
Cathe or anyone who can help.
I'm 37 years old and I have worked out my whole life.
I recently have had some hormone issues and found out that I have started Menopause. This happens at my age at times. Lucky me right?
ANy way, I had not changed my workout or eating habits and I gained 10 lbs in 3 months.
AFter that I began to work out more but no weight is coming off. I've also started eating cleaner. I'm not sure what else to do.
The doctor said that it should balance back out but it's so frustrating.
I have to admit that I've lose motivation for working out.
I was working so hard with no results. It's hard to stay positive.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
I've experienced some mysterious weight gain myself recently, and it is very frustrating. I've found that when I started eating super clean (no white flour, sugar, processed foods, etc.), and changed up my workouts - more intensity (interval cardio), lifting heavy... the weight came off, I lost body fat and inches, and gained more definition. One great resource for clean eating is the Eat Clean Diet book by Tosca Reno. I follow cooler 1 and cooler 2 exactly as written, and it's done amazing things!
I know exactly what your going through:eek: i been working out for years and i was very happy with how things where going and then menopause came along and screwed it all up,i was tired all the time and didnt have the motivation or the energy to work out anymore and i found out i had a thyroid problem and adenal fatigue it all hit me at once:mad:now im getting help and im felling much better and i stating working out and im on my way back,what ever you do nip it in the butt early ,so you dont have to go though all the crap i went through,good luck;)
Thank you for your comments.
I plan on getting the Eat Clean Diet book that was mentioned.
I did lose 3 lbs so I'm excited.
This hormone roller coaster has been a nightmare.
Thanks again for your helpful words.
I understand your pain in re to MEAN O PAUSE. I would also add supplements such as Vitamin C and D as well as probotics.

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