Any cardio workout other than step

I don't think she has any LO-Impact but she does have Cardio Kicks which just uses floor space and is kickbox style. It is areal fun workout and really makes me sweat. I wish she had more non-step workouts to alternate with.
Hi - I do have cardio kicks as I'm an avid kickboxer - but I'm also 49 and am looking for something less impact. Thanks for replying
Cathe has MIC but the Hi/Lo portion of that is HIGH/HIGH if you ask me.

Try Fat Burning for Dummies with Gay Gasper I love it, don't be put off by the title either. Great workout.

I love Cathe's weight workouts, but being a mother of 7, with a very *weak* pelvic floor, ;) I cannot do high impact. I heard about Charlene Prickett and now I'm hooked on her cardio. She has lots of low impact, but high intensity tapes. The url is: HTH.

Tammy C. in WA
married 21 yrs. to my best friend, Steve
just Mom to two terrific sons (20 ~ engaged, 18 ~ graduate!)
homeschooling Mom to five more fantastic sons (12, 10, 8, 6, and 4)

Wow, I just read your post....7 boys??? :-wow Oh my! And you homeschool 5 of them???? :-tired Hats off to you, woman!! I have two boys that I've homeschooled on and off since my oldest (11) started kindergarten.

Way to go, Tammy!!! :D

Low Impact, High Intensity and Start Your Engines are great. I prefer Start Your Engines, but it really doesn't matter which tape you choose. Essentially they're the same workout.

Just be careful of the "big knees!" They are the equivalent of plyos in the Firm -- ENDLESS repetitions, and they really made my back hurt after 45 minutes!

> Which of Charlene Prickett's low
>impact cardio tapes do you
>like best and why?
Hi Nancy,

I don't know if I could chose a favorite! I honestly enjoy them all. They give a great workout and yes, those "knees" are definitely high intensity. Charlene does give "options" if you're having a rough day and don't want to work as hard. I find her cuing excellent and her exercise and nutrition tidbits all throughout the videos a great encouragement, too.

You can also find some on ebay or or even check to see if your library has some.

Tammy C.

> Which of Charlene Prickett's low
>impact cardio tapes do you
>like best and why?
RE: Tammy!!

Thanks, Hollie! :) Yeah, five are "in school". We have a lot of fun and it seems I learn something new every day.


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