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  1. Kater

    Lite Music

    I love sound-a-likes too but know there's now copyright barriers So adding another vote for music like used in ICE such as bonus abs routine songs Having vocals mixed in is a definite fun PLUS and keeps the material from sounding repetitive!
  2. Kater


    Muniav09 congrats to your successes!! I have done Cathe's beginner/intermediate but I find I get the best WO by making my own modifications to her Advanced ones following the exercise to get a similar benefit on the same muscle area. For instance I don't do any pivots because of the joint...
  3. Kater

    Song From "All Out Low Impact Hiit"!!

    I love this WO too. I recently asked if Soundalikes could be used again in future but apparently licensing has changed since :(
  4. Kater

    Wanted - Music with Lyrics like Good Old Days!!

    Like Renee I thought sound-a-likes were still available for work out videos :( Its a shame because the value is reciprocal to artists e.g. There's been many a tune I would not recognize or appreciate without it being featured in Cathe's WO videos. Perhaps this will change in future especially...
  5. Kater

    Low Impact Cardio & Metabolic Conditioning Review / Thoughts

    I couldn't do the ab routine either but many times I have to modify anyway so thought it was just me Agreed on Music I just posted a wish list for music w lyrics for future videos!! IMO I don't think Cathe thinks its distracting as she always seems to be having fun with the music e.g. times...
  6. Kater

    Wanted - Music with Lyrics like Good Old Days!!

    I preordered last Series and while Workouts are spectacular as always the music to quote another reviewer was "Meh". So today I worked out to Low Impact Circuit because that music for me is much more motivating. I know licensing fees have changed the game but the Sound a Likes were so much...
  7. Kater

    Music suggestion / request for Strong and Sweaty

    Another vote here for the sound alikes but I did like the music in ICE. I need energetic pumped up music in any genre or decade to get motivated too. Have preordered Strong and Sweaty and am hoping Cathe comes thru again with some great tunes to get sweaty!! :)
  8. Kater


    I love Ice too. Really versatile and great music!! :)
  9. Kater

    Aging question for Cathe

    Would be great to see just a forum on Menopause and aging like a counterbalance to the Pregnancy Forum. Am sure there are a lot of folks on the that have worked out with Cathe over the years that are in this demographic group! TLC93 there are often good articles in Cathe's newsletters you...
  10. Kater

    ICE Music?

    Hi I apologize if this question has been answered recently but couldn't find it. Does anyone know if any decision been made yet to the Music that will be used for the upcoming ICE series? Personally I loved the sound-a-likes in the previous series like Xtrain (wasn't too fond of the music...
  11. Kater

    Music for New Series?

    Has anyone heard any updates on Music for New Series? Am hoping its very similar to the last couple of series which had an awesome mix of music genres plus audio settings option to keep everyone happy. For me personally the music is the most important part of WO and why I always gravitate...
  12. Kater


    ""The only thing that gets me through blast 4 of Imax 3 is "You Give Love A Bad Name"" I like that song too but theres nothing can get me thru all of Imax3 thats a toughie! Which got me thinking maybe we should help Cathe and her team think up new lyrics to the old songs e.g. "I always...
  13. Kater


    Music Update Yea!! Am posting this in case anyone missed what Cathe said in one of her recent updates: "Oops, i forgot to tell you about the music being used for my newest workouts. It is all "top 40" remixed music. You will recognize each one if you are a regular top 40 listener. If you...
  14. Kater


    One last thing on music I agree I have almost all of Cathe's WOs and am a faithful Cathe fan but for some reason the music in LIS just doesn't do it for me. Was thinking maybe this was the new sound and I was just getting old :) but see some others feel same way so now I feel better...
  15. Kater


    Faithnveggies maybe you could offer SNM a deal to sing the fake vocals on the Upcoming WOs?? :) I like that song too and that series. I think I read once that SNM got a great deal on music licensing back then. Theres also some old WOs with great tunes the step portion of MIC comes to mind...
  16. Kater

    Yoga Max

    Yoga I really loved that Cathe included 2 Yoga WOs on the last series. Now that am getting older have been doing more Yoga and was thrilled Cathe is now incorporating these routines into her workouts.
  17. Kater


    Another vote for the Top 40 recognizable music such as in Low Max, Imax2 (even the fake vocals as I don’t know the difference singing along!). As some others noted I also personally find it very motivating and desperately need inspiration to try to keep up with Cathe’s workouts—so it’s a quasi...
  18. Kater

    Floor Imax?

    I always thought the more recent Low Max and Low Intensity cardio WOs were targeted for this purpose. In the fitness biz it must be difficult to tailor modified routines as each exerciser’s needs may be very individual or highly specialized (e.g. management of lymphedema). I think you are...
  19. Kater

    Floor Imax?

    Hi Cassie--I have bad knees as well and do all of Cathes step workouts on the floor and modify any moves like pivots that put pressure on my knees. Also did you look @ some of Cathe's older workouts like MIC and SJP--there are floor sections within those too you might like. I figure even if I...