Search results

  1. G

    Weight lost in a month by running

    The amount of weight you'd lose is really hard to predict. Diet is a big part of the equation. I know you said clean diet, but that doesn't really specify calories which are what counts. So, if you're eating a very low calorie diet, you could lose a lot (fat and muscle). If you're eating...
  2. G

    Need advice on choosing an orthopedic specialist for my...

    RE: Need advice on choosing an orthopedic specialist fo... Thanks so much Iris. It helps to have people understand just how hard it is to go from very active to almost nothing. Where on the website is the forum? I searched the site but couldn't find a forum. Thanks. It's...
  3. G

    Need advice on choosing an orthopedic specialist for my...

    Hi Cathe, I'm asking you this since I know you tore your ACL and therefore had to choose an OS yourself one time. Anyone else with ideas on how to choose a specialist is welcome to chime in. Before a month ago, I've been very active for the last 10+ years (i'm 27) doing 20-40 miles of...
  4. G

    Calipers for calculating body fat percentage?

    Carol, Those "scales" actually send a low voltage current through you to measure lean body mass vs. fat. Muscle is a higher percentage water than is fat, and water conducts electricity better than fat. So, the scale determines how much/how fast (to put it non-technically) the current...
  5. G

    where to buy just risers

    great--thank you both!
  6. G

    where to buy just risers

    Hi all, I am having a hard time finding just risers for my step (The Step). Any recommendations? Thanks, Ginger
  7. G


    Thank you for the info. That is quite a coincidence since these are somewhat old! I picked up from their website ( that the Plyosport had lots of lateral moves which would be tough on a rebounder. That's the one that sounds interesting to me because it sounds like the...
  8. G


    I read an article about Plyorobics recently and I was wondering if anyone had those videos. There are apparently 3 videos and they sell a mat that you're supposed to use with the videos. I already have aerobic mats in my workout room, so I'm not thinking I'll need the mat, but I'm curious what...
  9. G

    Bulking Up Question

    The swelling should subside somewhat as your muscles recover from the additional stress of the heavy weights. When the new muscle rebuilds, you might have a smaller lower body depending on how much fat you have in that area. I hate it when my legs get big, but it happens every time i start...
  10. G

    Higher heart rate in a.m. versus post-lunch workout

    Good point, Roe. Maybe it's because in the morning you haven't really been moving around yet? My HR is always lowest in the mornings upon waking (sometimes as low as 40 BPM), but kicks up faster (has a greater gain) during workouts than during late day workouts. That sounds like a combination...
  11. G

    Higher heart rate in a.m. versus post-lunch workout

    Sue, I'm not sure exactly as far as calories burned. I do know that unless you're on the level of Lance Armstrong as far as fitness goes, it probably shouldn't be of concern. I read something really insightful one time about this idea: people tend to focus on little details instead of...
  12. G

    Most relaxing yoga video

    Great--thank you all (Jill, Kathy, Diana, Steppingfool, Irina, and Sharon) so much. I really appreciate your time. I'll certainly check these out. I have LOTS of videos to trade, so perhaps I can strike up some deals on the ya-yas board. If I could get a couple of new videos and those...
  13. G

    Karen Voight facelift??

    I'd say it usually comes down to marketing. Selling fitness stuff (videos, resistance bands, etc) is her job and so she must market herself to succeed. This doesn't apply to everyone (cathe!), but in general, this is the case. Many people buying videos that you can pick up in Target and...
  14. G

    Higher heart rate in a.m. versus post-lunch workout

    Here are my thoughts: your heart rate is higher in the morning because cortisol levels are highest in the morning hours and your blood pressure is lowest in the morning hours. Since I'm not sure what your background is with endocrinology, here's a little description: Cortisol is a hormone...
  15. G

    Most relaxing yoga video

    Hi guys, I'm curious which are your favorite yoga videos for relaxation. I've been using Ali McGraw's video for about 5 years now, but only about once a month. I'm looking for a video or videos at about that level of training (intermediate). I don't care if it's spiritual or not. Mainly...
  16. G

    BFL- (week 3) but pants are "tighter"! anyone else?

    I experienced something similar a year ago. (Not BFL though.) I wasn't trying to lose weight, but had just started lifting heavy with Cathe videos. After 2 weeks of heavy leg workouts, my pants didn't fit anymore. I was not happy! I think it took about a month, with slow, continual...
  17. G

    Weight Work Only

    I haven't tried no/little cardio as I'm quite a running addict, but I'm interested in all of your experiences. Can you all think about when you've done less cardio and lost more weight and ponder whether your appetite was reduced and you therefore ate less? It doesn't make sense to me...
  18. G

    The New Calorie Chart is in!!! Please check this out

    RE: The New Calorie Chart is in!!! Please check this ou... .
  19. G


    I've concluded it's the floor work that makes me sore because sometimes I do PLB without the floor work and don't get sore. I enjoy the soreness--especially complaining about it to everyone around me. :-)
  20. G

    The pill

    Thanks for your replies. Leigh Ann, no doctor has been disturbed by the fact that I've been on the pill for so long, BUT, that doesn't comfort me much. I'm a veterinary student so I've studied enough physiology to know that it is questionable to remain on (exogenous) estrogen for years. It...