Weepy and depressed


Ok, so it's TTOM and I am so incredibly weepy and depressed and lonely. I know this is partially because my exercise schedule has been really shot for the last week (and will be for another week) and I have not been working out regularly. Also, I have not been careful about what I have eaten and I have had too much SUGAR which I know from experience is a huge no-no for me. I feel bloated and icky and would like to go back to bed and not come out for a week. Argh.

I think I am going to stop pressuring myself and do something fun later, like maybe KPC (which I love) or try the HS Challenge which came with my new high step (that I haven't even used yet! however, the cats like it a lot).

Thanks for listening. I hate hormones!

>my new high step (that I haven't
>even used yet! however, the cats like it a lot).

LOL! I just loved this - my cats LOVE my exercise equipment too! And I thought it was just my crazy kitties. I have a kitten who thinks it's fun to get under my Fanny Lifter while I'm doing leg press. (Thank goodness he's starting to get big enough where he can't fit under it anymore) He also thinks my exercise mat is an enemy that must be destroyed, so while I'm doing crunches, he runs around the perimeter of the mat, chewing on it and clawing at it. And all of my cats think that when I'm doing the cat-cow stretch, is the appropriate time to get under me and play with my shorts drawstring. They also like to climb onto the shelf where I keep my dumbbells and lay all over them.

Okay, I know that you weren't looking for funny cat stories. But I do know how you feel. Hormones make me feel yucky too. Yesterday I was getting all snippy with DH for no real reason (other than it was TOM). I hate that. Don't worry though - you'll come out of your funk soon enough. Try to get in a nice, fun workout today so you can release some of that stress. It will be alright! :D
Hi Marie.You are not lonely. We are here to motivate you. I have been ill during a week. I couldn't exercise and I have received lot of support of my fitness friends.I am thankful.The Cathe's forums are the best places to come for advice and for friendship.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Feel better, Marie! Hang in there and it will pass!

Emily--my dog loves to use my dumbells as pillows for his naps! LOL Ofcourse, I recently removed them from thier place on the floor as I bought a dumbbell rack so he's out of luck now...but he used to put his head on them all of the time and fall asleep...WIERD! LoL


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Marie, we all subject to the slings and arrows of outrageous hormones. I think you did a beautiful job of puuting things into perspective for yourself and I love that your idea of "fun" is KPC! As Wendy said, hang in there! :)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver
Marie, I know exactly what you're talking about. When it's TTOM (which it is) I'm fine one day and the next day I'm in the depths of depression. Not kind of down, the depths - it’s horrible! I eat everything in sight, I'm EXTREMELY emotional and I don't want to workout. Yes, I too would like to sleep through this, and I know my husband would support a weeklong nap. I do feel better when I force myself to workout. (It's the only time of the month I don't feel like exercising.) Let's hang in there together - it will be over soon.
I know exactly how you feel. I've been going through a rough time lately, and have been wanting to stay in bed every morning. This morning I actually gave into the feeling and didn't go to work. My workload is kind of light and I thought it was okay to give into the feeling, but it kind of scares me that I'm feeling bad enough to miss work.

Mine's not hormone related right now, and this feeling doesn't happen to me very often, but if you are feeling this way every month you may want to talk to your doctor about it. Life is too short to feel so miserable every month, and there are lots of great medications out there these days that may increase the quality of your life.

Working out is a great idea! Hope your day gets better!

Hi Marie,

TTOM can be the pits. If it seems to hit you hard every month, you may want to consider a BC pill like Seasonale that makes you menstruate only 4 times per year.

Be well!
Hi Marie,

I admire your ability to call a spade a spade. You know what you are doing in terms of excersise and eating and how it affects you. I find that if I sit still and ask "why", I can expose the feeling or event that caused me to feel down. If you are simply feeling out of sorts hormonally, okay, cool...take a bath, have a glass of wine, talk to a friend, get some sleep...and it will pass.

We have all been there. Hang in there. deb:)
>you may want to consider a BC pill like Seasonale that makes
>you menstruate only 4 times per year.

You can do this with any monophasic BC pill, by the way. I know a lot of people who had a lot of not-so-great side effects with Seasonale, so if you try it and it doesn't agree with you, you can do this with just about any BCP. You simply skip the non-hormone week of pills and go straight to a new pack. You don't want to do this more than 3 or 4 packs in a row, because you'll start getting breakthrough bleeding, but otherwise there's no harm in skipping your period while on BCP (as long as it's a monophasic pill).
Will more cat stories brighten your spirits?

I have two kitties who love to "work out" with me. Spookie, the older all-black one, loves to stretch with me. She gets so excited when I'm finished exercising and start my stretches. Last night, after I'd finished my GS workout, and was stretching, she ran across the room and hurdled my foot (despite the fact that there was lots of open floor space she could have just walked through). Then she fell to the floor and gave me her best cheesecake look while she laid on her back and stretched her arms and feet out.

The other one is younger (practically still a kitten, but not). When she was a baby, she loved wallowing over my dumbbells, then I'd come into the living room later to find her asleep in all kinds of positions over and under them. Her head would be resting on the handle part, and her paws would be wrapped around the bell, for example. She also loves my step and fanny lifter. When she was smaller, I'd be trying to use the step as a bench, and she'd run under it and around it and play with my arms as I brought them down during bench presses. I'm like, "Shoo, kitty!" but it's so adorable. Now, she'll sit up on her hind legs like a dog and look at herself in the mirror. And last night, I was lying in bed and she started running around the room and jumping up on the bed and springing over me like an equestrian horse - over and over and over. She's a real clown.

I hope that helps you get out of your hormonal funk! :7
Hi, Marie -

Hang in there! I know how tough it is. TTOM is a total drain. This month I was an emotional basket case and cried about EVERYTHING. I know my boyfriend thought I was a nut-case. Heck, I thought I was a nut-case! Just go easy on yourself and have some fun. Working out will definitely help you get out of the funk! It will pass.....

When I get down on the mat to do ab work, my dogs run over and start licking my face....eeeuuuuwwwwww!!!!!

Take care, Marie -

I've always thought about that, but my pharmacy won;t fill my prescriptions until a few days before I'm scheduled to run out. Is there a way to get around that? Go to another pharmacy lol?
I know for me...working out is a requirement during TTOM. I don't feel like it, but it really relieves a lot of my symptoms (moody, cramps, moody, bachache, and moody). Being weepy can be a good thing, sometimes. I think anyway. I can find myself crying for no reason at all, but somehow feel like it was such a release of all that nothing. I don't know, maybe that only makes sense to me:p :+

Have "fun" with KPC, punching would be a good thing right now:7
Ladies, ladies, ladies:

Thank you all SO MUCH! Your notes and animal stories really helped to make me feel so much better. :) :) :)

I just finished KPC (minus the abs, but I am totally wiped out so I will do that portion or one of the Coremaxes later). I am dripping with sweat and gasping for breath and feeling AWESOME! }(

I looked into the Seasonale pill, but I am 37 and not really too eager to change my bc method at this point... I have been using the Nuvaring for the last few months and that works out ok (minus the night sweats, which might also be perimenopause, I am not sure). I am actually thinking about having my tubes tied since the likelihood of having any more kids is really low... yet that seems so permanent!!

Anyway, thanks.


PS: We have three cats and they LOVE my workout equipment. I am constantly finding my resistance bands in the hallway...
Don't let it get to you. Gosh, I go thru this too with wild mood swings that are purely hormonal cuz I know I am eating good.
I go thru stages...
(1) bite your head off.."let me at you" type of mood
(2) bloated like 4 months pregnant and can't wear any of my jeans so I keep a "fat" pair around just for this special day.
(3) full of energy and very restless
(4) sad and depressed for no apparent reason and thinking someone is mad at me and I should care???
(5) Feeling very Angelic and Kind

Then I get my period and the wild moods are history until the next time. Fun isn't it? Now just before my period ends, I feel like I could conquer the world!

BTW, when you feel like #4 just ignore those feelings and know it is just your hormones. Take advantage of #1 and milk it for all it is worth like when someone runs into you with their cart at the grocery store. Be careful of #5 and don't let anyone take advantage of you. #3 Do Boot Camp. #2 Hide yourself from the public. LOL


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