Search results

  1. S

    what are you reading

    Thank you! I'm looking forward to reading some of these books. M
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    what are you reading

    I'm looking for some new books to read. Wanted to know what you've been reading and authors you like. Right now I'm reading They Marched into Sunlight. Thanks, M
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    Anyone up for a Bay Area GTG?

    I'm in San Francisco, I'd loved to meet you ladies. Do you already have a date? M.
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    working abs

    Can I work my abs everyday? I was thinking 3 to 5 minutes a day, kind of the way some people do freestyle for their legs. I wanted to try it in my next rotation, I'm really trying to get my abs flatter. I also posted this on the general discussions board. Thanks in advance for the help, M.
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    question about working abs

    Can you work your abs everyday, kind of like the way some work their legs in freestyle? I was thinking of 3 to 5 minutes a day. I have been searching the forums, and will continue to look for more information. Thanks in advance, M.
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    looking for workout advice

    Thanks for the information Leanne. M.
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    looking for workout advice

    I'm looking for some work out advice and you ladies never steer me wrong, so I thank all in advance. I want to lose a few pound and gain definition - I know this has been addressed in the forums, but for the life of me I couldn't find what I was looking for when I did a search. So here are my...
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    salad ideas

    Thanks ladies. Love the ideas. M.
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    salad ideas

    I've been trying to increase my veggie intake and am looking for some different salad recipes or ideas. I know all you ladies are pretty healthy eaters, so what's you favorite salad? Thanks, M
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    Europe- Need help planning

    Thank you, thank you, thank you ladies. I knew I came to the right place for great advice. Shelley- In Italy my DD would like to see Venice and Rome I would guess that it would depend on how I can logically make Greece fit in. London I might rent a car for a day or something and do a trip to...
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    Europe- Need help planning

    I am planning a 6 or 7 week trip to Europe. I have never been. I'm taking my daughter who will be 11 when we go in June '07. This trip is her idea she has been begging to go since she was 3. I'm planning to go to Greece, Italy, London, France (Paris), Spain (Barcelona), and Morocco. I'm...
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    Cathe Compendium

    Jeanmarie and Joanalona - sent you a copy M.
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    Flying Pig Marathon (VERY LONG)

    Sarah- I just wanted to say WAY TO GO!!!! I loved your story. I flew in to run the 1/2 and I had a blast. Way to go on the time. GREAT JOB! M
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    12 Week Check in/04-20/Week 1

    Hey All, I'm going to join your challenge also. I can't check in everyday, but I will be following along. My goals are to lose some weight and to tone my arms. This was such a great idea. Wish everyone luck, M
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    Runners...if you could choose any marathon.....

    I'd say The S.F. Nike Women's - I ran the half last year (my fisrt) so it has a special place in my heart. Amazing that it's already full. My next one is The Flying Pig on May 7, I'm only doing the half but I'm pretty excited. Hope you have fun in whichever one you choose. M
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    Hey runners.........

    Hey Gayle, Just wanted to say WAY TO GO on the marathon, and good luck on the half. Sorry I don't have any words of advice as I'm a novice runner myself, I'm going to do my second half in May. I'm sure you'll get some good advice from all the wounderful and knowledgeable women here on the...
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    question for those who do yoga

    Ladies, once again my deepest THANKS! I truely appreciate all the knowledge that you ladies have. This is really a great forum one can get so much information and their own yoga instructor :7 lol! Once again THANKS, M.
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    question for those who do yoga

    I took my first couple of yoga classes and wanted to know how often you practice at home or take classes? How many times a week should I to practice to see improvement in my flexibilty? I 'm not very flexible but I can touch my toes and do pretty well with Cathe's stretch dvd, but not flexible...
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    How do you...

    How do you get the most out of each workout? It seems lately that even though I'm working out regularly I don't feel that I'm getting the most out of it. I hope this make sense. There's always great information on the boards, so I hope all you enlightened ladies will share your thoughts. M
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    looking for advice from runners

    THANK YOU very much ladies, I knew I could count on getting some good advice from here. I'm trying to lose weight also so I thought that a few days doing about an hour of cardio would help on that front, but with your recommendations I'll rethink that. Also let me ask is the leg work in Power...