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  1. B

    time savers guilt

    Hello! I have been wearing out the new dvd's! They are great! However, until last night I have only been doing the time saver premixes. I work such long hours that by the time I get home around 7:00 I feel like I can only squeeze in 40 - 45 minutes max on a work out. Not because of the energy...
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    Thank You, Cathe for all you do!!

    Ditto! I quit going to the gym because I get a much better work out with you. On my time and in the privacy of my own home is the icing on the fitness cake. Can't thank you enough!!!! Love the new DVD's They were so worth the wait!
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    Just wanted to say Thank You!!

    I remember seeing somewhere you could order the calendar. Where did I see that? Also is it too late to get one?
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    Happy Holidays!

    Very handsome boys! Kyle has your eyes!!!
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    So sorry I worried about receiving my dvd's!!!! They arrived last Friday and I was hoping to do them this weekend but had to finish working on our floors. So the dvd's sat in front of the TV all weekend taunting me. I just did Butts and Gutts and it is hurting to write this response because I...
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    freaking out! I'm worried I am not going to get my DVDs!!!!

    RE: freaking out! I'm worried I am not going to get my ... Thanks for responding, I am taking deep breaths... in and out... I did go to the UPS order tracking and I entered both my home number and the cell number I had at the time and both did not come up (which is where panic ensued). I know...
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    freaking out! I'm worried I am not going to get my DVDs!!!!

    Hey! I may be panicking for nothing but I am worried that I won't receive my DVD's that I preordered back in January. Does anyone know how I would track my order or how I can even find my order? I know what credit card I used but like I said it was in January. How do we know the pre-orders that...
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    snap crackle and pop knees

    That is great advice! I didn't even think about the spine relation, but you are right so much of our body functions from our alignment. I will call one next week. Thanks!!!
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    I have tried the Ryka's too and was very disappointed. They make my feet fall asleep. I tend to believe that you should "dance with the one brought you" and have stuck with Addidas. I have narrow feet and high arches, they just fit the best.
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    snap crackle and pop knees

    Thanks for the link! Very interesting. Like I said, it doesn't hurt, it is just noisy. However, I agree with the other response who said that it is bad to ignore pain. When and if it does start to hurt I guess I will have no choice but to go to the doctor. I just watched my husband have three...
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    snap crackle and pop knees

    Lately I have noticed that my left knee is crackling like crazy. With every squat, lunge (especially when that knee is back on the lunge) and jump it makes a racket. I am paranoid to go to the doctor because I am afraid that his response will be either A. stay off of it or B. surgery. NO WAY on...
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    Something different

    Sounds like you are in better shape then you think! However, if you want a really good inner thigh work out, Pyramid Lower Body has a KILLER inner thigh routine with a stability ball that I have really seen results in. In fact, I use that in addition to other leg workouts just to really target...
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    Your classes at 4 Seasons

    I'm jealous! You will have to report when you get back! I wish I could go too :(
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    Imax 2 frequency

    Not Cathe, but I would say she is reconmending that you do IMAX in conjuction with other cardio workouts. Doing a total of cardio 3 - 5 times a week. That is what I try for. I'm with you though, I love IMAX 2! Have you tried IMAX 3? It is also really good and recently Fitness Magazine said about...
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    barbells vs dumbells

    I LOVE MY BARBELL SET!!! A great investment of only $110 from Academy. It is a great asset to my hand weights. It makes a HUGE difference in squats, row, dead lifts and curls. Just another way to "shock" muscles. You won't be sorry, trust me!
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    standing leg work?

    Have you tried putting one leg on a step and one in the air to do glute tucks? Those target the hamstring and glute very strong. Also raises (donkey kicks) will also target the glute very well. Do Cathe's Legs and Glutes. She uses weights but trust me on some exercises you don't need any. Wait...
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    this Mel Gibson thing?

    I am also glad he is getting negative publicity! I have always thought he is a self serving indulgent jerk. Alchohol is a truth serum. I have been drunk before and NEVER would I say any biggoted remarks about Jewish people because I don't truly feel that way. I guess also I am feeling a little...
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    Imax 2 or 3?

    I love all of them. I really like IMAX 3 when I need to burn a LOT of calories. C & W is good for when you want to work out but don't want to die!
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    "Cleanse" Your Way to Weight Loss and Better Workouts

    RE: amen, I too need to stop believing everything I read as well. However, your doctor should have clarified. Just think how many other people have freaked out in the same way? I read the same testimonials about the six inch worms and I always thought, wouldn't that make you really skinny if...
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    Shoe question

    In my never ending search for good work out shoes that don't make the bottoms of my feet fall asleep, Cathe suggested I ask if anyone owns a pair of Enlights 2? They are apparently made by Ryka and are supposed to have good cushion on the bottom. Any other suggestions? My poor feet can't take...