Weight Work Only


Has anyone gotten results with weight work only? I'm having a hard time getting myself in cardio mode lately and I'm thinking of backing off the cardio for a while. Would like to know if anyone has done this and what were your results?

Thanks, Kelley
Hey Kelley,

I haven't done weight work only but I don't particularly enjoy doing cardio so have limited it to 2-30 minute (includes warm up & cool down) sessions for the last 4 months. I have had mor weight loss, strength gains & muscle definition develop than when I was trying to do 4 entire Cathe cardio tapes a week.

I don't recommend cutting cardio completely because it is so important for your heart (cardiovascular!) health. If you just don't enjoy it, try using Cardio & Weights or Boot Camp instead of straight stepping or hi/lo cardio tapes. I have been doing that for a week now & have enjoyed it a little more. These tapes sort of "fool" my body into getting through the cardio by knowing that in just a short while I get to pick up my weights again. LOL

I know there are others on the board that have reduced their cardio & had great results. Hopefully they will chime in & you will see it may work for you as well.
I'm glad this question was asked. I was going to come on this morning and post the same question. I have not been in the mood to do any cardio. I have done the S&H series this week. What I may do is just strength training M-F and then add in BootCamp or Power Hour or something like that on Saturday.

Would love to hear other comments.

My rotation!

Hey Rhonda,

That is actually very similary to what I'm doing this week. I'm doing Cardio & Weights, Circuit Max & Boot Camp (mixing up which I use) 2 days a week & then mixing in S&H for a 5 day rotation. A word of caution, take a rest day between ANY of the more circuit workouts and S&H Legs/Shoulders. I did Cardio & Weights on Monday & S&H Legs on Tuesday. Today is Friday & my left inner thigh is STILL throbbing like I just did legs 5 minutes ago. I'm praying I haven't hurt myself & am taking a few days off leg work.

I was going to try to make this a 6 day rotation but I'm afraid it will be just too much. It's a very intense workout & I think I just need an extra day of rest.
RE: My rotation!

Thanks for the replies. I had mainly been doing the Firm which, of course, includes some type of cardio several days per week and I'm really burnt out on cardio right now. Plus I'm not seeing much in the way of results at all. This week I started the Pyramid workouts and I've only done 1 cardio so far, All Step. I've been sore every day this week. I think I'm going to really concentrate on weight work for a couple more weeks with only 2-3 days of short cardio and see what happens.

Thanks again for the replies. Kelley
Hi Kelley! I still do cardio but limit it to only 1-2x a week now. I've gotten smaller as a result of doing more weight training. Smaller meaning I've dropped a pants size from 4 to 2. So yes weight training will do it for you. HTH, Kathy:D
RE: My rotation!

I am doing only weightS! However, I think, I end up doing some of the cardio, since I am at home mom with 2 small children. I walk a lot and bike. Moreover, my husband and I hike a lot(every weekend we go for 3-5 hours hiking trips, with my son (26lb) on my back). I also use back carrier for my youngest one, instead of stroller. So I guess, I end up with some cardio work. But doing it at home, I hate it!x(
RE: My rotation!

Hi Deborah,

Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking about doing one body part a day (I am limited on time in the mornings and my evenings I figure if I do something it is extra). I will try this more next week starting Monday. Will get in cardio somewhere.

This is what my week looked like

Mon and Tues I was just plain too tired to do anything.
Wed - S&H Legs (morn) Shoulders (eve)
Thurs - S&H Chest
Fri - S&H Back
Sat - S&H Bi's/Tri's

Monday I plan on doing better and getting back to my six days a week.

Thanks Kathy, I'm definitely going to give this a try. I will get in a little cardio weekly as heart disease runs in my family, so I feel I need that. I do remember many years ago when I joined a gym, I did mainly weight lifting with very very little cardio and I did get a lot smaller. I'll keep everyone updated as I'm going to do this for 3 weeks, just finished week 1.
I haven't tried no/little cardio as I'm quite a running addict, but I'm interested in all of your experiences.

Can you all think about when you've done less cardio and lost more weight and ponder whether your appetite was reduced and you therefore ate less?

It doesn't make sense to me how expending fewer calories could result in more weight loss. I'm certainly not ruling out the possibility that this is the case, but I'm just trying to think of why this occurs.

Thanks in advance for your ideas and thoughts on this. I'm thinking about giving this a try for a while.


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