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    Has anyone ever had tendonitis in ankle?

    Not the same probably but I had tendonitis in the achilles tendon. I stayed in denial for three months and sometimes hobbled my way through classes. I finally went to the doctor and they sent me to physical therapy, I think I had six sessions or so two, three times per week. In addition they...
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    Your personal experience with cellulite

    Hi, I had terrible cellulite on my legs to the point that I didn't want to wear shorts ever. I've worked out consistantly for about 2 years and the cellulite has improved tremendously. I think doing the leg workouts has helped me and of course losing weight. Spinning also helped to tone...
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    Building Strength Rotation

    Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share that I completed the "Building Strength" Rotation in June and am starting to see big changes in my body and have to attribute it to this rotation. I can now do big girl pushups and tricep dips with good form. So if anyone is looking for a great rotation...
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    KickMax/KPC Workout

    Hi Laura, So glad you liked it. It's a killer but fun. Shannon, I just switched my two DVD's and used the chaptering to put it together. DVD's make it easy to do this but it wasn't an automatic thing. I agree VHS would be a major pain to try to do this with. I wish I had all DVD's...
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    any body else love kickmax?

    I'm so glad someone posted this. :D Yes, I love KM, just got it but had Hardcore Extreme for awhile. Funny I was going to post this because it seems it gets alot of bad press. Because of the bad press, I wasn't going to get it, I'm so glad I did. I think I love it the same as KPC, it is...
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    Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it just me?

    RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus... I think you're right about weighted gloves. Even using regular boxing gloves always kicks my kickboxing workouts up a notch. Maybe it's psychological but I seem to work harder with the gloves on (maybe I think I'm in a ring):D BTW, I...
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    KickMax/KPC Workout

    I believe it took close to one hour. I forgot to mention that when I originally put this together, I was going to add on the leg drills from KM at the end but I was too tired.:) So this is something to work up to.
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    Hardcore Extreme

    Hi, I think Hardcore Extreme can be very intense but I also think it can be modified. I usually modify by not using a step while I work up to it. I did the circuit workout that combines imax 3 & high step challenge without the club step, just did the moves on the floor and used the high...
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    KickMax/KPC Workout

    Just wanted to share a workout I did this morning and my legs are fried. Combo 1-KPC, KM Challenge 1-5, Combo 2-KPC, KM Challenge 5-10, Combo 3-KPC. This way my heart rate wasn't too high for too long doing the challenges, kinda breaks it up. Those with HC Extreme could do this also. Have...
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    I'm from upstate NY, Rochester to be exact. I'd love to go but don't really want to travel alone. I tried to think of friends or family who would want to go but there is no one who understands why I would want to go except my fellow catheites. :) Maybe we could get a bunch of upstate new...