Road Trippers...What are you embarrassed about?

Lunacat, This was a great idea!!!

My confession is that I don't think I've ever made it through a single Cathe workout in its entirety without stopping. I love Cathe's style of endurance training; it really challenges me. I don't know how I'm going to make it through the Roadtrip. HAAAA

Another thing is that I sweat PROFUSELY. Just remember when you see me pouring water and taking frequent breaks, I'm working hard!! :) I'm not really embarrased about this; it's just a fact. For the record: I don't glisten, I sweat!!!

Your friend in fitness,

"I am only competing with the me I have yet to be..."
No one else is dreading the locker room? I don't "do" nekkid, and I'll probably be taking my things into a bathroom stall to change each time.

Surprisingly, I don't do nekkid either! It harkens back to gym class when everyone was so hyper-critical that I didn't want to show anything. Considering my personality, it can't reaaly be modesty. Just self consciousness!


P.S. I sweat a lot, too! :)
Oh wow, I don't do nekkid either! I'll be skulking off to that bathroom stall with you! Well, not "with" you, but.... oh you know what I mean!

No nekkid-ness for me either. I don't even like being seen in a swimsuit. :p I hope there are enough bathroom stalls for all of us non-nekkid folks!
I've been wanting to post this for a while, so here goes...

I can not do good plies squats (the kind where your heels click) unless I frantically flail my arms in the air. I look like I'm a chicken trying to fly like a bird. How do you keep your hands perfectly still on your thighs through these. Well, I warned ya'll. If you see me doing these, I promise I'm not seizing.

Marla - thanks for mental image. I'll definitely be watching for you during the plie jack if, God forbid, there are any. Personally, I'm hoping for a completely plie squat-free workout.:)
Marla, you are not alone. I sure hope there won't be a proliferation of plie jacks during this road trip. When I do them, there is NO heel-clicking. No how, no way. My big butt can't get far enough off the ground to allow time for heel-clicking. ;) Although, maybe I should try harder so I can get in some heel clicks and repeat to myself "There's no place like active recovery... There's no place like active recovery..."
Pfffft... yeah, active recovery. Are those criss cross things supposed to be active recovery? More like active torture!


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