Hey runners.........


Quick question for you experienced runners:

I have a half marathon coming up the end of April. I recently ran my first-ever marathon in January. Since then, I've returned to 'normal' workouts including weights, kickboxing, hi/lo, step...basically all Cathe workouts. I've incorporated runs into my weekly programs as well. I have not been following anything specific for marathon (or half) training. I feel very confident about going the distance of the half, and I'm not going for any specific goal time (although I'd like to beat my half marathon split time during the full).

SO....my question concerns the taper. I want to do Cathe's April rotation for lower body. I've checked it out and it goes heavy for the first 2 weeks then switches to endurance-type workouts for the last 2 weeks. What are your thoughts on this? Think it's too much leg work too close to my half? Should I include the taper that I did for my full?

Thanks for any suggestions and help you provide. You guys have been a HUGE source of info for this novice runner!

Hey Gayle,

Just wanted to say WAY TO GO on the marathon, and good luck on the half. Sorry I don't have any words of advice as I'm a novice runner myself, I'm going to do my second half in May. I'm sure you'll get some good advice from all the wounderful and knowledgeable women here on the forums.

Hi Gayle...how many days a week do you work your legs in the endurance type Cathe workouts the 2 weeks before the half? I feel it would be best to not work your legs the week before the half. Just to conserve strength...:)...Carole
I am only cross training 2x week and running 3-4 and let me tell ya, there are some days my legs are so darn tired . I cant imagine adding in any more leg work, I probably should but I only work my legs 2xweek, 1x with bootcamp type training and the other is spin class,along with my runs, my legs are working none stop,they love the rest days.
I am only cross training 2x week and running 3-4 and let me tell ya, there are some days my legs are so darn tired . I cant imagine adding in any more leg work, I probably should but I only work my legs 2xweek, 1x with bootcamp type training and the other is spin class,along with my runs, my legs are working none stop,they love the rest days.
Thanks, ladies! I have decided to forego Cathe's April Lower Body Bonanza rotation. Instead, I am going to follow Fitnessfreak366's rotation called "Get Ready for Summer". It focusses mostly on upper body and cardio, with 1 lower body weight workout per week. That's very realistic and more sensible for half marathon training for me.

THANK YOU for all the input, as usual!

Thanks, ladies! I have decided to forego Cathe's April Lower Body Bonanza rotation. Instead, I am going to follow Fitnessfreak366's rotation called "Get Ready for Summer". It focusses mostly on upper body and cardio, with 1 lower body weight workout per week. That's very realistic and more sensible for half marathon training for me.

THANK YOU for all the input, as usual!


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