Hey Clare (and other insomniacs)


I hope you don't mind my jumping in with an "unsolicited recommendation," but I saw on another post that you were suffering from the same kind of insomnia that I have (never know when you will fall alseep, then can't stay asleep, etc.). I can feel your pain b/c there are many times when I go MONTHS without nearly adequate sleep and I am dead on my feet for weeks on end. Sometime last year, my doctor actually demanded that I take time off work b/c I was so weak, tired, etc.

I had someone recommend Valerian Root tea. I am talking *pure* valerian root, as opposed to a "sleepy time" tea or "chamomile tea" that has it as one ingredient amongst many. I got mine at Vitamin Shoppe and I have seen it at GNC too. It tastes AWFUL and looks like roots from your back yard, but you can try to doctor it up with honey or sugar or whatever. I just gulped it down and did my best to swallow as much as I could without tasting it :) I really helped me to fall asleep and stay asleep for at least a few hours. Literally, it makes you feel drowsy and relaxed within minutes. There are no after effects or morning drowsies, hang over-like symptoms, etc. and I found that using it did not make me develop a craving or an every night need to use it. If nothing else, the night before an important event, meeting, etc. this is a real help.

Just a thought and a helpful hint to pass along. Use this info as you will ;)

I just posted on the insomnia thread before I saw this one. I had Valerian tea in my hand the other day when I went to the health food store, but didn't buy it. I'll have to try it! I've had some luck with Melatonin supplements, though they don't always work with me (I'm a stubborn insomniac. . . ) Thanks for the recommendation:)

What a dope I am!!! I didn't even see that thread about sleep! I was posting to Clare from a different thread. Sorry for the double post about sleep guys....
Not a problem. A good reminder. Actually I've had Kava Kava & it does help but they warn of liver toxicity. However, I forgot all about Valerian root. Thanks.

I have severe insomnia and sometimes go have weeks where I can only sleep about 3-4 hours a night. However, I am in the regular habit of taking Valerian Root and Melatonin (another supplement for sleep) and when that isn't enough, I take something from the Health Food store called Calms Forte (a homeopathic sleep aide). I also put lavendar & chamomile soaked cotton balls in my pillow case.
I've tried valerian but it didn't work as well for me as melatonin. But I still have trouble staying asleep w/both.
I'm a very stubborn insomniac and have been for 15+ years. I could go for days without sleep and then maybe get a few hours, I was a walking zombie. I think I’ve tried just about everything. Unfortunately (or fortunately) what works for me is a prescription of Trazadone. (I hate taking prescription’s but it's better than the alternative.) I’ve been taking it for over a year and have had few sleepless nights.

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