Shaklee Vitamin Results after use

Robin, is there more info on the alfalfa then what is on the website? It just gave a list of what was in the pill but not all that it is suppose to help with.

thank you! Rachelle
Hi Rachelle! Yes, I have a document that I can email you if you want more info on Alfalfa. Go ahead and email me personally at [email protected] and I will email that document to you. It is very informative and lists all the things that Alfalfa can do. Basically, alfalfa is a natural anti-histamine, so many people who have allergies go on Alfalfa. It also helps with swelling. Those are the two most common things that people go on Alfalfa for, but I'll send you the whole list so you can read it for youself!
Mom of 5 Little Lambs, that is GREAT results! My husband was having problems with his allergies this morning (he gets red ichy eyes) and he took 3 of my Alfalfa tablets & he said that his eyes aren't bothering him any more.
I just wanted to thank you all for sharing. I thought I'd add in my story (brief) and my hubbies:
After having my daughter, I was wiped out and no energy at all. I used to work out BE (Before Ella) and then afterwards, I just couldn't do it. After going on the Essential Foundations, I got my old energy back again plus some. I think Winter summed it up best. It is like when you've drank a lot of water and you just feel good....balanced on the inside, except I feel that way every day now.

As for my hubby, he is on the multi-vitamin and B's. He has a pretty stressful job and has been working 12 hour days lately. He said that he noticed that he doesn't get the dull afternoon headache that he used to get everyday. He says now he feels the same from morning till night, no more ups and downs. Anyway, I just wanted to throw out our personal experiences too.
Hi Robin,
Thanks so much for all your detailed information. I might email tonight about the differences between the prenatal vitamins you carry and the one I take now. I might just switch, if your brand helps with energy. ARound 3 pm I could call it a day!

I've been reading all the posts and I've spent some time on your website. I forwarded the link to a couple of friends who are having hot flashes now.

I also plan to purchase the Soy Powder you recommended as well. Consuming enough protein can be difficult for me. And using my current protein powder (I'm not taking now) has too many amino acids that I just don't know enough about to be sure it's safe at this time.

Susan C.M.
Hey Susan! I'm so glad you saw this post! Please email me and I'll get you the info on pregnancy. Shaklee has a spefic program for pregnant women. I have some friends who are pregnant and are on Shaklee and they say it is night and day between this pregnancy and their last when they were not on Shaklee. They say they have so much more energy and very little sickness. Anyway, write me personally at [email protected] and I'll send you the documents on Shaklee and pregnancy!!
Thanks to everyone who has replied to this post. I will give this product a try definately!!

Thanks So Much

My son was coming down with a cold & started taking the Alfafa & he is feeling much better now. He also has allergies and when he starts getting his sneezing fits, I tell him to take some Alfafa & before long his allergy systems are all gone. I am diffinately going to come some on hand.
I started taking the womens multivitamin with iron and the B complex about 3 weeks to a month ago, I could tell the difference the day I started taking them.... I really like these..... Rhonda
I am interested in the Alfafa as I have heard many good things about them... including from my mum herself ! For general health, should I take Alfafa on a daily basis ? If so, how mnay pills a day /

Thanks !
I just ordered them yesterday...wanted to get the free membership while it lasted.

I have been out of multivitamins for a few weeks now, so rather than buy my generic store brand, I will give these a try.

I have been really dragging lately...don't know if it is overtraining or lack of vitamins - or a little of both.

Geesh, I just placed my order on Friday and by when I got home from work today (Monday) the Shaklee box was waiting for me! That's the fastest delivery EVER! I threw some vanilla protein powder with my soy milk to drink on the way to my DD dentist appointment. It was delicious! I took the fiber tablets already with some water and will start the vitamin pack tomorrow along with the glucosamine. Very excited to start this program!

I still can't get over how quickly it was delivered....I think they must have opened a Shaklee warehouse in my backyard when I wasn't looking! :)

I ordered mine on the same day as yours and I still haven't received them yet. Lucky you, you got yours quickly! I'm real curious about those vitamins.

Lisa :)
Hi Pooh!

The Alfalfa is really neat. For general health, I would say a couple a day would be fine. If you suffer from allergies, or you are fighting a cold, I would up your dosage. The funny thing about these is that everyone responds to them differently. I have a lady that I am working with who is pregnant and get terrible allergies and doesn't want to take medication for it, so she takes 6 in the morning, and then another 4 in the mid-afternoon, and she says that she doesn't get sinus headaches anymore. I have other people who get results from taking 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, so it really depends on how you react to them. But, for just normal dosage, I would say 2-3 day is fine.
**Tammy...I'm so glad you decided to take advantage of the free membership. You will have to keep us all posted with your results too!

**Hey Angie. Yeah, being so close to their distribution center is a big plus for you. Their distribution center is located in Ohio, so it is right next door to you!

**Lisa, unfortunately, you are not next door to the distribution center, so yours will take a little longer to get :( But, it should be here by the end of the week! Hang in there!
Off the vitamin topic but still Shaklee - they sent a sample of the Revitalizing Shampoo with my order and I LOVE it! Some other samples were suppose to be in the packet but weren't but glad I had a chance to try the shampoo. I will order some and never would have tried it if they hadn't included the sample.
Yeah, they are stinkers that way! I got hooked on the skin care system and the hair care system because of those free samples!
The hair care system is absolutely amazing. I have some people that I work with who are on the Shampoo/conditing system for thinning hair and they say it really makes a difference in the thickness of their hair.
Just some fun facts for you all, in an independent clinical study showed that after 90 days (3 months) using the ProSante hair care products that their was a 65% reduction of hair loss during combing, 73% decrease in the number of broken hairs, and 61% of subjects noted an increase in the thickness of their hair.

I'll put a link here for ya if you are interested in reading more about the hair care system:

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