Need advice on choosing an orthopedic specialist for my...


Active Member
Hi Cathe,

I'm asking you this since I know you tore your ACL and therefore had to choose an OS yourself one time. Anyone else with ideas on how to choose a specialist is welcome to chime in.

Before a month ago, I've been very active for the last 10+ years (i'm 27) doing 20-40 miles of running a week with lower body weight work 2 times a week. I'd added in Bootcamp and other videos over the years to cross train and cut down on the running. I love running though.

Anyway, on Dec. 7th I fell while running and hurt my knee. I had an MRI and numerous radiographs and it was diagnosed as a severe bone bruise of the patella. I'm a vet student so we learn much the same info as med students, so I read all I could and learned as much about my condition as possible. It's hard to predict what will happen with bone bruises.

I've been unable to walk without pain for the last month. It's getting worse and i can't sleep b/c of the pain at night. I had been swimming until we realized that was hurting the leg too. Now I have no cardio options left and my lower body muscles are wasting. I do perform lying lower body leg work, but that only helps so much since I can't even walk around much.

I've been seeing a sports medicine doctor. I've decided I need to see a board certified orthopedic surgeon, not because I think I need surgery, but simply b/c I'm not getting the aggressive treatment I think I need. Actually, my current doctor says there is no treatment except ice and pain/inflammation medication. Because it is getting worse, I'm going to get a second opinion.

I have 10 orthopedic specialists on my insurance but don't know how to pick one (except who can see me first! I don't want to choose that way though).

Thanks for reading this and any advice.

Hi Ginger, not Cathe but allow me to chime in. I underwent arthroscopic surgery this past October for a torn meniscus. Turned out that the surgeon that supposedly performed this procedure did not repair the meniscus therefore causing me continued pain and a severe case of tendonitis. Suffice it to say that having him recommended by another doctor did not help. I am currently seeing another specialist that was recommended by my best friend and after the initial visit, another MRI and seeing him regularly, I feel that he is treating my pain and limitations with his expertise and knowledge, not to mention that he is a OS for the NY Knicks - enough said. I suggest you speak to people that have had a similar injury either through your personal friends or even on another forum - I talk with other people on the forum and they are very well versed on all these types of injuries and the site itself is very informative. I totally understand your pain and frustrations because I am exactly where you are, not being able to workout full-time and feeling that all my hard work is going downhill until my doctor and I come together with a plan of action to moderate my pain and discomfort. To date the pain in somewhat manageable and I have begun physical therapy along with very low impact workouts like pilates and yoga. Take a look at the website, talk to your doctors and of course listen to your gut. Whomever you choose has to "listen" to you and work along with you in order to get you back to where you want to be. I hope all works out for you and please let us know how you are doing.

Take care,

RE: Need advice on choosing an orthopedic specialist fo...

Thanks so much Iris. It helps to have people understand just how hard it is to go from very active to almost nothing. Where on the website is the forum? I searched the site but couldn't find a forum. Thanks.

It's sad how many orthopedic problems are not dealt with correctly by the physicians. I'm so worried about long term problems with this knee because of the lack of aggressive therapy. I've done basically nothing but ice and Vioxx. You have to really be your own advocate rather than trusting blindly I guess. I've already switched doctors once.

Good luck to you. You've been dealing with this for a while now. I'm sorry it's taking so long to get your knee healed. One month seems like an eternity since there is no time line for my recovery or treatment plan.

I'll keep you updated. Tomorrow i'll be standing on it all day (classes start) so we'll see how that goes.

RE: Need advice on choosing an orthopedic specialist fo...

Dear Ginger,
My husband had knee surgery in Oct. after many years of pain (iced it every night). He is a second degree black belt in kung fu. Anyway, we have a friend who is a physical therapist and she is who recommended his orthopaedic surgeon. You might want to try calling some physical therapists in your area and see who they recommend. You might also try calling a university in your area and see who their (sports) team doctor is. Best of luck.

RE: Need advice on choosing an orthopedic specialist fo...

Sorry I had to say thank you I saw that site you put up and with having an arthritis type of condition I had to go see it too:) hope you don't mind!!! In hopes they find a cure for my disease someday:)
RE: Need advice on choosing an orthopedic specialist fo...

Hi Leslie,

Glad to be of assistance. How are you?

Take care,


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