Search results

  1. N

    Happy Birthday!

    Adding Happy Birthday wishes to you, too, Cathe!!! I hope this next year is your best ever. Thank you for all you do!! --- Tammy in WA married 23 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (23 - married, 21 - married) homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (15, 13, 11, 9...
  2. N

    Cathe or SNM calendar ?????

    I'm just adding a please and GREAT idea to this thread. :) -- Tammy in WA married 22 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (22 - married, 20 - married) homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (14, 12, 10, 8, and 5)
  3. N

    Cathe - Rest period question

    I'm 41 (almost 42). I have been working out (weights, cardio, etc.) *faithfully* since March 2001. I have never taken more than a week off at a time. I have lost 20 pounds and 8 clothing sizes. However, my results have come to a standstill and no matter what I do things are not changing. I have...
  4. N

    So when will the DVD's be ready???

    Me, three! :P Can hardly wait. The pictures are such a tease!!! -- Tammy C. in WA married 22 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (22 - married, 19 - engaged) homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (13, 11, 9, 7, and 5)
  5. N

    Yeah!!!! I won the Cathe travel mug!!!!

    Me, too!! Football is not our thing around here, but I kept tabs on the internet. :) ~~ Tammy C. in WA married 22 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (21 - married, 19 - engaged) homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (13, 11, 9, 7, and 5)
  6. N

    For '04 (or '05 if Cathe has baby #3) - The Max Series

    RE: For '04 (or '05 if Cathe has baby #3) - The Max Ser... I want to know if Cathe is expecting?!!! :7 -- Tammy C. in WA married 22 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (21 - married, 19 - engaged) homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (13, 11, 9, 7, and 5)
  7. N

    Will these three vhs ever be put on dvd?

    I've *almost* completed my Cathe collection. :) Will "Step N Motion 1", "Mega Step Blast" and "How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding" be put on dvd? Thanks in advance! Tammy C. in WA married 22 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (21 - married, 19 - engaged)...
  8. N

    stability ball

    Lisa, Check out this website: Amy's great to deal with!!! Tammy C. in WA married 22 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (21 - married, 19 - engaged) homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (13, 11, 9, 7, and 4)
  9. N

    weight training routines

    Bumping, as I'd love to hear an answer on this! :D Tammy C. in WA married 21 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (21 - married, 18 - engaged) homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (13, 11, 9, 7, and 4)
  10. N

    Gentler on the Knees Please!

    Definitely agree with all these posts!! Something low impact, but yet high intensity! ~~~ Tammy C. in WA married 21 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to 2 terrific sons (21 - married, 18 - engaged) homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (12, 10, 9, 6, and 4)
  11. N

    I just tried Leaner Legs

    >for the first time this morning and know that I will be >paying for it tomorrow (or Saturday). >mikkame77 I did Leaner Legs on Monday afternoon, worked out on Tuesday morning and was STILL sore on Wednesday!!!!!! :o I'm just now feeling normal again. Gotta love this video!!!!! :D...
  12. N

    Is it okay to use one tape from the slow & heavy series each

    weekday? For how long should I keep up that pace? TIA Tammy C. in WA married 21 years to my best friend, Steve just Mom to two terrific sons (20 ~ engaged, 18 ~ graduate) homeschooling Mom to five fantastic sons (12, 10, 8, 6, and 4)
  13. N

    Any cardio workout other than step

    RE: Tammy!! Thanks, Hollie! :) Yeah, five are "in school". We have a lot of fun and it seems I learn something new every day. Tammy
  14. N

    Any cardio workout other than step

    Hi Nancy, I don't know if I could chose a favorite! I honestly enjoy them all. They give a great workout and yes, those "knees" are definitely high intensity. Charlene does give "options" if you're having a rough day and don't want to work as hard. I find her cuing excellent and her exercise...
  15. N

    Wedding coming up - which tapes for maximum arm definition?

    My son is getting married January 18. My dress is sleevless. My arms aren't too bad, but I'd like more "definition" in them. Should I use the one tape from the slow and heavy series 3 days a week or all five days? or is there a better tape series to get the definition? Thanks so much!!! Tammy
  16. N

    Any cardio workout other than step

    I love Cathe's weight workouts, but being a mother of 7, with a very *weak* pelvic floor, ;) I cannot do high impact. I heard about Charlene Prickett and now I'm hooked on her cardio. She has lots of low impact, but high intensity tapes. The url is: HTH. Tammy...
  17. N

    Arm Definition in right, not in left

    I'm currently doing the tank top arms rotation and am *finally* getting some definition in my arms, but I'm lopsided! I can see the muscles in my right arm/shoulder, but not my left. What do I do to even this out? Add more weights to the left side of my barbell? Do heavier dumbells on the left...