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    its propebly been asked but i'll ask again

    hi everybody when am i doing the 1RM test, before i start work out which means before warming up? or during the workout i'll stop the dvd and write down my weight and reps for the exe? thank you sharona
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    dont know how to get back

    bh hi when i gave birth to my doughter (baby no 6) 4 months ago i thought that i will get back to exe very soon BUT i have found out that raising six kids is not easy as raising 5 and i cant find the time nor the strength to start. can anyone help thank u sharona
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    just in time

    i think (and hope) that by the time i will recieve the discs i will b after giving birth to my 6 baby. this will b a wonderfull present. thank u cath sharona
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    question about strong heart beats

    hi momys 2 b im in my 14th week with my 6th baby and although i feel o.k. when i have to climb stairs i have strong heart beats like i was ranning. it disaperes very quickly but because of that i dont exe. i was in a good shape before the pregnant. my doctore told me that it all because of...
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    kickbox dvd

    thank u all for the answers i will check them and hopefully find something new. about the TEABO it was my first kickboxing but when i met cathe the teabo was too easy and too boring (and please exuse me all you teabo lovers) i saw amy benton at the and she looked nice...
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    Jari Love--yikes

    hi to be honnest at first i thought the jari was HE and now she is a SHE then i looked again and she? remined me the women that compete in the 'miss fitness' contest, those girls who has lots of prety muscle takes lots of hormons and looks a little bit like men so i have not decided yet...
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    kickbox dvd

    hi can you recommand me a good kickboxing dvd something that at the same level (or tries to }( ) as cathe? thank u sharona
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    what should i add to running?

    hi i hope im in the right forum my question is this: i like running very much i do this 3-4 times per week for about 50 min.(i have a trademile) but i feel i have neglected cathe's dvd's because the running takes most of my cardio time, what should i add to my running from cathe dvd's...
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    sts and being pregnant

    hi when u love something very much u find the time, while the kids at school or in the evening. i want to remind u that kids do grow up so the help me when i need. i really hope someone will answer my question, though i want lots of babys :9 i want to keep workout and build muscles. my...
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    sts and being pregnant

    hi i just found out so u r all know before my husband (#6 is coming :-) :-) :7 ) the question is of course what will i be able to do from the sts? thank u sharona :7
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    vitamins and supplements

    hi cathe and everybody im intrested to know your opinion cathe about takeing vitamins and/or supplements. is just eating clean is enough? (especialy when i past 40) thank u sharona
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    New Male Cast Members!!!

    i wonder why only on dvd's i see those kind of muscle? where guys like robert r hidding :D :D }( one look at those biceps and triceps and im dead ;-) sharona
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    just want u to know

    every now and then i visit the 'collage video' site, just to c what's new and everytime i realize that cathe does it the best. who want's others kickbox after u meet cathe's kickbox }( and the same thing is at the step area, sorry ;-) to say but... after i discovered cathe ..u know the rest :)...
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    why is my body go back on vications?

    hi first of all i have a confession to make i have neglected cathe workouts for the last 2 months. i have discoverd the park next to my home (after i have been living next to it 2 years:o )and since its summer and its very hot in the basement where's my gym is i started to walk/run for about...
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    a question to all u rotation experts

    hi i printed all the rotations here on the forum and i would love to do them but i can only workout 4 times a week. how can i know what to take out from the rotation. it is built on some kind of order and if i'll take out 2 days of work it would be like doing 60% from it all. i don't...
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    a question for fit mom.

    hi i have a question 4 u its inside the "question about measurements" happy if u'll find it and answer it sharona:-)
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    a question about measurements.

    a question for fit mom. hi fit mum i saw that u r a p90x graduate. (u look g r e a t on the pictured) is it worth it? i mean is it just p90x or this and cathe? i sent them email with a question about the costs of shipping it to Israel and they didn't answer back so I'm little worried if i...
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    what do u think???

    thank u for the advice what is really good buying at cathe is, she has a deal which include the high step and 3 dvds all in 99$, that's 2 dvd's more than the others. I'll keep looking around. sharona:-)
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    the difference between...

    I'm confused. i love slow and heavy and i want to buy another dvd that works only with weights but there are so many, so what's the difference between GS, Pure strength, ME, P&P+SS, the PYRAMID.. and what is px90? thank u sharona:-)
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    what do u think???

    hi everybody i want to order the high step with the 3 dvd's that goes with it (i forgot their name) BUT i read that cathe is going to film some new dvd's so should i wait until the preorder and then i order the new ones with the high step or shell i order now the high step and not wait...