeping me entertained during a deadly boring day at work.

Kristina: Funny that you have an aversion to pink because I have always LOVED pink. If something comes in pink, I have to have it. All my friends and family know this. I tried to change as a teenager because I thought pink was too much of a little-girl color, but now I've embraced it (I'm 38).

I don't have children, but even having a husband makes it hard to have quirks. For example, with a husband I cannot decorate my house completely in pink (I will if I'm every an eccentric old lady living alone). Also, I have a strong tendency to be a neat freak but my husband doen't, so living with him is probably a good balance. On a bad day, of course, I wish with all my heart that he was a neat freak, too, so we could always live in what my friend calls "museum mode."

Keep the quirks coming! I relate to quite a few of them!
Hey - not too far off from E.T, I hate Alf for no apparent reason. I always thought he was a dog until my husband told me he was an alien. I also hate Mr. Magoo.
OK this is so much fun and it got me thinking of another quirk of mine that my husband doesn't understand...I can't stand magicians. For one thing, their costumes and their assistants' costumes are always cheesey and so is the music. But the real reason is that, do they really think that I think it's magic??? I mean, come on. I know they are tricking us. I wish they wouldn't act like we think they really are magic! I hope I haven't offended any magician-Americans here. :)

PS - I love the shows where they debunk all the magic tricks and people who claim to have ESP(I don't like them either!).

Am I mean?
This is SO fun!

- I cannot stand someone to touch my neck. I literally freak out and do not take responsibility for my actions. When it HAS to be done (ie Dr. visit) I grip the chair and squim miserably until it's over.

- I am SO afraid of things that are bigger than they are supposed to be. ie: giant gorilla at a grand opening. I guess it's big things in general b/c elephants freak me out too.

- I am also afraid of things in a mask or costume that covers the face. Mascots are terrifying. I have to be able to see the face.

- I am ALSO afraid of roosters and emus. Personal experience!

- I have to load the dishwasher with an equal # of utensils in each utensil slot...and they all must be facing up.

- I get very tense and nervous when I hear the songs Carol of the Bells (Christmas song) or Prince Ali (from Aladin).

- My boyfriend cannot handle the word "potluck". If I should accidentally say it I have to stop and apologize or he won't hear one word I say after it.

11. I have to have 3 Certs Powerful Mints and 2 pieces of Dentyne Ice gum every hour on the hour during the weekday morning.

12. I can't drive a car. Period. No reason. I just can't.

13. I eat dry cereal (house-brand Cheerios knock-offs or fake Corn Chex mixed with house-brand shredded wheat all mushed up) in the morning, and sometimes cereal with milk for dinner.

14. I'm not afraid of snakes, mice or worms but I'm terrified of bees and wasps. When I was a baby I stepped in a wasp nest and was stung 32 times, and they found a live wasp in my diaper when my dad took me to the doctor. I don't have any tangible memory of this, but I hate those little *&^%$s.

Annette The Relieved
Oh my! Well, girls, are we the OCD club or what?? :)

Here are my credentials as a card-carrying member:

1. I have to be the first one to open a jar of peanut butter. If anyone in my family gets to it first I'm inconsolable. For this reason, no matter what time I get home from the grocery store, no matter how un-hungry I am and no matter how fast the refrigerated groceries are getting warm, the first thing I have to do is find the peanut butter in those !&^$ bags, open it and have a teaspoonful. But only a teaspoonful.

2. I hate insects, in general, and don't believe they have any right to be alive. But I am terrified, literally, of insects that crunch when you smush them under your foot -- like cockroaches and big carpenter bees. I can't go within a six-foot radius of a roach, dead or alive. And I confess I've passed along this aversion to my two DS's. So now, if we see a roach in the house (and we get a few in this climate, including those awful flying Palmetto bug mutant roaches in the summer), my sons and I have to leave that room PERMANENTLY until my DH gets home. And if the roach is dead we drop my giant Black's Law Dictionary on it from six feet up, and leave the book there til DH gets home. Longest time Black's Law Dictionary stayed right where it was: ten days while Hubby was away on business.

3. I can't sleep with my back to the door, but I have to fall asleep on my left side. This has presented some logistical challenges when we travel. I've been known to re-make a hotel bed with the pillows at the foot of the bed so that I can face the door on my left side.

4. If I wake up in the middle of the night for any reason, I have to go to the bathroom and "try," whether or not I really need to go and no matter how cozy I'm feeling under the covers. (Freud might say this harkens back to my childhood, when we'd stop on a long road trip at a Rest Area and I NEVER needed to go and my sister ALWAYS needed to go and our mom would say to me "Well Kath honey just TRY!" :))

5. I have to brush my teeth until my Braun toothbrush with the timer "jiggles" at me that two minutes are up, wash my face with good cleanser, sterilize my contacts, moisturize my face and brush my hair before I go to bed. Always. No matter what time I go to bed, no matter what state I'm in. Been this way since college. I bought good cleanser and good moisturizer when I had to eat hot dogs to do it. And I've gone through this entire ritual when I didn't remember a moment of it the next morning (but of course found my sparkling clean contacts in their case!)

6. I have to wipe down my kitchen countertops with Windex Antibacterial every evening, even when my DH has cleaned up after dinner and the kitchen "looks" clean. Not to me it doesn't, not til my trusty Windex chamois has done its thing.

7. It drives me nuts like fingernails on a blackboard when someone takes a sip from their drink with food still in their mouth. :-mad I am just repulsed! I'm not even polite to people who do this. In my swingle days I broke up with a couple of cutie pies over this "eating style," as one of them called it. One meal where this happens and they're history.

Oh enough -- I'm scarin' myself already!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
Annette...This thread is so funny. It's nice to know were not alone!

1. When I'm not at work I HAVE to eat lunch ny myself in front of the computer. I have to check Cathe's site and check e-mail.
At work I HAVE to eat lunch and read a book. I do not socialize or speak to anyone in the break room. It's just lunch I'm this way about.

2. In the morning I'll fill 2 coffee cups 1/4 way up with hot water then put in a full dose of instant coffee with no milk.

3. Must have 3 water bottles filled and lined up before I'll work out.

4. Can't workout without wrist weights on.

5. Shave my legs every day. Even when I'm camping!

6. I must have full make-up on before I'll ride my motorcycle. This included lip liner, lipstick & gloss!

7. I have to eat cooked cold fish everyday! Usually at lunch. I feel deprived if I don't.

8. I'm a floss-a-holic. Floss 2x a day every day. Cannot go a day without.

9. I have to kiss my black labradors before I'll get out of bed in the morning. When my husband leaves for work in the am they jump in.(I do kiss my husband and children daily).

10. I absolutely dislike shopping. Even for groceries! I'll make out a specific list, give each son a portion and wait for them to bring all the items to the cart. They are rewarded with getting what they want from the store.

11. I have to have the radio on when I shower!

12. I always carry either in my purse, brief case, or backpack a roll of toliet paper, lip balm and my cell phone! Always!

I do the same thing! I alway have to have popcorn and Milk Duds to watch a movie, and I NEVER start to eat my Duds until the movie has started. I'll eat some popcorn during the previews, but not my Duds.
Okay, here's another one:

Whenever we leave town, even for the weekend, I have to have the house spotlessly clean with everything put in its proper place! This can be very stressful with all the other prep work that usually needs to be done before going away. But it horrifies me to think something might happen to us while we're gone and then our families will have to come in and be confronted by the mess - their last impression of us! My husband has learned to accept this over the years. He knows I am a bear to be around the last 24 hours before we leave on a trip.

The advantage is that that when we do come home safe and sound it is wonderful to walk into a clean and orderly house.

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