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  1. L

    High Impact Sports Bra???

    Hello my fellow Cathletes! Had 2 new additions implanted Nov 20. I wasn't able to do any high impact for 6 weeks, just about killed me! but times up and I have the go ahead to start high impact workouts. Now my problem is this.... I need to find a very effective high impact sports bra. I...
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    Cathe's Nike Shoes???

    Does anybody know what kind of Nikes Cathe and Jay are wearing? If these are the shoes they wear they must be good for all the hours of exercising. I was just watching the new videos posted on FB and they are still wearing the same type of Nike shoes. The last pair of Asics Nimbus I bought...
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    Today's Cathe Live class not glitchy at all

    Thanks SNM, whatever you did today with quality production is much better. The high quality version comes in beautifully as opposed to last weeks class. Thanks for all your efforts!
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    Cathe Live very 'glitchy'

    Hi there, I watched the Cathe Live session live while it was being filmed and it was really smooth and came in beautifully. I was unable to do the workout with Cathe at that time, I had to leave for an appointment. Tried to use Cathe Live today, and video is very 'glitchy' (not sure if that's...
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    Which DVD's should I bring to cottage?

    With the warm weather just around the corner we'll be spending lots of time at the cottage. I have minimal space there, not a lot of room for equipment and working out on berber carpet. Can't be too loud because I will wake everybody up so most likely will use low impact dvd's. Any...
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    Need rotation for pear shape body

    I am a pear shaped gal in my late 40's. I've been working out to Cathe since 1998. I have all her DVD's. With age i'm finding it a little more challenging to work my troublesome lower body. Not sure that I want to lift weights that are too heavy I will most surely bulk up, I have very...
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    Rotation using all of Cathe's DVDs???

    Hello all, I've been working out to Cathe since 1989, yes.. it's been a very long time. I have every workout she's ever produced... I love them all!! Does anyone know of a rotation that includes the majority of her DVD's? perhaps excluding STS. I hate sticking to just one or 2 collections...
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    Anyone in Canada still waiting?

    Oh my.... not sure I can wait any longer! I keep looking in the mailbox and nothing! I sure hope they didn't end up at someone's house. Anybody in Canada receive their package?
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    Has anyone in Canada received STS yet?

    Hello, I ordered my STS in March 2008. Has anyone in Canada received STS yet? I can't wait to get mine. Thanks
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    walking with weighted vest

    Hello everyone, I wanted to start walking with a weighted vest. I found a 10lbs vest. I was just wondering if this was enough weight. Or should I return it and purchase one that goes up to 20lbs. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks