Karen Voight facelift??

I just have to say that I'll never understand why someone wants such oversized breats. I had a C cup before I nursed two kids and having them was a pain. I had to wear underwire bras and I could not wear the cute athletic bras - you know, the ones that just squeeze it together into unaboob. Now I'm an A cup (like Cathe!) and I love it. I can wear cute, light weight bras and those little cami's with the teeny built-in bra are enough to hold em up. I could never have done that before. Maybe if they're fake, they sit out there, stiff and fake and don't need holding up but man, that won't last forever.
Just my 2 cents.
As far as a face lift, I figure that's part of the job. Celebrities (and I consider Karen one) have to do that stuff to stay at the top, I suppose. I can understand that more than the superlarge boobs at least. But I must say, I agree with everyone's posts about the negative message that sends to all of us. I wish that she felt strong enough (and maybe thought she had enough moolah?) to not need this stuff.
Are you sure it is her? That picture looks like a girl in her twenties. To me she doesn't look like someone that has had plastic surgery. She must have a good surgeon! She/he did a very good job. Plastic surgery wouldn't be my choice, but I don't make my living with my looks and physical image.
>> Now if we were talking
>liposuction that would be another matter altogether...
>How would we possibly know whether Karen or any other instructor has also had liposuction? The changed face and larger chest is obvious but lipo on the body would be hard to tell. I wonder how many instructors are marketing themselves as looking the way they do because of their exercise techniques when in reality they have had liposuction and have not admitted it publicly.
Remember the "big secret" in the first Legally Blonde? The fitness instructor who had liposuction. I'm sure it happens and I don't blame them.

It's possible I might have been a great fitness instructor (just for the sake of argument }( ), but without liposuction and implants I'm certain no one but my mother would have bought one of my videos because of very very stubborn jelly-lumps on my thighs and very very pathetic t!tty-scraps. I absolutely hold nothing against Karen Voight or Kathy Smith or anyone else for marketing themselves effectively. It's sad that it works so well, but as long as it does, why shoot the messenger.

I am maybe 5-10 pounds over fitness model weight, but I could never "look" good enough to be convincing in a public venue. Even if I were 25 and looked good, not just "looked good for my age".
I guess it's all what we view motivating! Personally when the Firm instructors started with the implants - Tracy, Alli etc... I got totally turned off and YIPPEEE found Cathe.

To me the message is ALL WRONG - you can only get her by getting going under the knife. I know beauty is all in the eye of the beholder but I find it ALOT more motivating when folks work with what they have. JUST my opinion I know.

Yep I'm also the mother of a daughter so I find this message even more important. I'm very much working on working with the aging process - being the best I can be with the things I can do something about - and trying to be vibrant in many aspects - reading a lot, volunteering, active in kids lives, good friendships, having a healthy life style. It's a balance between accepting some parts of aging are inevitable vs. I'm not getting old without a fit. A tough balance for sure! So I guess I shouldnt be so judgemental!
I have always thought that anyone...including Karen...should do whatever makes them feel good.
Karen has worked VERY hard to be as fit as she is, and to build her business to what it is.
After working all those years & becoming as fit as possible, she apparently decided she would be happier yet with some "help". What could possibly be wrong with that? I think her message is to work hard & THEN decide what else would make you even happier.
The difference I see in Karen is that she now smiles! A lot! She is obviously very happy & I for one am very happy for her.
I don't think anyone knows what it feels like to get to a "certain age" until they get there & experience it themselves. It's a lot harder than I ever expected.
Just my 2 cents!
p.s. The picture doesn't look like her, but I think it's just the picture...if you click on "About Karen", it is a much better representation.
I don't want to pass judgement on Karen by any means, I just thought that she looked great before the surgery (including before the implants). So I am shocked at how people seem to be their own worse critics, even when they are so successful. I've always thought that Karen was beautiful without the surgery.
While doing CircuitMax today to hold the demons at bay a bit longer, I thought of something. Maybe if we look at Karen's body as "bait", we can understand how she needs to optimize it to use it to catch more people. Some of us think older women are beautiful if they are just fit and slender. More people think that you are beautiful if you look as much as possible like an athletic playboy bunny. To get as many women, and maybe even men, as possible trying to workout and get fit in modern overweight sedentary America, you have to be as enticing as possible. So it's just a numbers game. You lose a few purists who look down on surgical enhancement, but you gain a lot more newbies who have fantasies of whipping themselves into shape with a few videotapes.

All fitness leaders are genetically gifted or they would't have gotten as far as they have, and among those elite, some are luckier than others. The standard is very high and their business is at stake.

And like others have said, she may just enjoy looking as young and bunny-like as possible. Lord knows I would! The older I get the more I sometimes feel like I would sell my soul to keep my body at age 23 forever. Fortunately, no one has made any offers!
WHOAH...is that the same woman?? She was my exercise guru before Cathe too...I thought she looked lovely before...???
I'd say it usually comes down to marketing. Selling fitness stuff (videos, resistance bands, etc) is her job and so she must market herself to succeed. This doesn't apply to everyone (cathe!), but in general, this is the case.

Many people buying videos that you can pick up in Target and other places aren't going to consider the details that most of us consider. Many probably see a beautiful woman with a body they'd like to have (fake or not) on the cover of a video and buy the video. I can't imagine how many people never do the videos (I have several i've never done!) and buy them for the cover.

Anyway, I think, for fitness professionals on a mass scale like hers, it's financially worth risking the anger of those serious fitness folks who don't appreciate the plastic surgery in order to attract the mass of new customers who simply like the look.

This is the only way I can rationalize the Firm breast implant epidemic. More sales.

I actually liked her angled face. Hopefully that's just airbrushing. I'm only 26 though, so who knows what kind of work i'll feel like i need when i'm older.

I have learned that many things boil down to money and this is probably simply another way to make it.
I think what Karen Voight and people like Demi Moore are doing makes it a lot harder for the average woman to be satisfied with themselves. These celebrities sell themselves to be "natural and fabulous" when in reality, they just have the phone numbers of a good surgeon and personal trainer. I look at those photos and get depressed because no matter what I do, I'll never look like that. Hats off to actress Sarah Jessica Parker, who said in her post-baby "W" spread that the pressure put on women is ridiculous and she only looks that way because she can afford a nanny and private yoga instructor. At least someone is being honest. I am done with Karen Voight. I think she is a fraud.

BTW - this is the first I have heard of the Firm instructors getting implants. What a shame if it is true.
I saw Karen last December and she looked different from the picture on the web site. Could it be that the picture is airbrushed? You know the magic of taking out the wrinkles..ect? She does look different in the nose and cheekbones.
I would love to know Karen's opinion on all of this. She has an email address on her website but I doubt it goes directly to her. I am sure she has been asked about these changes often since they are so obvious. I definitely stirred up something with my original post!!
Oh my goodness......she looks like a 19 year old! I'm not kidding! Her face definitely looks more round - less chisled. I dunno.....gaining some weight 'could' fill out/round out her face. Hmmmm......Oh well, no matter. I haven't done anything good by her since Energy Sprint and Strong and Smooth Moves. :-(
Could it be that she is on cortisone for some private health reason?...my daughter has lupus and when she was on prednisone her face got much rounder, as did her body, though she was still slender. It seems to me it is too easy to malign someone for their supposed superficiality when you don't have the facts. Just my opinion.

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