circuit max?


Active Member
Quick question for Cathe and the educated crowd.....After doing a S&H rotation, followed by TTArms, followed by Cathes MIS/PH rotation, I am looking for something different. I want to cut up and thought circuit training might be the answer. I searched the forum, but ended up more confused. in one post I read that circuit max can be done the day after an upper body workout because the weight used in CM is so light. (?) Can CM be used as an alternate to traditional weight triaing in a rotation? Do you hit all the muscles? If not, where exactly do you fit it in? Any advice or ideas would be appreciated.
Circuit Max uses 5 and 8 lbs dumbbells. You get two shoulder exercises, two triceps and two biceps. You work the UB while doing squats, pliees or lunges.The heartrate usually is sky high while doing the compound exercises. Before you get to the planks you do rows and push-ups. I like this workout a lot.

If I do a PS Rotations my week looks like this:

Mon: PSL&Abs
Wed: Cardio (IMax)
Fr: Cardio (Rythmic Step)
Sa: Circuit Max

Hope this helps. The fun factor of this tape is great.
Sounds great. Just what I was looking for. I am going to order it today! Thanks for the response.

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