Meso: Will S& H Bulk Me?


I keep hearing raves about S & H, but am afraid to try becuase I am a meso and REALLY don't want my legs or biceps to get more muscular (I'm only 5'2). I like the defined, cut look, not big as I am just too short. Should I stick with more endurance type workouts?
Can't answer your question, just had to tell you how insatiabley JEALOUS I am. Just mark me down as a "Meso Wannabe". You Meso's have all the luck, coordination, easy time building muscle, always picked first for gym class volleyball, etc. team.

Lucky you!

I am mesomorphic, very muscular at 5'1 and have been doing S&H for 4 weeks now. This is my last week. To be honest, I actually have noticed very little difference in my body since the beginning of my S&H rotation. I really did think I would just blow up, but it really cannot happen that fast. I mean, think about it, we are talking 3 weeks here. Also, the routine that is required for strength is not the routine that is required for maximum muscle growth. S&H is a strength rotation. Doing it once a week, each tape, should worry you less than doing say, MIS three times per week, which would be more of a muscle gain rotation. See what I mean??

I think you should go for it. I have not gotten "bulkier" in three weeks but I do hope to see some impressive strength gains when I go back to MIS and PH next week.

Good Luck!!

Just wanted to reply to you because, I am your height and meso also. I have not bought S&H for the reason you mentioned.

When I first got MIS & PH I did them 3xweek, and I did notice muscle growth. However, I am now doing weight videos only 1-2xweek and adding yoga/pilates workouts 1xweek. I see that my pants fit better in the thighs!

Judy Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
I'm not sure if us very short meso's are lucky or not because we can not have one extra ounce of fat otherwise we look shorter and stockier. I hear people talking about clean eating 6 days a week with one cheat day on the 7th. There's no such thing for us meso's, 7 day per week clean eating or no results period (at least for me).

I guess we all want what we can't have, I would love to be an ecto.

I completely agree. Its definately a challenge for us meso's (I'm 5'2" as well). It was actually a relief when I found others on this forum just like me. I am forever experimenting to find the right mix. I did the tank top rotation that everyone seemed to be getting great results with and found myself bulking, then I did Cathes MIS/PH rotaion and I thought for sure all of that endurance work would cut me up, but still bulky. Then I thought maybe my muscles need more rest, so now I'm doing all of PS once a week and Circuit Max once a week and trying to add pilates and/or yoga at least once a week, in addition to my cardio days. The challenge we have is that we need to keep up the cardio, lots of it, which makes its hard to schedule everything. A weight day isn't always just a weight day. For those of you who don't understand bulking its not just that our muscles are growing, its that they almost keep the swell, don't appear as hard developed muscle necessarily.
I'm with Lisa, one cheat day can really make a difference. Sometimes it really amazes me as much as frustrates me. We just aren't meant to be long and lean. I too would love to be an ecto, but I'm working on making the best of what I've got!

In response to the first post. I found that S&H bulked my legs, but not necessarily my upper body.
I am new here so can someone explain these body types (meso, ecto) or point me in that direction ;-) 'cause I want to know what I am!

BTW, I'm around 5'4" or 5'5", 135 #s, heavier on the top than bottom... But I need work ALL over :O

I'm currently doing PS 3x/wk with cardio in between. I am waiting for S&H to arrive! and the Terminator & Intensity Series!!! I guess I have Cathe fever...

I'm doing BFL nutrition and did BFL fitness for 4 wks, then PS. Now, I am wanting to change routine again.

Muscle & Fitness Hers had a nice article on this topic a while back. I think is was in 2001 maybe? I'm not sure. Can any one remember and chime in here to help?


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
As far as picking types, it is very obvious. It is when you are in between types that it gets hard to tell sometimes. And most people are in between types, including, in my opinion, the posters here who have to do so much cardio and weights to maintain their shape but still think they are mesos. Really, Chloe and I are probably a mix of meso and something else ( I am meso/endo) if we have to work so hard. Most true mesos have it pretty easy in that they gain muscle fast and have a hard time putting on fat weight in many cases, no matter what their diet is like.

If you are tall and "skinny" and it is hard for you to gain muscle you are an ECTO. If you are soft and have the ability to become pudgy, to gain fat pretty easily and gain muscle not so easy, you are an ENDO. If you are very muscular, tend to gain muscle easy and fat not so easily, you are (think Serena Williams here!!) a MESO.

Figuring out inbetweens doesn't really tell you much in my opinion. I just work out to lose overall fat and gain overall muscle. Goals should be the same for virtually everyone...

Hope that helps..

Thanks, Janice! That does help :) I guess I'm a combo Endo/Meso. I gain easily .. fat & muscle. I don't mind the muscle but could do w/o the fat (LOL).

BTW, I have always weighed more than people think I do. My mom calls that 'solid' whatever that means!

dee c.
I probably am also a "meso/endo combo" It could never be easy right? Thats part of being human, I guess.
Any way, there are worse things to worry about. I am thankful that I am healthy enough to exercise in the first place.
(Sorry, I just seem to be upset this morning about the shootings in the DC area)

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
You are right about never being easy and the shootings! It's so sad and I feel that whoever is doing this is enjoying the media attention. I will never understand things like this or the terrible mind(s) behind it.

dee c.
try this link:{2BFE5EB0-0F5E-11D6-B8C7-0090277C0A31}&curpage=1&curCatID=535&SuperCID=535&CID=B&SubCID=A

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Thank you for the link! For the first time, I understand the difference between ecto, meso and endo. I've also figured out that I'm mostly endo with some meso tendencies.
Another short meso/endo combo here. I gain fat and muscle easily. I've been experimenting with S & H, PS, MIS, PH and love them all. I'm mainly trying to lose weight after having a baby and I don't feel like I've bulked but I haven't really lost much weight either. I did kind of think that squats might have made my hips a little wider though...EEEEEK! Not what I wanted. I started doing a lot less squats and a lot more lunges. I'm not sure if it's true that squats make your hips wider but I read that somewhere. What do you all think about this?

Also, what workouts are for maximum muscle growth. I'm trying to build musle to help with my fat loss.

Hi there. I think I am a meso/endo too. My body is a lot like Cedie (except I have a bit more fat than her and my muscles have no where the definition) I posted a thread to see if some of te pros could tell us what body type Cedie has. Are you similar to Cedie too?? I am 5'3", am bigger in the butt than the top. My belly (after having a baby particularly) and hips/butt are always the LAST to lose weight!

I wonder if there are any pro meso/endo's on this board that can offer advice for rotations etc.?

I am currently doing S&H (just started today) but am of course still doing cardio with it. I think I'm going to pick up some heavier dumb bells this week too.

The S&H felt real good this morning. I am meeting with a trainer tomorrow night at the club so I will let you know what he says. He is going to give me a whole plan that includes diet and everything. Also - pls feel free to e-mail me.

Maybe we should submit a post for meso's and meso's/endos so we'll know who all of us are. I know that the ecto's have a weekly checkin that they talk about. I'd love to connect with others who have similar body types so we can all share and learn from one another:)


I think I am a 5'2 meso/endo. I would love a support group. I have not used S and H, but am going to try the new Splits from the new videos. I will say this, although I remain on the bulky side, I have gotten much more defined and cut since using Cathe's weight tapes and going heavy on weights. I have been active, running and teaching aerobics for 17 years. I did a moderate amount of weight and firm tapes. I was firm, but still very curvy. I lost a cup size when I started using heavy weight and cutting back on the cardio. I also went from a 6p to a 4-2p. This is just my 2 cents.

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