a question about measurements.


When you take your measurements where do you put your tape measure?

For your waist do you use your belly button as a guide or do you go below or above it?

For your thighs where do you measure?
Where do you put the tape for an accurate hip measurement?

I'm just a little a confused and would like to be accurate.

Thanks a bunch!!

This is what I do and I do it the same way every time to ensure accuracey....

Waist...I put it on the slimmest part of my torso which is between the belly button and the bra strap area.

Thighs...I measure down 3 inches from where my thigh meets my pelvic area. It seems to be the biggest part of my thigh so that's why I chose it.

Hips...Again, I just move it around to find the biggest measurement which is usually where my butt sticks out the most!:7

HTH! :)
For me, my waist is where my skin folds in when I bend sideways, about 2 inches above belly button. My thighs biggest parts are about 2 inches below crouch and I keep the tape measure parallel to the floor. Widest part of hips for me is right where hip meets thigh (about crouch level). the main thing is to be consistant and measure the same place each time.

As Wendy said, the waist should always be measured at the smallest part and the hips should be measured low, where the glute muscles protude most.
a question for fit mom.

hi fit mum

i saw that u r a p90x graduate. (u look g r e a t on the pictured) is it worth it? i mean is it just p90x or this and cathe?
i sent them email with a question about the costs of shipping it to Israel and they didn't answer back so I'm little worried if i should order or not.
I'm also 'working" on getting pregnant :p so i don't know if i could do the program during pregnancy.
how much did it cost i didn't understand


thank u

RE: a question for fit mom.

Sharona, I answered your question in the "fitmom" thread you started! I hope I helped some!:)
>What if I can't find my glute muscles? he he he }(

Then I'd have to say that you have a tiny hiney! :p :7

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