building muscle

Oops! I hit the post button prematurely.
Ok, here goes. I have about 18%body fat and fairly defined muscles.
I know I should mix up weight rotations,but I am concerned that I will get too big if I use more strength videos instead of endurance ones. I currently aim for three weight traing workouts per week and 4 cardio. Usually I do CM or BM once so they count as both weight & cardio in one workout.

Should I try to use some strength workouts to confuse my muscles periodically? If so would cutting down to working each body part 2 times weekly help?

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
Just my 2 cents, but I don't know how anyone can get "too big". It doesn't happen overnight, so you can always stop when you're "just right". Muscle-mass building doesn't have some sort of momentum where it just keeps on going with no effort. If it does, someone please tell me how to get that to happen! I am not trying to be a smart aleck, I am trying to reassure you.
I have doing Cathe weight videos since 1998. I can't fit into fitted size 6 pants any more and my body fat is only 18%. Therefore I conclude that my lower body may have gotten larger and not fatter. I always have had the ability to have large legs. I am a former gymnast and swimmer.

I guess my goal is to decrease bulk in lower half a bit. My thought was to cut back to 1 or 2 days total body weight training.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
As stated over and over again, every body is different, and I can assure you that there are those of us who *can* get too big/bulky. You can't just "stop" when your "just right" b/c you want to maintain, and some of us really need to experiment to find the right "formula" to do so without bulking. Just an FYI and validation that it is an issue for some.
As stated over and over again, every body is different, and I can assure you that there are those of us who *can* get too big/bulky. You can't just "stop" when your "just right" b/c you want to maintain, and some of us really need to experiment to find the right "formula" to do so without bulking. Just an FYI and validation that it is an issue for some.
Hi likes2bfit:If you can you should try to do some running twice a week.My sister runs and she dropped the big muscles in her legs and now has more definition and smaller legs.I wish I could run put it bothers my shins.I also noticed that the higher my step is the more muscular my legs I keep mine low.Good luck.

I always keep my step high because I don't feel like I get a hard enough cardio workout if I don't.

Thanks for the running tip. I don't run well continuously but I can do intervals, like Cathe's treadmill interval workout. I also have adapted an interval workout to my semi recumbent bike. I wonder if the bike is more likely to add to my leg bulk, anyone know?

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: thanks!


I think adding recumbent bike will add to your "bulk" because you are using almost only your legs, pushing against resistance. Biking on my mountain bike hasn't done much to shrink my quads..that's for sure!! I don't think you should be worried though. It stands to reason that the less fat you have to lose, the slower it is going to come off. I know everyone here says when you build muscle you actually get SMALLER because the muscle is taking up less space than the fat. True, but what if you don't carry much fat there and are putting on the muscle faster than you are taking off the fat?? Result would be your legs would feel and/or look BIGGER. I know I had this problem. It is not a BAD thing. Adding a little more cardio and decreasing the weights will probably work, so that you are maintaining your lean mass while dropping the (I'm sure SMALL) amount of fat that is on your legs.

You say that you have an interval workout for your bike. I am not too familiar with stationary bikes, but I would not use much resistance, I think they call that "spinning", where your legs move very fast at many RPM but there isn't max resistance?? You don't want "the burn", like the one you get in IMAX in those plyo jumps.

I cannot understand wanting to "scale down" the legs...these are your biggest fat burners!!!! I am darn proud of my little tree stumps myself!! They let me eat more calories everyday just for bein' there!! And the power you gain in your cardio workouts from strong legs is immeasureable. And female style of clothing nowadays is pathetic..I NEVER fit into pants or jeans or whatever. My waist does, but once those jeans hit my quads, there ain't no goin' up. But that is what strength training does for me. I guess that is more important to me, the way I feel rather than the way I look. I like feeling strong and super athletic.

Just be careful. You don't wanna lose too much muscle...Hope some of this helps...Janice
RE: thanks!

Thanks so much for taking the time to think about my question and answer it. I truly am a mesomorph (?sp?). I like the way you pointed out that athletic legs are healthy. You are right. And I do get alot of comments on them. I guess I just was frustrated with the teenybobber styles of tights legs. I am 41 and while I don't try to dress like my 17 year old, I geuss I let the fashion industry get the best of me.

Having said that, I will not give up weight training; I will only cut it down to 2 days per week. And maybe less time on bike at high resistance. I love step too much to give it up, and I love to have it on the 8" (2 blocks) always!

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)

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