looking for advice from runners


Active Member
I'm training for my second half-marathon and would like some advice about the rotation I set up. I'm running 3x a week and wanted to do the CTX series, I was thinking something like this:

M: Power Circuit in the a.m. ; easy run (p.m.)
T: 10.10.10
W: Step & Intervals (a.m.) ; easy run (p.m.)
Th: Leaner Legs
F: Kickbox
S: All Step (a.m.) ; long run
Sun: Rest

Mon., Wed., and Sat. I plan on modifying the videos to low impact because of the runs. I'm just starting my training so the runs are fairly short no more then 40 mins at the longest. My plan was to do this for 4-6 weeks then switch to something like 2x per week total body, 1x per week an Imax, and 3 runs per week and 1 rest day.

Does this look alright or should I switch something around?
I don't have the Hardcore Series, but do have most of Cathe's other dvds.
Any advice or comments would be appreciated.

My first reaction is you might be doing too much cardio along with the running. Cardio on running days can be tough. But if your body is used to it then it should be okay. I think another day of leg weight training would help strengthen your muscles for running. A general rule for half marathon training is to run double the race amount per weekly running, therefore shoot for 26 miles of running a week. Subbing an Imax for a run would be good.

I know other runners will help out. I mostly do marathon training so it is way dofferent than training for a half and I haven't trained for a half in a long time...:)...good luck and keep us posted...:)...Carole
I agree with Carole, a bit more LB training might strengthen your legs. And personally, I wouldn't do extra cardio on my running days.

My schedule looks something like this:

Mon: total body with emphasis on LB
Tue: 30min Imax (1,2 or 3) plus at least 45min other cardio (I'llsub with a 4th run on this day as of early March)
Wed: fartlek run + 30min endurance LB w/o
Thu: UB w/o (I'll add 30min Imax when I'm running 4xweek)
Fri: tempo run + 30min endurance LB w/o
Sat: UB w/o
Sun: long run + yoga
If I may just restate what Dutchie and Carole have already told you...another LB workout and less extra cardio on running days! Sorry I can't add anythign new here, but these ladies already covered it.

Carole-I had never heard that general rule of thumb about half marathon training! Thanks for saying it here! I'll have to start shooting for that number of 26 per week (I'm already close to that.)!

THANK YOU very much ladies, I knew I could count on getting some good advice from here. I'm trying to lose weight also so I thought that a few days doing about an hour of cardio would help on that front, but with your recommendations I'll rethink that.
Also let me ask is the leg work in Power Circuit enough to consider a second LB workout?

Once Again TIA,

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