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  1. F

    Miss traditional workouts

    You mean non-Fit Tower? Strong and Sweaty was just recently released and I'd say Cathe's pace with releases is pretty fast considering how well thought-out each series is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. F

    What makes Butts & Guts B&G insteads of Leg&Guts?

    My legs aren't sore at all today, but my ass is killin' me! Cathe uses a lot of slight angle adjustments (like the weight under the foot) that really place the emphasis in the glute. The floorwork is also specifically focused on the glutes, so you'll definitely realize why it's Butts ang Guts...
  3. F

    Thank you for the gift.

    I would also like to give a huge thanks for this! I would have been happy enough receiving my new DVDs, but the gift was fabulous. I'm so excited about having this! Thanks again-- Danielle
  4. F

    Explanation of Shipping Delay

    Thanks for letting us know, Cathe! Danielle
  5. F

    New workouts- How to know about the shipping?

    You will usually get a QuantumView shipping notification in your e-mail when your shipment goes--unless the system has changed! Danielle
  6. F


    Thanks for the update, Cathe! I was confident you guys would rectify the fallout from our clicky trigger fingers! Danielle Edited to say: Yowzer! Mine is fixed already--thanks for rapid turnaround!
  7. F

    VHS Clearance Sale Starts Today!

    I just read on Ya Yas that it probably did go through, but my account doesn't show pending orders--they only appear when they're billed. For all receiving an error--DO NOT TRY TO FINALIZE YOUR ORDER MORE THAN ONCE! Danielle
  8. F

    VHS Clearance Sale Starts Today!

    Is anyone else getting an error message when they try to finalize the order? Danielle
  9. F

    What are the movies that really make you think?

    Many of the above, but the movie that really makes my synapses fire is "The Believer" with Ryan Gosling. I caught in by accident one night and couldn't get it off my mind for days. I've since seen it a few more times, and I'm still trying to decipher the message behind this movie. I think...
  10. F

    Road trippers: Does anyone have a similar story?

    I actually had a really positive experience with a regular member. While waiting for the bus on Saturday, a very fit and attractive woman in her fifties came up and asked, "What IS all this? Are you all Cathe's followers or something?" I explained about the Roadtrip, and she asked what...
  11. F

    Roadtrippers Urgent Hotel info!!

    Margaret Graf is rooming with me, so she's all set. Thanks! Danielle
  12. F

    Road Trippers...What are you embarrassed about?

    No one else is dreading the locker room? I don't "do" nekkid, and I'll probably be taking my things into a bathroom stall to change each time. Danielle
  13. F

    Favorite Step Moves!

    Reverse mambo Peg-leg pivot Insoles around the world with hesitation Six-count mambo Danielle
  14. F

    Bilateral Training

    I've read that training each side of the body on different days is a fabulous way to ensure even development and to build strength. I'd love to see how Cathe would put her spin on this concept in a future series, and I think it would be a really unique routine in the fitness video market...
  15. F

    Road trippers: How old are you?

    Debbie--we share a birthday! I'm 34. Danielle
  16. F

    Radisson Hotel final details!

    FYI-- I called the 800 number and they don't show any blocks under SNM or Cathe. It's probably easiest to call that Radisson location directly so that you can get booked at the proper group rate. Danielle
  17. F

    Road Trip attendees, please read!

    The registration page isn't secure, and it asks for A LOT of personal info. I'm not comfortable registering. Did anyone else notice this? Danielle