Search results

  1. alsgirl63

    workout blender?

    I downloaded the workout blender and the adobe air ,I can import the downloads but i cant see the different chapters on the film slide, doesnt show the picture chapters?
  2. alsgirl63

    new downloads?

    Is there going to be another way to pay for downloads other than paypal I dont trust paypal had a bad experience a few years ago thanks:(
  3. alsgirl63

    I'm aggravated

    I workout in my office and it has a sliding door,so the door attachment wasnt going to work so what i do is open up the closet door and rap my band around the post of my closet and it works perfect for me,the things you have to think of when you have to make do.
  4. alsgirl63

    How Are You Doing With Your STS Workouts?

    Hello cathe,great to hear from you im getting geared up to start sts 2/16/09, and i cant wait ,and i love the new workout manager its fun and easy to use. I even got my 19 year old son josh doing your workouts hes getting ready for bootcamp to go into the navy on 3/11/09 he loves it and hes...
  5. alsgirl63

    one rep max?

    ok i did my one rip max today but i have a question:o first of all i must be missing something ,i printed out my workout sheet and it says barbell curls (one rep max) is 25 and( target rep)is 21 and( target weight) is 15 is, is 15 the weight ill be lifting? im trying to figure what weight i will...
  6. alsgirl63

    Earthquake in NJ

    wow your right they are scarry,i felt a few here in san diego california,its been awhile sence i felt one ,you never get used to it.
  7. alsgirl63


    I just now got my notice:D felling so much better,cant wait!!
  8. alsgirl63

    Am I the Only One? Please say No!

    no nothing yet !!! I havent got a thing yet,hopefully today is the day if not ill start to worry.:(
  9. alsgirl63

    sts notice

    no notice yet!! thanks i fell better,hey im starting the same day as you cool:D
  10. alsgirl63

    sts notice

    No notice for me yet,am i the only one:confused:
  11. alsgirl63

    STS Shipping Has Started!

    Im so ready for sts:D
  12. alsgirl63

    workout manager!!!

    workout manager!! thanks so much,i can wait a few more days:D
  13. alsgirl63

    workout manager!!!

    any news on the new workout manager,i cant wait:D
  14. alsgirl63


    I know exactly what your going through:eek: i been working out for years and i was very happy with how things where going and then menopause came along and screwed it all up,i was tired all the time and didnt have the motivation or the energy to work out anymore and i found out i had a thyroid...
  15. alsgirl63

    no rotation!!

    :confused:no rotation for september? cathe must really be busy to forget:(
  16. alsgirl63

    well I Gave In !!!

    yes i did,i wasnt going to buy the sts:)but i gave in.first of all a few months ago i had this thyroid problem and of course menopause:mad:and it really mess me up,befor all of this thyroid and menopause i was working out great in perfect shape id have to say i was looking good ,then it all...
  17. alsgirl63

    push up tower?

    pull up tower? yes,:D the pullup tower
  18. alsgirl63

    push up tower?

    I Know I may be a little behind, and maybe this question has been ask,will the push up tower be sold on shop cathe site? and how much will it cost?:)