VHS Clearance Sale Starts Today!

SNM Videos

This is your last chance to purchase a Cathe VHS tape as we’re liquidating our entire VHS inventory at incredibly low prices. Once these tapes are sold off they will not be replaced, so act now if you want a Cathe video tape! Please note: If your total order for videos and DVDs is over $99 your order will ship FREE! Also, because of the clearance sale prices we’re no longer offering quantity discounts on videos. We expect some videos to sell out in just a few days while others may take several weeks. We will delete videos that sell out as the sale progresses.
Please go to http://shop.cathe.com/ to order
Q re MSB & Wedding Video -- DVD??

Hi Chris, Nancy, hunky shipping dudes & team --

Just a quick question that may help us make shopping decisions before the VHS tapes get gone. The only old Cathes that I know of which aren't on a DVD are SNM I, Mega Step Blast and the Wedding Video. (Are there others I've missed?) Do you anticipate that any of the older videos that are not already on DVD will be reproduced on DVD? If not, then this is the last chance to buy those videos, right?

The new shopping site looks fantastic, by the way -- great job!!!!! :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
RE: Q re MSB & Wedding Video -- DVD??

Thanks Kathy S,

That is the question that I came back to ask.

what's the deal with the horrendous shipping charges.. it does NOT cost over $9.00 to ship a VHS tape to california! i really hate when companies OVERCHAGE on shipping! i don't mind paying shipping.. but i refuse to pay such blatant overcharging of shipping! (and i really wanted the wedding video)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Yes, it does cost about $9 to ship a package to California. In some cases it cost more. This might surprise you but our cost are based on UPS actual rates + $1 to cover the shipping materials and UPS fuel surcharges.
RE: Q re MSB & Wedding Video -- DVD??

Mega Step Blast and the Wedding video have not been released on DVD yet. We might do this someday, but we don’t have any plans to do so at this time. The only other video that we still carry that is not on DVD is Step N Motion 1.
Danielle - Yes :-( . However, I sent an email to customer service so I expect to be able to finish my order soon :) .

PS - I just went and checked on my order status. Acc'd to it, I did in fact get the order placed & was able to print out a receipt. So you might want to go look at your account - it's possible your order was submitted too and you just don't know it ;).
I just read on Ya Yas that it probably did go through, but my account doesn't show pending orders--they only appear when they're billed. For all receiving an error--DO NOT TRY TO FINALIZE YOUR ORDER MORE THAN ONCE!

I ordered this morning and got an error message. So I tried it again. When I called the 1.800# they couldn't help me and suggested I call the credit card company. I called and they said the order is pending, but not yet finalized. So I still don't know if I am getting the videos or not. Now I'm worried if my order did go thru, did it go thru twice? so I e-mailed customer service. I found the account information and my account said pending. Does anyone know if that means the order went thru or not? Thanks:)
i got an error too. i have 2 orders that both say pending. i chose to pay by check so that i couldn't get my card charged twice. i am going to mail them a check, but i am not sure where to mail it to. does anyone know that?
Geez, I wish I would have known they were going to have this sale a couple of days ago. I just ordered a few VHS tapes and they are to arrive today and here I could have saved a little money or even ordered more!!! Oh well, that's life I guess!!! I guess sometimes it pays to procrastinate!!!
RE: Q re MSB & Wedding Video -- DVD??

I really hope Wedding Video, Mega Step Blast and Step n Motion 1 will come out on 1 DVD someday. I already have these on VHS but it would be nice to have them on DVD.

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