Help...I'm gaining weight and getting depressed!


Can anyone offer some advice? I have been a dedicated home exerciser for at least 15 years but I have a problem - I'm dating someone that lives a few hundred miles from my house and I've been spending several weeks a month with him and my workouts are SUFFERING. I can't bring all my equipment with me and there really isn't room to workout anyway. He does have a fabulous gym in his building but I need someone (or a tape) telling me what to do. Everyday I think I'm going to workout in the gym and I manage to do so (with a trainer) twice a week but the other days I'm not doing any additional exercise, I'm eating too much and obviously gaining weight - it's really starting to depress me. I'm prone to depression and have always said my workouts are my Prozac. I don't know what to do to get back on track. When I'm at home I'm not tempted by food because I don't keep much around, but at his house there are all kinds of goodies and I graze constantly. Please help; I really don’t know what to do to get back on track.
If he has a gym then there should be some cardio equipment, hop on the elliptical or treadmill and have your prozac!:) No video required. For strength work, leave that to the 2 sessions a week with your trainer or just recall from memory one of your favorite Cathe workouts. When you are home, you could pick through a few favs and write down the moves, reps, sets, weight selection, then do it in your BF's gym.

As for the eating, maybe ask that he keeps all the junk out of sight, or better yet, see if he would be willing to stock up on healthier stuff...he would benefit as well.

As far as getting back on track, it is just something you have to do on your own. No one can make you do it, it is all up to you. It is simply a matter of deciding which you prefer...exercising, loving your physique, better health, etc. or gaining weight and living everyday in a slump and feeling like crap. I think it is an easy choice.

You will only have to push yourself to do it a few times. Soon you'll have your routine down and it will all be second nature again.
Imafitnessfreak, I think I needed a pep talk and your response helped. I tend to be an all or nothing workout person but need to get over that. I'll talk to him about limiting the junk. Thank you for your advice.

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