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  1. C

    confused about calories

    Thank you both for answering. In response to your questions. I eat very clean. My biggest indulgence is frozen yogurt and I don't have that everyday. I usually have cereal and fruit or an egg white omelette or rice cakes and cottage cheese or a luna bar for breakfast; salad with grilled chicken...
  2. C

    confused about calories

    Thank you both for answering. In response to your questions. I eat very clean. My biggest indulgence is frozen yogurt and I don't have that everyday. I usually have cereal and fruit or an egg white omelette or rice cakes and cottage cheese or a luna bar for breakfast; salad with grilled chicken...
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    confused about calories

    Happy Halloween, hope everyone is enjoying their day! I have been tracking my food intake with fitday for about 4 weeks now. I seem to eat anywhere between 1400 and 1900 calories. I wear a heart rate monitor when I do carido, stay "in the zone" btwn 50 and 60 min and average a caloric burn of...
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    Cardio Burn Out

    I definately get that. I usually try to find a new type of cardio, like I did with Kickboxing, but there are only so many options. If I'm beyond inspiring myself with something new, I take the day off and do yoga or pilates or something without the impact of cardio. Rollerblading sounds like a...
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    Meso: Will S& H Bulk Me?

    I completely agree. Its definately a challenge for us meso's (I'm 5'2" as well). It was actually a relief when I found others on this forum just like me. I am forever experimenting to find the right mix. I did the tank top rotation that everyone seemed to be getting great results with and found...
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    never weigh myself...anyone else?

    Having had a battle with the scale when I suffered from anorexia years ago, I've stayed away from the scale. Last time I weighed myself eas last summer on my honeymoon when I was feeling very good in my body and I was 114. Now, I know I've gained a litte weight..I'm 5'2" so 5lbs can be...
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    Experiment: Bulking revisited (a little long)

    naughtoj, Congratulations to your husband, that's wonderful! I am ACE certified for the past two years. It is not my primary occupation now, but I am fascinated by the information and continue to learn. Ultimately I would like to "specialize" in pre and post natal fitness and hopefully make it...
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    Experiment: Bulking revisited (a little long)

    Actually, if PT is a "designation that is limited by law," then it would need a ™ (trademark) or ® (registration mark.) My using "PT" without either is not in violation of any law, its simply an abbreviation used in a very appropiate forum, where I am sure no one misunderstood.
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    Experiment: Bulking revisited (a little long)

    Hi Janice, My diet is fine, I don't overeat, try to eat protein with every meal, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and a moderate amount of "starchy" carbs and eat smaller portions more often. I admit I have a sweet tooth, and tend to indulge in a frozen yogurt most nights, and maybe a...
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    Experiment: Bulking revisited (a little long)

    The experiment continues... Starting in May I began a 2 week S&H rotation followed by the Tank Top Arm rotation (with some variation) followed by Cathes MIS/PH rotation (first two weeks MIS 2x PH 1x, 2nd 2 weeks PH 2x MIS 1x) I am 3 weeks into it and really just don't like my results. (I do...
  11. C

    circuit max?

    Sounds great. Just what I was looking for. I am going to order it today! Thanks for the response.
  12. C

    "Cutting Up"

    Quick question for the educated crowd.....After doing a S&H rotation, followed by TTArms, followed by Cathes MIS/PH rotation, I am looking for something different. I definately have built muscle and feel strong, though still long for a leaner look. I want to cut up and thought circuit training...
  13. C

    circuit max?

    Quick question for Cathe and the educated crowd.....After doing a S&H rotation, followed by TTArms, followed by Cathes MIS/PH rotation, I am looking for something different. I want to cut up and thought circuit training might be the answer. I searched the forum, but ended up more confused. in...
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    building muscle

    Mogambo, As stated over and over again, every body is different, and I can assure you that there are those of us who *can* get too big/bulky. You can't just "stop" when your "just right" b/c you want to maintain, and some of us really need to experiment to find the right "formula" to do so...
  15. C

    building muscle

    Mogambo, As stated over and over again, every body is different, and I can assure you that there are those of us who *can* get too big/bulky. You can't just "stop" when your "just right" b/c you want to maintain, and some of us really need to experiment to find the right "formula" to do so...
  16. C

    Protein after strength training

    Just wondering what everyone usually does about protein consumption after strength training. I know the "protein window" is 60 to 90 minutes after training, although when I do my weight work at night I don't always have the luxury of time, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. What are your...
  17. C

    Weight of barbell w/out plates ?

    I've thought of weighing it, but I don't keep a scale in the house. Thanks for replying though.
  18. C

    Weight of barbell w/out plates ?

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-02 AT 03:10PM (Est)[p]I know this seems silly, but I do not know how much my bar weighs. It is a 6ft standard bar made of cast iron. I was given the weights and the set did not come with any specifications. It also came with 4 dumbell bars and am unsure of their weight...
  19. C

    Rotation advise:

    RE: Rotation advice Hi Ginger, I mostly do Power or Active yoga and there tends to be alot of pushup style moves in it, but I did it last night, the day after doing PS and it felt great. I'm going to keep it up. Kathy, I wondering if you had any Pilates tape recommendations. I do a class at...
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    Rotation advise:

    RE: Rotation advice Thanks Kathy! Sounds just like what I am trying to accomplish. I just never knew for sure if yoga the day after strength training would impede on my recovery, but it seems to be working for you, so I am going to give it a try. And I love the idea of yoga after your cardio, I...