Search results

  1. Rosanna

    STS 2.0: anyone using Blu-Ray players for theirs?

    I am using Blu-Ray and no issues at all.
  2. Rosanna

    STS 2.0 Total Body Giant Sets

    I had to significantly drop my weight for the 3rd round. I think it's the fast pace because it's a weight I've used before but with longer rests between sets. Wonder if anyone experienced the same.
  3. Rosanna

    Regarding STS2.0 Abs

    PHA3 Stacker Abs is one of my favorite workouts!
  4. Rosanna

    STS 2.0 Total Body Giant Sets

    I am loving STS 2.0. End of story.
  5. Rosanna

    Requesting the first week of workout schedule for 1 month and 3 month rotation

    Hi Terina, The user guide comes with Cathe's expertise in building a safe and effective workout schedule with achieving certain goals. The cost of the series includes the user guide. For something to be free, it doesn't require the purchase of something else in order to use it. I have all the...
  6. Rosanna

    Requesting the first week of workout schedule for 1 month and 3 month rotation

    Hi Cataddict, I have been with Cathe when she started selling VHS workout tapes on Collage Video magazines that were mailed to my home in the late 80s. I attribute my physical fitness to Cathe; I don't know if she is aware of the positive impact she has had on my physical fitness journey. I did...
  7. Rosanna

    Requesting the first week of workout schedule for 1 month and 3 month rotation

    Thank you for your detailed response. I understood all of this from the very beginning. Many of us have only asked for just a list of first week of workouts for just STS 2.0, 1 and 3 month rotation to hold us over until the user guide is formally published. It is not an unreasonable request...
  8. Rosanna

    Requesting the first week of workout schedule for 1 month and 3 month rotation

    Hi Firemedic, A product is only truly free if you can use it without purchasing something else. A user guide without paying for the workouts is useless. Think of it as a manual that comes with the purchase of any product that requires direction to use it. You didn't pay a separate price for it...
  9. Rosanna

    Requesting the first week of workout schedule for 1 month and 3 month rotation

    If you read through all the comments, all we are asking for is information on the first week of the rotations so we can get started safely. Not an unreasonable request for a product we paid for several months back. I am wondering if you would have the same view with any other business. Would you...
  10. Rosanna

    Requesting the first week of workout schedule for 1 month and 3 month rotation

    Good Morning to all and super excited to get started. I hope I don't need to subscribe to Cathe On Demand to be able to use STS 2.0 effectively . . . as I don't remember that in the description of this series. I don't want to pick random workouts until the User Guide is published. Can Cathe...
  11. Rosanna

    Download problem?

    Thanks for your reply. STS 2.0 was a gift purchased back in November with a different email account. We found it! Thank you.
  12. Rosanna

    Download problem?

    I did not receive my download code. I sent an email to support@cathe
  13. Rosanna

    STS 2.0 update 1/4/2023

    Hi Cathe, Patiently awaiting another update. Hope you are getting close to production and deliver. Thanks! Rosanna
  14. Rosanna

    Starting STS

    Hi Everyone, Does anyone know of an STS rotation with cardio that is more current than the one Cathe posted in 2009? Thanks.
  15. Rosanna

    Music in Perfect 30 question.

    Thanks so much!
  16. Rosanna

    Downloading workouts and finding workout description

    If you click on Show Chapter tap, you can scroll through to get a list of all the exercises you will do for that workout. You may be able to figure out from there what equipment you will need.
  17. Rosanna

    Music in Perfect 30 question.

    Cathe, Perfect 30 sounds perfect! Do you know what type of music you will use? I prefer the music type in Flex Train, Super Cuts and High Reps over instrumental. That would make this series Super Perfect to me. I saw the question on FAQ about using own music, but it often isn't the right count...
  18. Rosanna

    Benefits of STS Mesocyle 2

    Cathe, I don't often have time to complete an entire workout in Mesocycle 2 in one day. Sometimes I'm too fatigued to complete all body parts so I split it up. Can I expect the same results if I break up a workout and complete it over 2 days instead of one day. I still get all of the workouts...
  19. Rosanna

    Trouble playing videos.

    Thanks. I’ll try my iPad instead of my laptop.