Shaklee Vitamin Results after use

I wanted to wait until I'd been taking my Vita Lea's for a week or so before I posted, so here it is, better late than never!

I had taken Shaklee vitamins and supplements when I was in grade school/high school (my mom was pretty progressive and into health food - a 'real' hippie :) ) We used the protein bars, powder and fiber supplements, as well as the cleaning products. I remember taking B complex, especially during stressful times and for PMS and it worked miracles!

For whatever reason, I'd fallen off the wagon after college. When I saw the posts about a month ago, I was motivated to get back into it. I'm pregnant with #3 (3 yo and 19 mo running around) work (with OT), volunteering with a community theater group, enrolled in HR certification courses and just completed my recertification as a group aerobics instructor. I was getting pretty wiped and my pre-natals were making me sick, so I had to stop taking them. I started Vita-Lea without iron last week and feel a lot better! (Iron makes me sick at this point, so I’ll add it back later.)

Results: more energy, more patience…I’m a lot happier because I feel better, so the whole family is happy ;) Bottom line, I DO notice a difference. I like the fact that there are two pills per day so I can do one in the morning and one at dinner – I don’t know if that’s the reason, but I don’t get nauseated from taking them like I did with my pre-natals. I’m going to be adding in calcium and the B complex with my next order, and can’t wait. Depending on my budget, protein bars may be there, too.

I also got some cleaning products and really like them - the Basic H is GREAT for washing fruits and veggies - especially important with the little ones eating soooo much since it's all in season right now. I have to go get more spray bottles to dilute the G and H for general cleaning - can't wait to use up all the really toxic stuff I have and switch over to healthier things! :)

Thanks, Robin, for all your help and info!
Robin... do you have to be a memeber to get free samples? I am interested in the shampoo and conditioner, but would like to try it first. thanks Rhonda
Ok, this time my experience is not vitamin related. It is about Joint complex.

I finally got a chance to me physical therapist last night. She checked my knees and observed my walking and standing. She said that my knee problem was due to my muslces (quads, hamstrings and calves) are too tight. When I moved, the tightness caused unbalance of my knee cap. My knee cap is not in right position which caused inflamation between my knee cap and cartrigde. She prescribed me to do 5 stretch exercises every day, 20 second each set, and do 3 sets for each legs in order to losen up tighness. She said she would recommend that keep taking Joint Complex. She said it would help me to lucrid my knee cartrigde. I am going to see her next Tue.

**Oh GraceNote, I'm so happy to hear your results! YIPEE! I do work with quite a few pregnant women and they all say the same thing! More energy, and when you are pregnant, that is WONDERFUL! (Especially if you got 2 other ones to run around after too!)

**Rhonda, I emailed you personally about the samples. Check your email. But the short answer is yes, if you become a member, you get free samples. They change from month to month, so not everyone gets the same free samples

**WantFit - thank you for your update on your knee appointment. I'm glad your doc said to keep taking the Joint Health Complex. I'm glad that it was nothing really serious too and that stretching will help.

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