Road Trip attendees, please read!


Hi everyone!

As Debbie has told you all, we are working hard on finding and negotiating a rate on good hotel space for our group, and we are trying really hard to finish that up this week. News on this ASAP. We're also hard at work on planning some fun and brand-new activities for the weekend. ;-) Cathe has been completely involved and is putting so much time into this, folks -- not that that's surprising, but you oughta know.

I wanted to touch base to tell you all that we've set up a Yahoo! group web site for the Cathe Road Trip, where we'll post news, forms to fill out, polls, pics, etc., and where you can post on a message board in addition to posting here at the Forums.

The site address is:

Membership is open and all Cathe-ites are welcome to drop by and browse. If you ARE attending the road trip, please go over to the Yahoo! site and download the info form that we need from ya, so you can get it mailed back to us ASAP.

I'll be back online in a couple of days, but tonight my firstborn Alex is graduating from high school (that's him in my avatar, the taller of the two handsome dudes ;-)) and tomorrow we and four other families are throwing a huge seniors' swim-tennis-basketball & Mexican food party. So wish me luck that I make it through tonight without having such a meltdown that I embarrass my son (he's given me STRICT instructions not to cry -- like THAT's going to work!) -- and I'll pop back in over the weekend to give you all the emotional report and see what's going on around here!

Hugs, everybody, and have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend! Kathy S.
Arrrrghhhh!!!I am prohibited access to this website by my employer. I guess because you all are so obscene and vulgar. I will try to access it later at the library. Is there any place besides this group web site that info will be posted? Like here? Or snail mail to my home?

Kathy S - Good luck holding back those tears and congratulations to your son. My daughter graduates in two weeks. I'm already teary.
I have exactly the same problem!!! Everything pertaining to Yahoo is blocked by our firewall. I wonder if there's a way to post what we need to fill out on here? Anybody know?
The registration page isn't secure, and it asks for A LOT of personal info. I'm not comfortable registering. Did anyone else notice this?

I just registered. I'm susancm1. :D

Have a great time tonight Kathy! Remember, don't cry.

Susan C.M.
Hey everybody!

Quick note --

Folks, settle down. ;-)

The Yahoo! site was intended as an optional mutual convenience, and we set it up because there isn't any way to set up a downloadable forms file here at Cathe's site. Having a place where you can download forms is helpful to us because otherwise we'd have to e-mail our forms to 110 of you.

If the registration information that's requested of you at Yahoo! isn't comfortable for you, leave it blank, and if the site won't let you leave it blank, don't register. It's really as simple as that. We didn't design that -- it's Yahoo! standard.

If you are unable or choose not to access our Yahoo! site, e-mail me at [email protected] and I will be happy to send you the Who's Who form that's posted at Yahoo!.

We will also repeat info postings here at Cathe dot com. Kathy S.
Well, here I am at the library and I still can't get on to the website! Yahoo keeps giving me an error when I try to register.Help!!!I have waiting for this info so patiently, and it's so close and yet so far.
RE: Hey everybody!

Now I', totally frustrated. I keep getting an error when I try to register with Yahoo. I don't have email - I use my husband's work address, but he's a teacher and is off for the summer. I don't have the internet at home and I'm out of time at the library.

Kathy S, DebbieH or Lorrayne - help me!!!!!!I need info NOW.
RE: Hey everybody!

Robin - calm down - there is no itinerary or hotel info on the Yahoo website. Don't worry! You're not missing any critical new information. :)
RE: Hey everybody!

Thank you Emily - I was afraid I was missing all the up to date, important stuff, there would be no room left at the hotel, and I'd have to spend the weekend in my car, parked in the gym parking lot. I will have to get DH to open up his office so I can use his computer at work some evening. Not tonight. DD's last choral concert is tonight and I probably won't even have time to exercise this evening, much less drive 30 miles to check a web site. I hate living in the dark ages without internet access at home.
RE: Hey everybody!

Me again. Yay! I finally managed to get signed on to the website. Sorry for the tantrum. I'm just so hungry for news. I'm robbuffettgirl.
Okay, KathyS, DebbieH & Lorrayne? My turn to gripe. Can't I just email you my info? I hate going to the post office. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I know you ladies are going out of your way as it is, but are there any downfalls to me just emailing you this info? If so, I guess, I'll have to drop it in the mail tomorrow.

Have fun, KathyS, hope you wore you're waterproof mascara tonight!

Sure, I don't see why not. I would send it to KathyS. Also, if you'd like to send it in the mail to her, she has put her address at the Yahoo site.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm blocked from yahoo, too. Since we gave our e-mail address when we registered, couldn't current info & forms be e-mailed to us? Thanks!

Let me check into this for you. I'll let you know.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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