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  1. V

    One Rep Max Testing for XTrain

    Kinda of an off shoot to the original question... Will there be a quick equipment/weight indicator to use for reference? I really liked that feature on High Reps to help gauge my weight and have everything ready in place.
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    Sore throat question

    Manuka honey is my cure all for everything - but especially when I feel a sore throat coming on. I take a spoonful and just let it coat my throat in the morning and at night (and anytime in between!) - nothing soothes it better.
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    After Dinner Munchies

    That's what I've been doing all summer long. I make gigantic salads, even DH says it takes a lot of effort to eat! He normally takes a break half way through. LOL By the time I'm done crunching and chewing, I'm tired of eating! I think a lot of my grazing or munching is to deal with stress...
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    First 5K Done!! :)

    Congrats!!!! You look radiant!
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    Came home, found my sweet baby kitty, dead

    ((((big hugs)))) I lost my sweet dog to the same condition, took her to the vet and told us what she had. It's heartbreaking - they lead seemingly healthy lives and there is something underlying you have no idea is there until it's too late. Take care of yourself.
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    OK I just have to ask--who's watching RH NYC?

    Can't wait!!!!!!! This was a great season, so I'm expecting nothing less from the reunion shows!
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    The wind is YELLOW!!

    Where the heck are you?!?! In my area, the cottonwoods are just getting started, but I'm curious to know where the pollen is at!
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    Anyone from the Denver Area?

    Now you're thinking! We could do a Pure Barre class since there seems to be more PB locations in Colorado than Starbucks by now! lol
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    Anyone from the Denver Area?

    I pretty much live in central Denver and work downtown. I grew up in the suburbs, I love being in the city! Lots of activity and lots of different people - old and young! Just depends on what you're looking for. Suburbs are typical suburbs, I prefer the southwest/southeast parts of town...
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    What about N.O. Xplode?

    NO Explode is okay, but I prefer SuperPump 250. Same type of pre-workout supplement, I just prefer the taste of this over the BSN products. I find it really helps me during strength workouts, not so much with cardio. I can lift longer and heavier, love it! I don't take the recommended dose...
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    Power Hour DVD

    Love, love, love PH!!!! One of my most used DVDs. I enjoy MIS as well, but have never done Body Max.
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    Back after a long absence . . . :)

    Sorry to hear about your rough year - things like that can make health and fitness hard to focus on. But you look lovely as ever!!! What a puppy!!! What kind of dog is that?!?!
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    power hour MIS

    Power Hour! It is my all time favorite strength workout!
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    Protein powder after cardio?

    Not an expert, but I always have protein powder after a workout no matter what I do. But I workout early in the AM and am not really hungry for breakfast immediately afterward (I eat breakfast maybe 1-2 hours later), but my body needs to refuel itself.
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    Anyone use Jillian Michaels Online Program?

    LOL - I did the exact same thing as you! I ordered the book, got a bunch of recipes and canceled today. There really wasn't anything great about her member only site worth paying for.
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    lost so much strength

    ITA! I've been doing SS for just two weeks and my arms are screaming for a good old Power Hour session! Even though PH is considered more endurance, I'm afraid to try anything heavier than that! Mixing it up is definitely the key.
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    Holiday Heartaches. Yes I'm being a Grinch!

    janie1234 - I share the same sentiment. I dread going over to the inlaws and dealing with DH's family... One week away and I'm already stressing. We normally go out of town on vacation for Thanksgiving just to have one less ordeal to go through, we're thinking we should do Christmas, too. :-D
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    Winter weight gain

    Yup, no matter how hard I fight it, it's the same battle year after year. This time I'm really determined, I've already gone up a few and I have got to put a stop to it before I gain any more. My plan of attack - instead of making dinner with DH (where I eat way more than planned) I make a...
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    Men's jeans

    My DH just bought a pair of 181 Lucky jeans (their classic fit) in a dark wash after being mister-light-baby-blue-Levi-501s forever. He looks so young and handsome in those things! lol
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    Can bulkier legs be leaned out after years of wieght training?

    I agree with kathryn. Although I love training with heavier weights, I do plenty of "free style" training for the lower body to keep things "lean" in the thigh area. I also have found that doing a short HIIT session on the treadmill after heavy weights helps. I've really changed the shape of...