Search results

  1. P

    Petite Pants

    >I have a terrible time shopping for clothes, especially >pants. I have had luck in Mandee's buying size 1 Short. They >fit with no alterations. Maryann, How is the quality of Mandee's pants ? I checked them out online after reading your post, and they seem really cheap. Is the...
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    Petite Pants

    To all those petites out there, where do you get your pants ? Pants like chinos or twill cotton. I work in a semi-casual environment where I can wear chinos or casual cotton pants to work (not denims). I used to get all my work chinos from JCrew and their Petite 0 used to fit me perfectly. But...
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    Lucky Jeans Sweet N Low

    Bumping... anyone, pretty please ?
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    Lucky Jeans Sweet N Low

    I have been reading previous posts about Lucky jeans and have been wanting to get one for myself. I ordered online 2 different styles in size 0 (waist 25) short and they were huge on me ! So, I had to return them. Luckily, I got the free shipping deal. ANyway, I found on Ebay a listing for a...
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    For those who run outside...

    >Shelley, I'm following you around working on my post count!! >LOL!! > >You can use the tool Shelley suggested or you can buy a GPS >for around $100. I use both!! I got my Garmin Forerunner 201 >GPS from for $89.99. Elaine, I have been looking at the Garmin Forerunner...
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    RE: San Diego info???

    Does anyone know if Humphreys Half Moon Inn Suites is a good place to stay in ? I know this is not a luxury hotel, and we don't want to pay too much for hotel as we will be out and around for most of the day anyways.
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    Baby Food

    I didn't start my daughter on solids until she was 6 months old, based on her dr's advise and from books that I read. We started with rice cereal, and moved on to vege and fruits. We made sure that we stay with only 1 kind of new food for at least 2 weeks. Try Earth's Best baby food. It's...
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    frustration with heart rate monitor

    Cathe, Are the numbers that you gave really true ??? That would be fantastic then ! However, alas, I know it doesn't hold true for me. I am only 95 pounds, and my heart rate monitor tells me that I burned about 200 calories for KPC and 292 calories for IMAX2. I do give my all, but somehow...
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    Pictures of my Lucky Jeans and More

    I also envy your stomach !!! What did you do to get that ? Share please !!!
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    Rotaion before Going Home

    Hi Jantarat, I completely understand how you feel, and how people back home reacts. I am from Malaysia myself and I am also going home in February. I understand how people there are so slim and lean even though they eat like 6 or 7 meals a day, and when they see muscular or toned women, these...
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    How can I reduce my thigh size?

    I just wanted to say that I have been running for the past 10 years. I used to do about 45 miles a week (before getting married and having a baby). I average about 30 miles a week, but my thighs are not getting any smaller from running. In fact, DH commented that my thighs are so muscular/big...
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    I love for their free shipping and returns !!! Shipping is really quick. They upgrade you to 2-day shipping with no charge at all. But I do think the prices are higher than other shoes website. But then again, they have so many variety and sizes that you might not be able to find...
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    Anyone use Origins?

    I have Modern Friction and love it. I use it twice a week. It makes my face feel refreshed. And I love the smell.
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    Personal, but I have to ask!

    Hi Robin, I also had my daughter about a year ago. I do not do kegels religiously, but I do them whenever I remember to. I still leak a little bit especially when I am having a bad cold and/or cough. But I don't have any problems when I run. But I do leak when I do Cathe's high-impact moves...
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    Shaklee-another success story.

    No, I wasn't tired or worn down or anything before I started taking them. I am going to hit 30 this year, and I thought I better start taking good care of myself, that's why I started the supplements. I have been taking the Centrum A to Z multi-vit before this, so I am not new to vitamins.
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    Shaklee-another success story.

    Robin, I also read the thread and went ahead and ordered the Daily Vitamin Strip pack, the Alfafa and the Cal-Mag supplement. I didn't feel any different after taking the Daily Vitamin Strip (which is nothing bad at all), but after I started Alfafa, I started getting a headache everyday. Have...
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    Would You Live Overseas?

    I was in the South Kensington area, as I was doing my Bachelors in Imperial College. Loved the area ! My favourite past time then was running in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. Occasionally, we would go queue up for last-minute tickets for musicals in Covent Garden. Oh God, I miss those days !!!
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    Would You Live Overseas?

    Yes !!! We are from South East Asia, so we are actually living overseas now in the US. Before coming to the US, I lived for 3 years in London for my Bachelors degree and I love it there !!!
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    Shaklee Vitamin Results after use

    I am interested in the Alfafa as I have heard many good things about them... including from my mum herself ! For general health, should I take Alfafa on a daily basis ? If so, how mnay pills a day / Thanks !
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    Anyone who works out on carpet...

    What I do is I get a big piece of cheap rug and place it on top of the carpet when I exercise. I just roll the rug up when I am done. I got a 5' by 7' rug from IKEA for less than $30.