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    Divorce / Pity Party

    Laura, Please don't aplolgize, I appreciate your advice - I'm leaning toward telling him. Thank you for your input!
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    Divorce / Pity Party

    I just want to thank all who replied (and gave a hug). It's hard not being able to talk to anyone and I need advice. I did call my best friend of 30 years who lives thousands of miles away - she told me to wait, that it would make a very special V Day to be remembered forever.... I’m not sure...
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    Divorce / Pity Party

    I talk to him, I talk to him at least ten times a day - everyday, I just haven't seen him in ten days. He lives 200 miles away, but even so we've managed to spend almost every day together (we can work from anywhere) the last six months. I guess my surprise isn't worth the wait.
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    Divorce / Pity Party

    I've been technically married for over 21 years but going through a divorce for the past several. It's been hell, the ups and downs - we are still pretty good friends except when we discuss settlement. I've been dating someone for about a year that is the most wonderful man but he is fed up...
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    No sweets check-in - week of January 1st

    I'm anxious to take on this challenge. I'm completely out of control and have been for some time, I feel bloated, gross and generally disgusted with myself. Thanks for some much needed inspiration.
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    Please post your family dinner menu ideas......

    I would love to get a copy as well. Thank you so much. [email protected]
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    Excel Workout Spread Sheet

    DeeDee, I would love a copy, [email protected] Thanks a bunch!
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    Help...I'm gaining weight and getting depressed!

    Imafitnessfreak, I think I needed a pep talk and your response helped. I tend to be an all or nothing workout person but need to get over that. I'll talk to him about limiting the junk. Thank you for your advice.
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    Help...I'm gaining weight and getting depressed!

    Can anyone offer some advice? I have been a dedicated home exerciser for at least 15 years but I have a problem - I'm dating someone that lives a few hundred miles from my house and I've been spending several weeks a month with him and my workouts are SUFFERING. I can't bring all my equipment...
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    Experience with Wellbutrin/Bupropion?

    Make sure you are taking it in the morning and not at night. If you are already doing so then discuss with your doctor on Wednesday. (Do not stop taking prior to seeing your doctor.) Good luck.
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    One Two Fee JUMP!

    A-Jo, Next time I do MM, I'll be thinking "One two fee JUMP!"
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    Ultimate New York Body Plan

    Kat, Do you have David's Boot Camp workout? I was wondering how it compared to his Cardio Sculpt?
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    About Denise Austin's new book............

    She must be selling her videos to someone because she keeps producing them. It's not the type of workout / workout personality that appeals to me either. Maybe she's in that enthusiastic mode because she's trying be a motivator to those that aren't as disciplined or as advanced as the...
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    Does this happen to anyone else???

    Do any of you have friends/family members who CONSTANTLY tell you you're working out too much, or you're not twenty anymore and you shouldn't be working out like that. And my favorite... you're just asking for an injury at your age. I'm not twenty; I'm in my forties and probably in better shape...
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    Hey Clare (and other insomniacs)

    I'm a very stubborn insomniac and have been for 15+ years. I could go for days without sleep and then maybe get a few hours, I was a walking zombie. I think I’ve tried just about everything. Unfortunately (or fortunately) what works for me is a prescription of Trazadone. (I hate taking...
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    How do you measure body fat?

    Thank you for the link. I've been going to a nutritionist who uses the Quadscan 4000 and I like the ease of use, however, that's definitely more than I can spend for a home unit. I would like to find something that is accurate and under $250. (I'm probably dreaming.)
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    How do you measure body fat?

    What methods other than the calipers are available and how accuarate are they?
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    Today's my bday - 3 DVDs for me...whoo!

    Debbie, Happy Birthday to you. Isn't it great when you get things you really, really want?
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    How do you measure body fat?

    I'm curious, for those who measure their body fat regularly, how do you do it? What is accurate that doesn't cost a fortune?
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    Weepy and depressed

    Marie, I know exactly what you're talking about. When it's TTOM (which it is) I'm fine one day and the next day I'm in the depths of depression. Not kind of down, the depths - it’s horrible! I eat everything in sight, I'm EXTREMELY emotional and I don't want to workout. Yes, I too would like...